Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2007 - July


I walked out of Drea and I's building and placed my Prada Aviator's on the top of my head. Suddenly the flashing of cameras caught my attention and I stepped back a bit.

'Rian! Rian! Are the rumors true?'

'Did Bam cheat on his wife with you?'

'Will the sex tape be released soon?'

Completely confused, I ignored them and hailed a cab. I quickly climbed in and said, 'Vogue offices, please.'

'No problem.' The driver said taking me away from the hell that was my front door. I dialed Drea and warned her not to go out the door because of the paparazzi.

'Well, what's going on that they're after you?' She asked.

'I have no idea...' I said.

I ran into the elevator and right up to the completely white Vogue lobby.

'Rian, phones have been ringing off the hook for you.' The seceratary, Anne said.

'Anne, hold all my calls. If it's anyone on the list I gave you, tell them to call my cell.' I said opening the glass door and heading to my office.

'What the fuck is going on?' I asked Chelsea.

'You mean, you haven't heard yet?' She asked.


She took out this weeks editions of People, US Weekly, Star, and InTouch and slapped them all on the table in front of me. On the cover of all was a picture of Bam and I and a well thought out phrase including the words: SEX TAPE SCANDAL.

'Sex tape!?' I screamed flipping through the magazines looking for the pages that were plastered with photos of Bam and I and scanning the story.

'Oh my God. Oh my fucking God.' I said after about ten minutes. 'What am I going to do?'

'Is there really a tape?' Chelsea asked.

'Yes.' I said.

'What!' Chelsea asked. 'When?'

'When we were filming Jackass 2. I never would have thought it would get out. He fucking promised me.' I said grabbing the phone and dialing the number to Ape and Phil's.

'Hello?' April said.

'Hey Ape. It's Ri.'

'Oh good! Rian. I've been trying to call you all morning. You know what's going on then?' She asked.

'Yeah. The paparazzi swarmed me this morning.' I said.

'Bam and Phil are up in the office right now on the phone with the lawyers. Bam feels horrible and he's doing everything he can to get it back.' She explained as I heard her climbing the stairs. 'Bam. Rian's on the phone.'

'Rian, I am so fucking sorry.'

'Bam, what is going on? How did it get out?' I asked.

'It was in a bag in the trunk of the Mercedes and I took the Mercedes to FDR like a month ago and someone broke in. I didn't think they took anything great. I totally forgot it was in there. Whoever took it, sold it to Vivid Video and I'm gonna try and buy it back from them.' He explained. 'I don't want this out there Rian. I'm so fucking sorry.'

'So what's your lawyer saying?' I asked.

'Basically don't say a word to any press people. Let me handle everything, okay?' He asked.

'Yeah.' I said.

'Alright I got to go, but I'll call you tonight, okay?'


The paparazzi followed me around for the next two weeks. I kept my mouth shut and didn't say anything to them. Bam called every night, promising to make it up to me and get the video back.

'Who's at the door?' Drea asked while I was making dinner.

'I don't know.' I said walking over to get it. I opened it to find Bam.

'Hi.' I said.

'Hey.' He said squeezing by me. 'Hi Drea.'

'Hi Bam.' She said from the couch.

'What are you doing up here?' I asked going back into the kitchen as he followed me.

'I have to do Late Night with Connan O'Brien and I was wondering if you wanted to come?'

'You're inviting me to do a talk show with you?' I asked.

'Yeah. I have to talk about the tape and you're in it too.' He said. 'So you want to?'

I thought about it and then looked down. I was still dressed from work.

'Can I go change quickly?' I asked.

'Yeah, but hurry because I have to be there soon.' He said going and taking a seat on the couch with Drea.

I ran into my room and stripped the Chanel suit off and put on a cocktail dress from Bebe. I slipped on purple pumps and made my way to the bathroom where I clipped my hair back a bit and fixed my makeup.

'Kay, let's go.' I said walking out fifteen minutes later.

'That was quick.' Bam said laughing.

'You said be quick!' I said.

'I'm kidding, let's go.' He said.

We said our goodbyes to Drea and made our way down to the parking garage where the blue Lamborghini he had bought recently sat.

'What do you think of this one?' He asked walking over to it.

'I like the purple on better.' I said getting in.

'I knew you were going to say that.' He laughed.

He pulled out, where a few paparazzi were waiting and they snapped pictures of us, and headed for NBC's building. We went in through a back entrance and into the green room. We hung out in there while the show started and soon Bam and I were being welcomed out to the stage.

Bam took my hand in his and pulled me out where the audiance was clapping.

'Hello, Bam and Rian.' Connan said as we took a seat.

'Hi.' Bam said with a large smirk on his face.

'So how have you been?' Connan asked.

'Uh, pretty good. How about you?'

The two carried on with casual conversation for a bit when Connan got down to the dirty stuff.

'So the rumor on the street is that there is a sex tape, involving the two of you being released.' Connan asked.

'Yeah, uh...' Bam said chuckling a bit. 'I'm working my ass off with Vivid right now trying to make sure it doesn't get released.'

'Why don't you want it released?'

'Well it was our private, intimate moment, and its not something either one of us want shared with the world.' Bam explained.

'Then why film it?' Connan asked.

'I don't know.' Bam said laughing. 'Why did we?'

'You wanted to.' I said laughing with him.

'So it wasn't recently was it?' Connan asked. 'Because I heard a rumor you were getting a divorce because of it.'

'No!' Bam said. 'Missy and I are still happily married.'

'We filmed it when we were dating on the set of Jackass 2.' I explained. 'So it's defiantly nothing recent.'

Bam then went on to promote a few of his projects and then we left.

'Thanks for clearing that up with me.' He said on the way to my house.

'No problem.' I smiled over at him. 'Hey you know I was wondering...'


'What happened to Raab?' I had thought of this a few days ago and was meaning to ask him.

'Uh, he doesn't talk to me anymore.' Bam said.


'I think it's because of what I did to you and the fact I got with Missy. He hates Missy. He's hated her since we were in school together.' Bam explained. 'He moved out to Cali.'

'Oh.' I said nodding my head and feeling bad that Bam had lost his best friend over me.

'At least the video isn't getting released.' Bam said changing the subject and smiling at me.

'I thought you were still fighting with Vivid about it?' I asked.

'Nope. Phil called when we were walking out. It's all paid off. There's nothing to worry about.' Bam said smiling. 'I'll release the news tomorrow on my site or something.'

'Okay.' I said smiling as he dropped me off.

I went back up stairs to return to my normal life.