Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2002 - July


Bam and I dated for a god solid month. Living with him was a very interesting expirience. Beth had moved in permanetly with Billy so she was very close by. Ape and I went shopping at least once a week.

My fairy tale ended quickly. Bam was getting busy with skating and MTV about his new show. I had a new job at Chanel on Fifth Avenue. So the end of the month was very bittersweet. Bam took me to the airport early.

We sat and cuddled in the airport.

'Bam.' I said standing up. 'I've been thinking.'

'Me too.' He said.

'And, I really think we should take a break. I mean I'm starting a new job and you're going to be all over with Element.'

'Yeah, I know. I was thinking the same thing. But, I still want to be friends.'

'Of course.' I said.

'Flight from Philadelphia to New York has begun boarding.' A voice above us said.

'You're gonna miss you're plane.' He said.

'I want a hug.' I said. He wrapped me up in his arms one last time and gave me a kiss.

'I love you.' He whispered.

'I love you too.' I said. I grabbed my purse off the chair and stepped onto the plane.
I know pathetically short right? Just a quick filler. The next chapter is really good, I promise;) It's one of my favorites!
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