Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2007 - March


'Why don't we go to the gym?' Drea asked one saturday.

'Yeah, I'll go.' I said getting up and going into my room where I slipped on some banded sweat pants and a shirt from Victoria's Secret PINK. I slipped on my Nike Shox and grabbed my gym bag.

'I'm ready.' I said as she came out from her room wearing something similar. We walked over to the gym which was only a few blocks away and put our stuff in the locker room. Then we headed for the treadmills.

'I'll never forget watching Bam fly off of these things.' I said laughing as I put my hair up and started walking. 'He used to do it all the time.'

'Why?' Drea asked.

'Because it was hillarious.' I said making her laugh.

I picked up the pace as Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana played on my iPod and chatted with Drea about the latest gossip. After about an hour of running, we called it quits and headed to the locker room. I opened the door to leave and ran right into someone.

'Oh my God I am so sorry.' I said looking up into the face of the most attractive man I'd met since Bam.

'It's okay.' He said chuckling. 'I'm Rob.'

'Rian.' I said shaking his hand.

'I hope we bump into eachother again soon.' He said smirking and walking inside the gym.

'He was so cute!' I said looking at Drea.

'He thought you were too.' Drea said smirking.

The next day I was running late for work. I ran out of Starbuck's with a coffee for Chelsea and myself and right into Rob.

'Oh I didn't get anything on you, did I?' I asked.

'No,' He said laughing. 'You're fine. Where are you in such a rush to?'

'Work.' I said. 'I'm running so late.'

'You work tomorrow?'


'Wanna go for coffee tomorrow morning?' He asked.

'Sure.' I said smiling.

'Okay, let's meet here at 10.' He said.

'See then.' I said smiling and running down the street towards Vogue.

By the end of March Rob and I were dating and I was happy for the first time since Bam.