Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


Seriously angered!

"Are you fucking out of your mind?!" I yelled angry. "Get this fuckhead off of me!"
I tried to push Frank off of me, Jesus what is he? An elephant?!.
I groaned frustrated.
"Just give it up, he's not letting you go.." Said Mikey laughing at me. "I guess you will be stuck with him tonight."
"Hell no I wont!" I yelled.
Mikey almost rolled of the seat of laughing.

Frank's eyes shot wide open and he carefully looked at where he was lying down. Then he suddenly noticed a pair of naked legs.. a skirt.. a lap?! His head shot up and he stared at me in shock.

"This never happened." He mumbled still in shock.
"Like hell yes it did!" I yelled. "Now get off me! I want to go home if you don't mind!"

Frank sat back in the seat and shook his head a couple of times, as if he wanted to lose a annoying bug.
He stumbled out of the car past Mikey saying something like: "Night."
"Sleep well in HELL!" I screamed after him, causing a dog to bark a few houses away.
Mikey was on the edge of tears. He was laughing so much that he held is stomach for support.
"What the fuck do you think you're laughing about?!" I said angry.
"Sleep well in hell?" He quoted. "That's like the most hilarious thing I've ever heard!"
"Mikey I'm not sure but I think you just went mentally insane.. Like.. just now.. And I have to warn you that I'm quite holding a grudge against you for freaking me out like that.."
Mikey laughed.

"Relax sis you'll have to get used to it because I will be doing it again anyway." He said with a smirk.
My angry glare softened and I smiled.
"You better not do that again or I'll swear I'll kill you." I said stomping his arm.
"Bob let's get the lady home." Said Mikey with a laugh.

We drove from Salter PI to Franklin St. in a few minutes and I said my goodbyes to Bob and Mikey. I gave Mikey my phone number so he could call me whenever he liked to.
I walked up to the apartment and unlocked the first door, giving me access to the hall with the stairs.
I started walking up the staircase until I reached my floor and walked up to my door. The building didn't had many apartments in it, four of them to be precisely, two at the main floor and two at the first floor. But the building was huge, as for the apartments they were huge too.

I walked in and turned on the light, Debby wasn't home, or she would be sleeping already, Sushi was sleeping peacefully on the couch. And the orange light from the lamp posts in the streets glowed her white fur orange.
I decided not to take notice of the fact if Debby was here or not, and see how stuff would work out in the mornings since I haven't heard from her anymore since the club.
I closed the front door behind me and dropped my keys on the dark oak end table in the hallway.
I hung my jacket in the wardrobe and flicked off the light behind me as I walked in to my bedroom and prepared myself for bed.
I put on my bed lamp and pulled off my clothes. Then I threw them in a messy heap on my chair as I threw my negligee on and disappeared under the covers.
Sleep took it's master over me in mere seconds and I was away in dreamland..

I woke up when birds were chirping in my windowsill.

And I know it's not all snow-white like, but I hate those fucking birds waking me up when I have a day off..

I got out of bed yawning and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and put on a robe. I walked out of my bedroom and in to the hallway, I rook a right and ended up in the living/kitchen. Everything was still untouched and Sushi was still asleep on the couch.

I walked up to Debby's bedroom door and knocked three times.
"Deb, are you in there?" I said loudly. But I didn't get a response. "Deb!" I said again. Again no response..
I opened the French doors to a crack carefully when I noticed that all her stuff was missing. The entire room was empty, she even took her bed and closet, which were pretty heavy..
The window was opened a little and in the sill was a white piece of paper..

Dear Helena,
When you'll read this I'm probably long gone since I moved most of my stuff out yesterday evening and this morning while you were still asleep.
I know I'm your cousin and your friend, but I can't live with you anymore if you're spreading gossips and lies to anybody who wants to hear it.
I am seriously angered with you and I don't want to see you again.

The last rent and keys are on the table.
I found another place to stay.


What a bitch! And I know I'm better off without her.. But still she's family! The most I'm afraid of right now is that I need to take a double job or get a loan somewhere, or else I can't pay the rent.. I walked back to the living/kitchen and got the money and keys from the table putting them safely away.

Then I walked in to the kitchen area and threw the letter on the breakfast bar. I started to think in silence for a minute when I heard a sound in my bedroom..
"Black coat, white shoes, black hat, Cadillac.. Yeah, the boy's a time bomb..
What the hell is that?

Rancid in my bedroom?

Wait a minute..

Fuck it's my phone!

I ran towards the bedroom and answered my phone quickly.

"Yeah hello?" I said out of breath.
"Hey Lena!" I heard someone smirking on the other side.
"Did I wake you up?"
"No. Hey.. ehm who is this?" I said blushing a little because I didn't recognized the voice.
"Are you telling me you forgot me already?!"He said insulted.

God what did I do last night?! What did I.. oh..

"Oh sorry Mikey now I hear it.." I said still blushing, but I was happy he couldn't see me.
"Pshh you better!"He said. "Hey wanna come over to Starbucks today and have a coffee with me?"
"Mikes, that's the place I work. And when I have a day off I don't want to get confronted with my job.."
"Haha okay. So do you wanna go to the park then? I'm bored.."
"Okay I'll be there in half an hour."
"Half an hour?!"He almost yelled. "So you're telling me that I have to wait half an hour before your front door before you decide to come out?"
I laughed.
"I'll be right there Mikes. See you in a minute."
I heard Mikey laugh at the other side before he hung up on me.

I walked to my bedroom and put on a pair of purple fluffy slippers and tied my robe tighter against my body, Sushi followed me to the door and meowed at me.
"No Sushi I don't have time for you now." I said as Sushi stared a little insulted at me for not giving her credit that she was standing right there with all her beauty.
I got my keys from my end table in the hall and unlocked my door.
I then walked down my staircase and saw Mikey standing outside throughout the burned glass in the door.
I unlocked the door and let him walk in.

"Hey, didn't I really woke you up?" He asked again.
"No I was already awake." I said. "This way Way."
He laughed and followed me upstairs to my apartment door.
I closed the front door and led him to the living room.
"Nice place." He said with a smile.
"I know it's beautiful, for as long as it takes though." I said leaning down on the breakfast bar with a depressive sigh.
"What do you mean?" He asked as he sat down on the Victorian style couch Debby and I bought a few weeks ago.
"Debby ran off." I said. "She left the last rent, the keys and a nice letter to me."
"Dude!" Exclaimed Mikey. "So you're in need of money now or what?"
"Well not yet, I suppose I have to get a second job for the evenings soon though."
"And you work at Starbucks during the days?" He asked perplexed.
"Yeah." I said. "But I have to earn money anyway. It's either getting a job or moving back to my mum's."
"What's wrong living there?" He asked confused. "Did you ran away or something?"

I couldn't answer him right away, even though I don't care less about the woman, she's still my mum.. I sat down in a chair in the same style as the couch and I took a deep breath. I decided I could better tell him now to get it over with.

"My mum left me." I started. "Since my father died she started drinking and never quit her hobby. So she neglected me completely, leaving me figure out things on my own. My sister Maddie moved out and I was alone dealing with a drunk mum everyday. I couldn't take it, I started to hate my mum so I moved away. Then I met up with Debby again after a few months not seeing one another, and she wanted to come with me. But things have worked out the wrong ways and I'm alone again." I said with the same depressive sigh as before.

Mikey was in shock, he probably had a nice family, a lot of friends and great parents.
He couldn't believe what he just heard.
"Lena, come here." He said surprisingly calm patting his hand on the couch.
I stood up and sat next to him, and without warning Mikey wrapped his arms around me embracing me in a hug, while I put my arms loosely around his back and leaned my head on his shoulder.
I smelled his aftershave and it actually felt kind of awkward hugging him.

Guys never hug me without wanting something from me.. Then again this is Mikey and he saved me from a rapist yesterday.

He let me go after a few minutes, but since we both pulled away from the hug at the same time we came to stare each other right in the eyes.
We stared a couple of minutes at each other and things only became more awkward that they had already been..
"So ehm.. Do you want coffee?" I quickly asked as I backed away from him.
"Sure." He said with a nervous smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
so here's chapter 10 already!!!
65 readers and already 8 subscribers!!
I thank you all so much!!

Thanks for reading and the next update is already alive in my head!
Please comment ^^

