Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


Frank's a ***!

I stood up and Sushi ran after me, because she wanted food. She was sitting in the windowsill before, still a little grumpy I guess about me not giving her attention..
"Hey Sushi." I said as she started loving my legs with her soft fur. "You want your food now don't you?"
Sushi meowed extra long, making me notice that she wanted it damn right now!
I grabbed her dish and filled it with cat food, she immediately attacked it.
Then I turned on the coffeemaker and disappeared in my bedroom.
"I'll be right back Mikes, gotta change clothes."
"It's okay!" I heard him yell back.

I threw the robe off of my body on the bed and dug through my closet for a denim skinny jeans and a gray shirt with the text: Don't give up on your dreams, you don't only experience them at night..
I threw them on and found a few studded bracelets. I put my dark deep red hair in a messy pony tail and applied a dark smudged line of eyeliner on the ledges of my eyes. Then I made my way back to the kitchen to see how the coffee was doing..

"Are you fully clothed now?" Said Mikey with a smirk while he held his hands before his eyes.
"MIKEY! I'M NAKED!" I yelled pretending to be shocked.
He dropped his hands down of the shock and his mouth was gaping half open.
"You know, I'm actually happy that I'm not naked." I said laughing. "You're supposed to keep your eyes closed when I say such a thing Mikes."
Mikey laughed a nervous chuckle.
"Sorry you scared me." He said. "S-So how is the coffee doing?"
"Well since it's a Senseo it takes a minute to brew coffee." I said with a laugh. I put a coffee pad under the lid and the thing started pouring nice hot coffee like it was magical.
I gave Mikey a mug and my pretty coffee machine poured out the next as I cleaned the pad and pushed the silver shiny button with the red light around.

Mikey went back to the living area and sat on the couch, I on the other hand sat back in my pretty chair with the steaming coffee in my hands.
"Nice coffee!" He complemented me.
"Why thanks!" I said. "Wiener Mélange is my favorite kind."
"Yeah I like it too." He said with a smile.
"So Mikes, how did Gerard and Frank wake up this morning?" I said with a grin.
"You really think they're already awake?" He laughed. "They're still pretty knock out for as far as I know. Gerard in his basement and Frank on a mattress somewhere in the house.. I don't know where he is since I couldn't find him."
"Gerard sleeps in a basement? You're not going to tell me that he's also sleeping in a coffin right? And that he changed his name in to Count Waycula?"
"Not as far as I know." Laughed Mikey. "Count Waycula how did you manage to think of that!"
"I could also call him Gerard the neck sucking bat boy."
"That I have to remember for the latter.." He laughed. "You still hate them don't you?"
"What's there not to hate about them?" I said defenseless. "Frank is a playboy and Gerard a drugs taking nitwit."

Mikey laughed.

"Frank is not a playboy, even though he acts like it sometimes. He has difficulties finding the right girl so he sleeps with as many as he can."
"Like I said, Frank's a whore!" I stated.
"No Frank's desperate." Laughed Mikey. "That's something else."
"Well even if he is, he shouldn't have said such things about Debby."
"But you hate Debby." Said Mikey.
"Well yeah.." I said thinking it over. "I guess I do."
"Than stop holding grudges against Frank, you both hate her anyway. And don't forget that Frank had been drinking half a bottle of vodka before he went to see you."
"I'm not surprised." I smirked. "But alright, I think I can try if he's willing to.."
"Oh he sure as hell is willing to." Smirked Mikey.
"What on earth do you mean by that?!" I said confused.
"I thought you already heard of it?" He said surprised.
"Heard what?!"
"Eh, nothing." He said quickly drinking the remains of his coffee.
"Mikey.." I said. "Spill it."
"Well I don't think I'm the one who has to tell you, but anyway. I've heard from Gee that Frank has a crush on you."
"Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me." I said as I put my mug down and stared unbelievable at him.
"Nope." Said Mikey. "I suppose you don't like him back?"
"Hell no!! He looks like a hippo's butt!"

Mikey roared with laughter.
"Poor Frank." He said. "He has to be hearing that comment for the rest of his life now. I will make sure of it!"
"Yeah well sorry but I wont get further than friends with him, and I'm not even sure if I want that anymore. You can say it to him whenever you see him." I said crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair with a glare of frustration creeping on to my face.

Then the first lines of "Vampire's in love" from the Misfits rang in Mikey's pocket.

"Dude, I think you're pants are ringing." I said with a laugh as Mikey laughed along and answered the phone.
Sushi jumped on my lap and I listened to the conversation Mikey was having.

"Hey mom.. What? Oh god no.. Just put the thing on I'm sure he wakes up.. Yeah.. Bye mom."
"What was that about?" I asked as Mikey hung up with smirk.
"Mom found Frank sleeping in the bath tub." Laughed Mikey. "I told her to put the water on to make him wake up. Since the aroma of alcohol wandered throughout the entire bathroom my mom poked him with a broomstick to make him wake up, since she didn't want to touch him."
I laughed too.

Frank might be as desperate as Mikey claims that he is, but if he has a "crush" on me, does that also includes that I'm a desperate catch as well? I don't know what he's thinking..

I got up from my seat and got the mugs in the kitchen sink.
"Hey wanna get a brunch somewhere?" I asked Mikey who was fiddling with his phone. "I haven't eaten yet."
"Sure." He said getting up. "We can go to that little bistro near the mall."
"Okay, fine by me." I said with a smile.
Mikey and me went out and when I got outside the warmth smacked me in the face.
Now I knew why Mikey was wearing shorts and a T-shirt..
"It's pretty hot isn't it?!" Said Mikey.
"I feel like I'm getting roasted unwillingly." I said with a growl.
"It's good for your skin. You'll get some color on that pale arms."
"Yeah if I want to look like Kentucky Fried Chicken!" I said laughing.
"Well don't say that you're not edible, you look pretty tasty.. for a chicken."

We came at the little bistro but oh what a surprise, mister desperate playboy was sitting at a table in the shade.
"Hey Frank." Said Mikey sitting down.
Frank growled something that none of us could identify as real words..
Frank pushed his hands on his ears and glared at Mikey.
"Will you stop with the fucking yelling!" He said angry. "You're getting me a headache!"
Mikey started laughing, and so did I well until he saw me standing at the table. I didn't sat down yet but I quickly did and I felt really uncomfortable now.
"What are you doing here?" He asked a little unfriendly.
"Hanging out with Mikes." I said with a shrug. "Why? Am I invading your personal space or something?!"
"No." He growled as he stared at me.

I felt uncomfortable.
Mikey saw it too because he came with a very shaming comment.

"You're not getting her ass Frank, so quit the leering at her."
Frank turned his head away from me and stared at Mikey.
"Who said I want her?!" He said a little snobby.
"You did, yesterday." Said Mikey while he put his elbows on the table and crossed his arms.
"I did not!" He yelled angry. "I don't even like her!"
"Great cause she thinks you look like a hippo's butt!" Said Mikey with a big grin on his face.
Frank seemed like he was gonna explode, but then actually burst out in to laughter, something I didn't quite expect him to.
"Well it's always better than being the sneak around here." He said while he drank the rest of his fresh made orange juice he had standing in front of him. "I think I was a little too drunk yesterday." He chuckled.
"You think?" I said. "You were sleeping in my lap with your alcohol breath smelling so bad I wished I had an air refresher."
Frank blushed.
"Sorry, and if I said something, anything, just forget it. I don't even know what happened after I spoke to you about Debby."
"Right." I said. "About that, forget Debby she's a bitch."
"Friends?" He asked hopeful.
"For now." I said with a smile.
"Yay!" He said happy. Well as happy as a hung-over guy can be..
"Frankie has a new friend!"

The waiter came over to our table and I ordered an orange juice and some toast with strawberry jelly and a salad.
Mikey ordered coffee again and a piece of apple pie. Frank copied me with the orange juice.
"You know what's the best about being hung-over?" Said Frank suddenly out of the blue.
"What?" Said Mikey.
"Not able to remember how foolish you have been doing the night before, and then just ignore the fact you did it the following day!"
"Frank?" Said Mikey.
"You actually do look like a hippo's butt.."
♠ ♠ ♠
The readers keep adding up! I'm truly happy that this story gets read by so many people!
75 readers and 10 subscribers!
I love you people! Hahaha!
Two stars already!! :D

Please comment, I'd like some feedback. So I can keep the stuff coming! ^^
And thanks for reading everybody!! :D