Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2002 - September


September 2 school was in session. I was majoring in fashion at NYU. After school I planned on getting a job at Vogue. I entered the class and took a seat next to my friend Nicole.

'Hey!' She said. 'How was your summer?'

'Interesting.' I said. 'How was yours?'

'So good.'

She broke into telling me about her summer which she spent in Paris. And then I told her about filming Jackass and Bam. She couldn't believe I knew them and dated Bam.


'Hey, hon! It's your mom.'

'Oh, hey mom.' I said hailing a cab to go home from school.

'Good. Are you going to Beth's wedding?'

'What?' I asked.

'Your sister is getting married this weekend. Tell me you didn't forget.'

'Shit! I forgot.'

'Rian Marie!' She yelled.

'Don't worry. I'll drive down tomorrow.' I said.

'Okay. I'll see you then.'


My phone vibrated and BETH appeared on the screen.



'What's up?'

'You're coming down tomorrow, right?'

'Yeah.' I said.

'Well, then, I'll see you tomorrow.'

Saturday morning I woke up to Beth screaming about getting her hair done and having the right floral arrangements.

The dress she had picked out for me was an amazing blue color. And she had my hair done up in curls.

The wedding was a small backyard one. With just family and a few friends. I was the maid of honor so lucky me had to stand there while Beth and Billy said their vows.

The reception was held at a hotel in West Chester. It was really nice. I danced with Beth and all our cousins. It was so fun. Until I saw him.

Actually Beth saw him.

Bam Margera was sitting at the bar next to one of Billy's friends taking shots.

'Go over there.' She said.

'No. I can't.'

'Yes. And you have to before he drowns in vodka.' She said as he downed another.

Sighing I walked over to him. 'Hey.'

He spun around and looked me up and down before getting off his stool and hugging me. 'Ri Ri! I was wondering where you were. You look great.'

'So do you.' I said.

We stood staring at each other for a moment. 'Do you want to dance?' I asked as Candy Shop came on.

'I don't dance.' He said laughing.

'You do now.' I said pulling him out to the packed dance floor. I started grinding against him and he got the hang of it in a minute. He was grabbing at my hips and thighs and I giggled the whole time barely believeing I was with him.

After the song he grabbed my hand and pulled me out to the lobby of the hotel. We got in the elevator and he pushed me up against the wall. He attacked me neck with kisses and I wove my fingers into his hair. We reached the top floor and he pulled me down the hall and into a janitor's closet. He pushed me in and closed the door behind him. I grabbed the front of his shirt pulling him towards him. We began making out again.

My hands found their way up his shirt. I felt his muscles tense as I ran my fingers over them. He began to unzip my dress and I didn't protest it fell to the floor as I pulled his shirt up over his head and began to undo his heartagram beltbuckle. His jeans fell as soon as I pulled the zipper. He had no boxers on. I giggled as he pushed me against the wall again and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and let him do as he pleased.

We got dressed laughing becuase of the small space.

'I can not believe we just humped in here.' He said laughing.

'Shut up.' I said hitting him as I pulled my dress back up. 'Zip me up.'

He did as he was told. His phone rang from under his shirt as I was putting my shoes back on.

'It's Ape.' He said looking at the screen. 'Hello?'

'Hey. What am I doing? Humping Rian. I'm not kidding.'

I hit him hard on the arm.

'Ow. I'm kidding. No. I am with Rian though. Yeah. Ape says hi.'

'Hi Ape.' I said.

'She says hi. Yeah. Now? What the fuck. Yeah, I'm coming. Bye.'

'What'd she say?'

'She wants me home. Something about getting drunk and driving. Will you come with me?'

'No.' I said.


'I can't. It's my sisters wedding.'


'No. Bam. I'll stop by tomorrow on my way home, okay?'


We walked to the elevator where we made out again.

'We have to stop getting in elevator's together.' Bam said against my lips.

I giggled as the doors opened and we broke apart. He walked out the door and I went back to the ballroom.

'Where have you been?' My mother asked as I sat down at the table.

'Fucking Bam.' Beth said looking at me.

'What?' I asked.

'Don't play stupid Rian. You smell like sex and skater. And your hair is a mess.'

'Shut up.' I said smiling.

'Told you.' She said to our mother.

'Rian Marie.' My mother said with disaproving eyes.

'What?' I asked innocently. 'He wanted me to go home with him. But I said I had to be here for Beth.'

'Oh, you're a saint.' My mother said sarcastically.

'He's cute though. I couldn't help it.' I shrugged.

Back to New York I went. I did stop in to see Bam. We went out to lunch and then I had to go back. He said he was coming but I said no. So instead he called me as I pulled out of his driveway and talked to me the full four hours back to New York.

He called anytime he could. Dunn called me a week after the wedding and said he was holding a surprise party for Bam on the twenty seventh and he wanted me to come surprise him.I agreed and drove down the twenty sixth.

Saturday morning I drove over to Bam's and helped Dunn and Ape set up. Raab, Dico, and Rake had taken Bam out to the movies or something to keep him busy. Around five people started showing up. Dunn had called all of Bam's friends. Including the Jackass guys. All of them weren't surprised to see me at all. At six we all hid and when he walked in the door in a pissy mood we all jumped out.

'Oh my fucking God.' He said holding his head. 'I can not believe this.'

We partied until four in the morning when April finally got mad and said it was time for bed. Everyone left and Dunn helped me carry Bam up to his room. I had to strip him down to his boxers and he thought I wanted to do it, so he was drunkinly grabbing at me.

'Bam!' I shreiked as he grabbed my boob.

'What Ri?' He asked.

'Stop. You need to take your jeans off.'

'So do you.' He said pulling at the waistband.

'Oh, for fuck's sake!'

'Come on Rian.'

'Dunn!' I called and he came in a minute later. 'A little help?'

'Bam.' He said shaking his head. We got him undressed and as soon as he laid back he passed out.

'Thank you.' I whispered.

'Don't mention it.' Dunn said walking to the door. 'Good night.'