Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2002 - August


The month of July flew by. Between working and going out with my new co-workers I barley had time to sleep. Bam and I talked every once in awhile but it was hard to do when we were working. Dunn had called me at one point and told me Jenn and Bam had been hanging out. I found I didn't care much, as long as I could be friends with him.

August came quickly. Bam called and told me about the pilot epidose of Viva la Bam. Apparently he had turned his house into an indoor/outdoor skatepark. He told me it was gold and the producers had bought it, and he started actual filming soon.

Working at Chanel was amazing. I had the best co-workers you could imagine. Especially a girl named Allie. We got into so much trouble working together and messing with customers. But we never got fired. She knew all about Bam and couldn't believe I had been with him.

My birthday is on the eleventh. Allie took me out to a club. We partied all night long. I had a sip of her Jack and Coke and almost puked.

'Drinking is not for you, honey.' She slurred. 'Finish your Vitamin Water.'

We were sitting at our table with a bunch of our friends when my phone rang.

BAM BAM I read when I looked down.

'Hello?' I shouted blocking one ear.

'Hey!' He said.

'Bam, hang on. I can't hear you.' I got up and made my way to the bathrooms. 'Hey sorry.'

'It's okay. I just wanted to say happy 21!' He said. 'You drinking?'

'No,' I said. 'I took a sip of my friends and almost threw up.'

He laughed at me. 'It's good to hear your voice.'

'It's good to hear yours.' I said.

Awkward silence.

'When are you coming down this way?' He asked.

'Tomorrow, why?'

'I wanna see you.' He said. 'You going out?'

'Yeah, I think Beth and Billy were taking me to Rex's. Maybe you and Jenn could meet us if she behaves.'

'Maybe.' He said. 'Well, hey, I have to go to bed. But maybe I'll see you tomorrow?'


'Happy birthday, Rian.'

'Thank you, Bam Bam.'

'I have a secret.' He whispered.

'What?' I whispered back.

'I still love you.'

He hung up. I had butterflies in my stomach as I went back out to my drunk freinds. Bam still loved me. It made me feel so good. I couldn't wait until tomorrow.

'Hello Hello.' I said walking into my sisters house.

'Hey, Rian!' Billy called. He came down and gave me a hug. 'Happy birthday.'

'Thanks. Where's Beth?'

'Right here, birthday girl!' She screamed giving me a hug.

'Jesus!' I cired hugging her back.

'Here. Open it.' She said thrusting a bag at me.

I opened it to find a box. Inside the box was the cutest pair of Manolo's. They were black peep toe pumps. I screamed hugging her again.

'Bethy! You didn't have to do this.' I said.

'I wanted to.' She said.

'I can't wait to wear these tonight.'

A few hours later I was dressed and ready. I had put on the black Chanel dress from Allie. My new pumps went perfectly. I had dug out the old Chanel bag Bam had gotten me and dumped my stuff in. I curled my hair, put on a little make-up. And I was ready.

We drove into Philly to a rather expensive restuarant called Mistro's. We had dinner and then drove back to West Chester. We went to Rex's so Beth and Billy could have a drink. We sat at the bar talking and laughing. Someone walked into the bar but I didn't see who.

Suddenly hands covered my eyes and someone whispered, 'Guess who?'

'Oh my God!' I said giggling. 'Bam!'

He removed his hands. 'How'd you know?'

I stood up to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 'Happy birthday. You look really pretty.'

'Thank you.' I said smiling. 'You don't look so bad yourself.'

'Happy birthday, Ri Ri.' Dunn said coming in.

'Dunn!' I said giving him a hug. 'Thank you.'

'Here.' Bam said handing me a seafoam green bag.

'Bam.' I said looking shocked. 'You didn't.'

'I did.'


'Open it.'

'I can't believe you spent this much.' I said opening the bag to reveal the signature seafoam green box with a white bow. I untied it and opened the box. Inside was a silver chain with a heart pendant on it. The pendant read Property of Tiffany and Co. with a small diamond.

'I can't believe you.' I said.

'You don't like it?' He asked.

'No.' I said causing him to look panicked. 'I love it. Will you put it on?'

'Of course.'

The feel of his fingers brushing against the back of my neck caused goosebumps. I felt him close the clasp and felt his lips brush the back of my neck.

I bit my lip to hide my smile. Turning to him I asked, 'How does it look.'

'Beautiful.' He said looking directly into my eyes. I smiled and he did too.

'There you are!' A voice said and we both looked over, Jenn had just walked in.

'Fuck...' I heard Bam mutter.

'What are you doing?' She slurred. I could smell the alcohol on her.

'I thought you were asleep?' Dunn asked.

She gave him a dirty look.

'He doesn't have to explain anything to you.' I said.

'Ri,' Bam said.

'Yeah, actually he does.' Jenn said to me. 'You see, he's my boyfriend, and I need to know what he's doing at all times. If you had known that, he'd still be with you.'

'Jenn,' Bam said. 'Let's just go. I wanted to wish Rian a happy birthday.'

'No.' She said. 'I want to teach this little SLUT A LESSON!' She said her words louder with each sylabal.

'I'm not gonna fight you.' I said.

'Oh, yes you are.' She said. She launched herslef at me and I jumped back.

'WOAH!' The bartender screamed. 'Take this outside ladies please.'

'NO!' Jenn screamed.

'GET OUT OF MY BAR! ALL OF YOU!' The bartender screamed kicking us out. Bam and Dunn grabbed Jenn and pulled her out. I grabbed my stuff and headed to Billy's car with Beth. Jenn was following us.


'Jenn,' I said. 'I'm not gonna fight you.'

She got closer. Our noses inches apart.

'Why not?' She whispered. The vodka on her breath stinging my nose.

'Get out of my face.'


'Get out of my face.'

'Hit me then, cunt.'

'Get the fuck out of my face or I'm gonna hit you.'

'No wonder Bam left your skanky ass.'

'Rian, come on!' Beth called.

I turned to leave and Jenn giggled. I swung my body around and hit her right in the face. I jumped ontop of her and punched her repeatedly. Bam grabbed me from behind pulling me off her. Dunn grabbed her and stood her up and held her back.

'YOU LITTLE SLUT, YOU BROKE MY NOSE!' She screamed still trying to get at me.


She struggled harder against Dunn. I turned and walked down the street. Following Beth.

'Rian!' Bam called chasing after me.

'Bam, go take care of her.' I said.

'Are you okay?' He asked ignoring me.

'Yeah, fine. I hit her.'

'I'm really sorry. I would have never come if I thought she was gonna wake up. I didn't mean to ruin your birthday.' He said.

'No.' I said. 'I think hitting her made it better, no offense.'

He laughed and pulled me into him. I burried my face into his chest and inhaled his scent. The scent I had missed so much.

'I'll call you next time I'm single and in New York.' He whispered kissing me on the forhead.

'Sounds like a date.' I said.

'Happy birthday.' He said again. 'I like your bag.'

Laughing I got into Beth's car and away we went.