Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2006 - August


I looked to see my phone ringing and Dunn's name flashing on the screen. I grabbed it and greeted him.

'What's all the noise?' He asked.

'Sorry. I'm doing dishes. I have two left though. Hang on.' I put the phone down and finished them up quickly. 'Okay. What's up Ry?'

'I have bad news...' He said trailing off.

'Dunn, the last time you called and said that was when Bam was engaged to Jenn.' I said.

'Ironic...' Dunn mumbled.

'What?' I asked feeling my stomach tighten into knots.

Dunn sighed heavily and then said, 'He's getting married to Missy.'

'Are you serious?'

'Yeah. He proposed at Cartier last night.'

'What do you mean?' I asked confused. 'How do you propose in a jewlery store?'

'Well I guess they were at King of Prussia shopping and she was in Cartier trying on engagement rings and he said, will you marry me?' Dunn explained. 'And then they ran out of gas on the way home.'

'They haven't even been dating long...'

'I know. He thinks she's the love of his life though. She's been living at his house since we were in New Orleans.'

'What?' I asked laughing. 'That is the most pathetic relationship. Well, I hope he's very happy.'

'Me too, Ri. Me too.'