Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


Quite a situation..

My name is Helena Adams.
I'm 17 years old and today is just as gray as always.

My mum, well who really cares about her anyway?
She's only drinking until she spews her guts out. Then she falls asleep and wakes up with a breakfast containing of another shot of Vodka.
My dad is the reason why she became such a frantic drinker of alcohol.
He died about a year ago from leukemia. (blood cancer)
It's sad and I miss him everyday, but life goes on and since my elder sister Madison moved out a few years ago I'm left to my own business. My mum doesn't care if I have dinner or not, and frankly; I don't really care about her either anymore.

I'm in high school, and I'm doing good from what my coach, Mr. Lester, told me. I have few friends, but I actually don't really beg to differ, friends can't be trusted even when you think you know them better than anyone.
This day was just another unimportant day, the same old stuff going on..
Taking classes, having lunch and between the hours of boredom, drawing in my folder that I put together a year ago.
It makes me feel as if I can let all my thoughts on the paper, and I've drawn terrible things in the past, but it's over now and I draw a lot of anime figures lately.
Mostly happy blond girls with big ribbons tied in their hairs, laughing and fooling around.

That's sadly on the contrary of my own looks.. My hair is a deep colour of red which is closely to brown but will light a enchanting glow of fire about it when the sun happens to shine on it.
I like my hair, it's pretty and soft, I've earned it from my dad's. Not my mum, because she's got this weird warily chestnut coloured hair which seems to look more of a bird's home than a hairdo since a few months. I wonder if she even combs it..

Anyway, enough rattling about my soggy life..

"Hey-Lena." Said a guy about the same age to a girl whom was sitting in the schools canteen with her drawing folder on the table in front of her.
It was Christopher, the class' geek. He always wore a striped buttoned down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, always wore two identical pens in his chest pocket and wore corduroy trousers. His hair was flatted with hair gel neatly to one side as if someone glued it to his head; and he had a pair of thick black rimmed glasses.

"Hey." I said not looking up from my drawings, because I already knew who was talking to me anyway. His whining nasal voice could be recognized from a few miles away.

"Whatcha doin' gal?" He said as he tried to sound as popular as he could for a nerd.
It always made me feel like throwing up when he tried to make a move on me..

See, Christopher has a crush on me and I totally despise him for his existence. Though I try to be nice to him anyway…

"Oh the usual." I said trying not to sound too much interested in him accompanying me.
"Alright." He said. "Mind if I take a seat?"
"It's a free world." I said still eying the papers.

Christopher didn't answered on that one and sat down across of me silently.

"What are you drawing?" He asked after a while.
"Oh you know, stuff.." I said looking at the graveyard I just drew behind a flying, evil looking anime girl with black braids and red glowing eyes in a light blue dress.
"Looks pretty cool what you've got there."
"Yeah I know, but I'm going home in a few seconds so would you mind if I keep drawing this and wont talk to you anymore now?" I said sounding a little too much unfriendly.
"Oh, yeah, sure.." He said getting up from the chair. "Sorry for bothering you."
"It's okay." I said. "I just want to get this done while I still have the inspiration for it."
"It's okay really.." He said eying me sadly as he walked away.

I never meant to hurt his feelings though but he can be such a pain in the ass sometimes!

I finished my drawing with a few hints of colour and then I packed my stuff ready to walk down the park to my home which wasn't that far away from my school.
I put my headphones on and the Hives' "won't be long" blared in my ears.
I started to hum along with it softly when I suddenly remembered that there wasn't any food anymore. I hurried myself down to my house to get the savings money my mum used to save for holidays. Not that we would go again anyway, but I needed the money for groceries and stuff. Mum was in the pup drinking vodka probably since I couldn't find her in the house, I walked over to the old bookcase pulled a big green covered book out of it which was surprisingly short; for such a lot of pages, and took out the little cigar's box which my dad used to smoke on occasions sometimes.
There was still 600 Dollar in there so I wouldn't run out in a while.
I took sixty bucks out of it and pushed the money in my wallet. I hid the box again and this time behind a different book.

Since my mum has that dreadful addiction of hers I can't let her find the money I'm saving for groceries now. If she uses it all up I'm going to be without any and then I'll starve. Which is highly not my intention of doing at the point being.
I don't care what mum does, but I wont let myself down!

I took my bike out of the shed and rode off to the mall.
Once I got there I locked my bike and walked inside the store.
I made a quick list before leaving on my bike and it said:

* Milk
* Cola
* Cheese
* Macaroni
* Spam
* Chocolate Corn Flips
* Pancake mix
* Eggs
* Jelly
* Crackers

I got everything I needed safely packed in my backpack when I suddenly ran in to someone.
"Oh excuse me." I said trying to hurry away to my bike.
"Helena?" Said the girl I bumped in to. I watched her a little closely now, it was my cousin Debby Whistler.
"Oh hey Deb's!" I said. "Gee I haven't seen you in quite a while!"
I put my bag on my back and turned around facing her better. She looked good with her dirty blond hair bond up in a ponytail which was wagging behind her ears playfully. Her clear blue eyes eyed me curiously.
I always thought Debby was such a lovely girl to be around, she was funny, intelligent and she was pretty too!

"Hey girl, I'm going out tonight to Al's are you coming with me? There's going to be this awesome band!"
My eyes instantly filled itself with gleams of expectation.
"Sure I will!" I exclaimed. "What band performs?"
"I though it was something like my chemic romance or something.. I don't know them really but I heard they were good! And there's going to be loads of people so we have to get in early!"
"My Chemical Romance?!" I said almost not believing she just said that.
"Yes them." She said with a fine smile.

If my eyes were bulging out of my head and dropped on the floor of awestruck, than I wouldn't be surprised.

"MY GOD! GIRL! THEY'RE TOTALLY AWESOME!" I yelled. I didn't really cared that I scared a few people by my yelling and that they were muttering nasty words about me, I was in euphoria!
"They are? Well tell me it seems you know them.." She said laughing.
"The singer.. He's really amazingly hot! And the rhythm guitarist.. Damn he's looking like a freakn' angel!"
"He does?" Said Debby with her eyes glistening like rain reflecting on a wet street.
"Yes they ALL do!"
"Then we definitely should go shouldn't we?"
"LIKE HELL YES WOMAN!" I yelled again. "We need two hours of make up and hair doing, I'll come over to your house because that's closer to Al's. What time do they start playing?"
"Nine." Said Debby laughing.
"Right! Then I'll be at your place at seven fifteen, don't forget cause I'm going to stalk you if you do!" I said grinning widely while I was wagging my index finger in front of her slightly freckled nose.
"I wont." She said. "Now you better go and fix your food before it's time already!"
"That would be a waste! I'll see you in a few hours Deb's!"
"Okay Helena! See you!" Said Debby and she walked away to her bike which was to the other side of the mall.
I unlocked my bike and rode away. I couldn't believe it, I was really going to see My Chemical Romance live!

Later that evening when I hurried my mac and cheese down my throat I went upstairs to collect all my make up in my toilet case, and picked out an outfit for the night.
It contained a low belted white washed jeans with a few rips on the bottoms because I wore it so much, and a white spaghetti strapped top which had a nice view down my bosom. My long deep red hair was put up in a ponytail for now and I would apply my make up at Deb's.
I threw the case in my The Misfits handbag and I hurried downstairs to get my bike and leave for her house.

When I got there she was completely stressing out on me.
"Helena! Thank goodness you're here! I'm in quite a situation now!" Said Debby quite panicking with her damp hair wired up in a towel. She probably just got out from the shower.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I hung my blue washed jeans-jacket over a chair in her living room. "You're parents not here?"
"No they're out to Pennsylvania to visit my grandparents for the weekend." Explained Debby. "But girl! I don't know what to wear!"

I laughed.

"It's not funny! You've got you're outfit done already! Even the elastic band in your hair is matching with your top! I have zero!"
"Dude stop the panicking." I said with a snicker.

She always hates it when I call her dude..

"Helena Mathilda Adams!" Exclaimed Debby angry.

*Twitch.. Twitch..*

"Just help me sort out some clothes if you want." She said. "I really don't know what to wear!"
"Alright you desperate puppy in a bench too small." I muttered.
"What?" She said with a confused look on her face.
"Never mind, what do you've got?"

Debby caught me by my hand and dragged me to her bedroom upstairs.
She motioned for me to sit on the bed, which I did, and she opened her wardrobe.
She stood next to it pointing at the colourful mess that just spread before my eyes.

"It's a total rampage in there, it's like a rainbow tried to squeeze itself in my wardrobe and exploded!" She exclaimed.

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh.
"It's not funny I don't have anything suitable for me to wear tonight!"
"Of course you do." I said with a sigh of annoyance.

I pushed her aside and rummaged through her clothes.
I pulled out a tight black t-shirt with the text: "Do I look good to you?" and I found a pair of camouflaged cargo pants.

"There now you only need to add black sneakers and you're done." I said eying the outfit I just managed to put together.

Debby was blow drying her hair which looked a little better than the wet heap on her head a few minutes ago. Her long shoulder length dirty blonde hair with the highlighted streaks was hanging loosely around her jaw line.
She stared at me with amazement.

"See you've got a fling for picking out suitable outfits! I would've never get the idea to put those things together!" She said relieved.
"Well put them on then, we don't have all night and I sure want a good spot near the stage!"
Debby nodded and put on the clothes.

Minutes later Debby and me we're applying make up out of my toilet case.

"This looks better with your pants." I said as I handed her a khaki coloured eyeshadow.
"Ohw thanx!" She said while she just put the mascara away.
I was applying a little bit of make up myself, some white eyeshadow, a little rimmed line of eye pencil, a bit of mascara, and dark crimson lipstick sticking to my lips.
We both grabbed our bags, containing lipsticks, cell phones and money of course.
I decided to leave a few strands of my hair bang down my jaw's, since Debby thought that the tight ponytail made me look like an old prude..

Since Al's wasn't far from Deb's home we could walk down there.
Once we got there we already had to put up in a line.
We got there early so there weren't much people in front of us luckily.
When we got our turn to buy a ticket inside the man of security asked me for my ID, since he believed Debby was eighteen he let her in already.

Damn I'm not yet eighteen!! Wait.. I had a fake ID here somewhere..

I grabbed in my wallet and found the fake ID, I showed it to the dude and he believed me.

Thank god he did!

We went inside finding the band setting up their stuff on stage. Debby and me got to the front row and we casually hanged out at the fences the security placed.

"Hey! You!" We heard behind us.
We turned around and the rhythm guitarist seemed to be talking to one of us.
"Do you mean us?" Asked Debby flirtatious.

Not that smooth Deb's…

"Yeah well any of you two." He said.

Oh great he wants us both now?

"What's up?" I asked since Debby could only blush at the moment.
"Can you help me get this amp tuned right? The guys went off somewhere and I need someone who can help me, cause I think the switches went wrong accidentally, and I can't strum my guitar, and tune the amp right at the same moment."

Oh god.. Don't faint..

"Ehm sure." I said as I climbed on stage. "Where's the bloody bastard?"
"He's here, I'm Frank Iero." He said shaking my hand out of nothing.

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Thanx for reading! Comments are appreciated ^^
