Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2007 - January



Walking into my building I decided to stop and grab the mail for Drea and I. I scrolled through envelops, seperating mine from Drea's, as I walked up the stairs.

I walked into our apartment and threw the stack of letter on the counter.

'I grabbed the mail.' I said as she came out of her room.

'Oh good.' She said. She came over and grabbed her stack and went through them. 'This one's yours.'

She handed me a piece of thick parchment paper. My name was printed in black ink and in the left corner was Margera followed by Bam's address.

'Oh lord.' I said pulling out the card I knew was inside. It was a picture of Bam and Missy kissing with a piece of clear paper over it.

You are invited to the wedding of Bam Margera and Missy Rothstein.

The ceremony will be held on Friday, February 2, 2007 at 3:30 p.m. at the Lowe's Hotel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The reception will also be held at the Lowe's right after the ceremony.

Please R.S.V.P. to Missy at:


'They're not seriously inviting me to this?' I said laughing.

'What?' Drea asked.

'It's an invitation to Bam and Missy's wedding.' I said throwing it in the trash.

'You're not going to go?' Drea asked fishing it out.

'No. Why would I go and torture myself?' I asked.

'I don't know. You might have fun.' Drea said shrugging and looking at the invitation.

My phone started ringing and I looked to see that Bam was calling.

'I swear, he has sonic hearing...' I mumbled answering it.

'Hey. Did you get anything in the mail?' He asked.

'Oh, I'm fine Bam. How are you?' I said making him laugh. 'Yeah I just got it.'

'So, you coming?' He asked.

'I don't know Bam...' I said trailing off.

'Why not?' He asked.

'Do you really want your ex girlfriend there?' I said.

'Yes! Of course I want you there Ri!' He said.

'Bam, I just...'

'You have to come. If you think you're not coming I'll drive up there myself and drag you down here. So you better promise me right now--'

'Fine! I'll come. I'll come.' I said.

'Good. See you in a month.' He said hanging up.