Keep Me On My Toes

Chapter Two

As I walked down the long, white hallway of the hospital, I quietly observed what was happening to all the different people around me. One couple were attached at the lips as her husband was being carted into surgery; another talking sadly in two waiting chairs, holding hands and drying their tears.

One boy in particular stood out to me. He was dressed in a ratty pair of jeans, black and white DCs, and what looks to be an old Modest Mouse tee shirt. But that's not what stood out to me. He was pacing in the small surgery waiting room, cursing to himself a little louder than he should have been.

I being the curious cat I am walked up to him, asking what was wrong.

"Huh?" He looked at me strangely, like I had been the one swearing up and down the walk way.

I answered him back, stating "You were swearing a lot. I mean, I swear, but I don't usually swear about ten times more than the average sailor." Humor, something you should always have in these sorts of situations.

The boy, looking no older than I, which is 17, turned slightly pink. "Oh. Sorry, I'm just…not having the greatest of days, you know?"

"Yeah, I know the feeling. My best friend's dad just passed away from cancer. What about you?" I replied honestly.

"My dad's an alcoholic and over did the alcohol today, once again." A surge of anger and hurt flickered in his eyes, and then returned to the same sad and worried state they were in beforehand.

Sitting down, I patted the chair next to me, gesturing for him to sit down. "Do you want to talk about it? I have a couple minutes."

He shook his head, "Nah, I'll be fine. You should get back to your friend, I'm sure she needs you more than I do. But thanks."

I shrugged, "Alright, I guess…I'll talk to you later if I ever see you again." And with that, I walked towards my original destination once more, the Starbucks on the street next the hospital.