Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2006 - December


In September, I had been promted to fashion editor along with Chelsea. We both loved it. We were in charge of picking out every detail in the outfits that went into the magazine and we had full access to the Closet which is where Vogue stored all the used designer things from the pervious season. And editors are allowed to take anything they want at any time.

Chelsea and I were going over a last minute furtistic evening gown look when the seceratary buzzed in.



'April Margera is on line 2 for you.' She said.

'Okay thanks.' I said walking over to the phone.

'Why's she calling?' Chelsea asked making me shrug and pick up.


'Hi honey. How are you?' April asked.

'I'm really good. How are you?'

'Great. Listen, I'm heading up to New York today to look at wedding dresses with Missy and her mom and sister, and I was wondering where we should look?'

'Oh. Um. I can probably get you guys in to take a peek in the Closet here. Uh, we let celebrity clients in and in June we did a spread with wedding gowns and I could probably help Missy decide a style she wants.' I said.

'That would be great!' April said and then explained it to Missy who freaked at the chance to go into the infamous Vogue closet.

I made plans with Ape and told the seceraty to buzz me when they got there.

As soon as they got there, I flew down to the lobby to great them and brought them straight up to the closet.

'Now, you're Bam's ex?' Missy's mother Marian asked as we walked down the hall towards the Closet.


'How long were you two together?' She asked.

'Uh, off and on for the past four years.' I answered.

'What was your record?' She asked laughing slightly.

'Fifteen and half months.' I smiled before walking into the Closet. 'Okay, so what were you think for the dress?'

'I don't know.' Missy said. 'What do you think?'

'Um, well you want to definatly go with something that's going to suit your body. You have a very small build and bust, so you could probably pull off most necklines. If were you, I'd lean towards strapless. I mean you were blessed with small enough boobs that you're not going to be busting out of the seams of a strapless.' I said making her and the others laugh. 'And as for the silhouette you could again probably go with anything but I'd definatly stick to fit to flare because you're so skinny you defiantly want to flaunt it.'

She nodded agreeing with what I said. I then showed her what we had in stock and finding nothing they asked when my lunch was and if I could tag along with them.

'Sure.' I said. I took a two hour and a half hour lunch and followed them out to Missy's silver Range Rover and packed in.

'Where do I go?' Missy asked.

'Why don't we head to Vera Wang first. She's on Madison near 77th,'

'Okay.' Missy said pulling out and heading towards the store.

Soon, we had traveled to every high end bridal shop in Manhattan. Missy had final found her perfect dress at Mark Ingram Bridal Atelier.

'I hope you like thre dress.' I said as they dropped me off at Vogue.

'Thank you so much.' Missy said with a smile.

I got out and they drove away. I walked into Vogue and up to my office where I filled Chelsea in on Missy and how annoying she is.