Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2006 - April


Soon we were heading for Bull Shoals, Arkansas. The first week, we spent working with bulls. Which was hillarious because Bam hates bulls almost as much as snakes. And the week after the plan was to go to ALS Technologies, which turned out to be extremely interesting.

The guys got ready to film and set up out front of the place. The man Daniel met Dave, Preston, Bam, Johnny, and Dunn in front of the camera and Jeff called action.

'What's happening here today, Daniel?' Preston asked.

'Well, we're gonna take this 40-millimeter grenade launcher, and put this specialty impact munition called a REACT Impact. REACT stands for "Radiated Energy Air-Cushioned Trjectile."' Daniel explained holding up a small bullet looking object and a gun.

'It looks like Bam's dick.' Johnny said smirking.

The other guys giggled a little bit as Johnny said, 'Show it! Come on, pull it out, pull it out.'

'Come on.' Bam protested reaching towards his zipper.

'Come one, let's see it.' Johnny said taking the bullet from Daniel and holding it near Bam. 'It's the same thing!'

'How would you know?' Bam asked as his penis came into full view.

'Look!' Johnny said pointing to Bam's penis and the bullet which were in fact identical in size. The others started laughing and I shook my head laughing slightly as Bam zipped his fly back up.

'Screw you guys!' Bam said.

'Bam can have that one. I've got a new one.' Daniel said making the guys laugh again and Bam placed his new present in his pocket. He caught my eye and smirked a bit making me giggle.

After Preston got shot in the ass with what Johnny was now calling Bam's dick, we preceded inside to the next object that was going to be shot at the guys.

The next was some sort of device that let out rubber balls. Johnny shot the test one off a a dumby while I stood on a side line with Dunn, Bam, and Dave. The balls were shot and Bam and Dunn walked out both swearing up a storm.

'That is great!' Johnny said with a big smile on his face.

'I can't do this one. Too gnarly.' Dave said to me and a camera while he visibly shook.

'You're not doing it?' I asked.

'No.' He said.

'I wouldn't either.' I said making him laugh.

Johnny had walked outside to try and convince Dunn and Bam to do it. When I walked out I could hear Johnny rambling on about it only being loud and hurting bad while Dunn sat back and mocked him.

I walked up and placed my hands on Bam's shoulder and looked over it to Dunn and Johnny.

'You're nuts.' Dunn said.

'No. No. No. No. No. Come on, it's footage.' Johnny said.

'You're nuts.' Dunn said again.

Johnny and Jeff had some how managed to convince Bam and Dunn to do it. That's when I began to get worried.

I leaned in and kissed Bam.

'He'll be fine.' Johnny said walking into the shooting area.

'I love you.' I said kissing Bam one last time before he picked up his safety mask and walked out with Dunn to stand on either side of Johnny.

Once they were ready and the cameras were rolling, Johnny gave the signal and the balls were shot. I stood in shock as Bam and Dunn both fell to the ground and Johnny walked around screaming.

'Son of a... Fuck you.' Dunn said trying to stand but falling to his knees again. Bam still had yet to move. 'Holy shit. All you guys are fucking assholes.'

Johnny and Dunn were up and walking. It was only Bam who still lay on the ground. I stood shaking not taking my eyes from him but not daring to run out and ruin Jeff's shot.

'You all right, Bam?' Dunn asked.

'You all right?' Johnny asked him. He shook his head no as he tried to get up.

'My God.' Dunn said.

'Are you crying?' Johnny asked in disbelief as Bam sat up.

'I think he's hurt.' Dunn said.

'Can we get Bam some water? Maybe a Shirley Temple?' Johnny asked.

Wolfy tapped me on the shoulder and handed me a bottle of water. 'Thanks.' I mumbled.

'I'm crying. I ride a fucking skateboard, I don't get shot.' Bam said trying to pull himself together.

'Go Ri.' Jeff said finally letting me run out there. I ran towards Bam who was finally standing and handed him the water and hugged him. I could fell his whole body trembling and I wiped a few tears off his cheeks before kissing him.

'Okay Ri. I need you off set.' Jeff called a moment later. I walked back over to him and he told the guys to lift their shirts so he could get a shot of the damages.

As soon as they were done I walked over Bam and let him pull me close.

'You okay?' I asked.

'Get me a Miller High Life.' He muttered making me laugh.

The rest of the week went good until I found something in Bam's suitcase.

'Hey babe?' He called from the shower while I was throwing stuff into our suitcases for the flight to India in a few days.


'Will you get me my Banana Republic underwear?' He asked.

'Sure.' I said rolling my eyes and looking through his bag. A baggy fell out just as I found the underwear he wanted. I bent down and picked up the baggy finding ten small pills in it. I knew the pills to be Vicodin and I knew Bam wasn't on them.

'Did you find them?' Bam asked coming out of the bathroom.

'Yeah.' I said turning to face him. 'And these too.'

His face went a little white but he stood there.

'Why do you have Vicodin?' I asked.

'Why not?' He asked.

'Bam, you're not on it. So, why do you have something that's not perscribed to you?' I asked. He didn't answer me so I continued on. 'You're just taking them, aren't you?'

'I'm not going to lie. Yes, I am.' He said grabbing the underwear out of my hand and going in the bathroom to put them on.

'Are you kidding me?' I asked following after him. 'Bam, these are highly addictive. Not to mention, you shouldn't mix them with alcohol and you've been drinking every night since we got here.'

'Obviously, nothing fucking bad has happened Rian.' He said opening the door and coming face to face with me.

'Yeah, yet.' I said. 'Bam you are so stupid. You never think.'

'I don't think?' He asked.

'No! Why are you taking Vicodin?'

'Because it's fun.'

'Oh when are you going to grow up Bam? Life is not about the all mighty party!' I screamed.

'You know what, Ri, don't start this bull shit with me.' He said throwing a jacket on and walking towards the door.

'Where are you going?' I asked as he walked out the door and down the hall.

'Away from you.' He said. 'Actually that's a good idea. Then I don't have to listen to you bitch about my life. We're taking a break, Ri.'

He turned and walked off down to the elevators.

'And I'm not going to fucking India either!' He yelled.

I walked over to the bed and threw the rest of his stuff in his suitcase. I was glad to see he had forgotten his key to the room. I placed his stuff in the hall and flushed his Vicodin down the toliet before slamming the door, locking it, and calling Drea to ball my eyes out.

Later that night, Bam spent twenty minutes pounding on the door saying he forgot his wallet before I opened the door and whiped it at his head.

'Thank you.' He said before I slammed the door in his face again. 'Looks like I'm in the dog house. Dunn! You got yourself a roommate.'

The next morning I found a pair of his shoes, so I brought them over to Dunn's room. I was glad to find that Bam was no where to be found and Dunn was just packing.

'Ready for India?' I asked.

'Bad news, Ri.' Dunn said. 'I can't go.'

'What do you mean?' I asked.

'I have to head home with Bam and do Viva la Spring Break.' He said. 'Besides Bam and I were only going to India for a week anyway.'

'I thought you guys were going for the two?' I asked.

'He didn't tell you?' Dunn asked raising his eyebrows.

'He doesn't tell me a lot of things these days.' I mumbled.

'Him and I are doing Gumball this year.' Dunn carried on. 'We're meeting you guys in L.A.'

'Good to know.' I nodded. Bam walked in the room and fell back on his bed grabbing the remote and flicking on the TV. 'I'll see you in L.A. Dunn.' I said giving him a hug. I was just going to leave but I knew I'd regret it so I turned back around and said, 'Bye Bam.'

He didn't even move so I just turned and left but not before I heard Dunn hit Bam and say, 'Why are you being such a dick to her?'

'I hate India.' I said as I walked down the street with the guys. We had been here a week and a half and I wanted to shoot myself.

'Why's that Rian?' Rick asked turning the camera to me with a big cheesy smile.

'My hairs a mess, I'm on my period, I had to get twleve shots to even get into this country, I'm fighting with Bam, it's hot as fuck here, it's too dusty, gross Indian men keep trying to rape me, and now we're getting on a shitty little bus to head to the middle of fucking no where to see the canibals.' I said fake smiling and climbing on the bus.

'She's a ray of sunshine, isn't she?' I heard Knoxville ask.

After the three hour bus ride, we arrived at the trail, rather, that Jeff, Steve-O, and Chris said led to the Aghoris. I sat and watched as the Aghoris did every disgusting thing known to man and more. It was until one took a out a knife, cut his leg, and started playing with the blood that I knew the guys had had enough. One attacked Dave and Knoxville pushed me kidding around and the next thing I knew one of the Aghoris had me.

'Get the fuck off of me you fucking disgusting thing!' I screamed scaring him and the others off. 'Jeff, you better get me the fuck out this country.' I said before stomping off for the bus.

I had finally had enough. But the fun was just starting. Little did I know, L.A. was going to be just as bad as India.