Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


Mikey has a girlfriend!

Frank actually seemed lesser than an asshole than I thought he would be. I hate to admit it, but he was actually kind of funny..
We had been talking a lot, Mikey, Frank and me. About the most random things, and the crush-thing.. Frank didn't even remembered that he had said it. But I doubt it a little..

"So what do you guys wanna do?" I said after a while.
"I don't have any plans." Said Mikey. "Do you Frank?"
"Well I was thinking about going to the swimming pool.." He said as he was pretending to think real hard.
"Well I think that's a great idea!" Said Mikey. "I'll go home to see if Gee wants to come. Are you coming with us too Lena?"
"Eh.." I said with a weak smile. I didn't actually know if I wanted to be seen in my bikini by five guys..
"Ah come on! Don't spoil the fun!" Said Frank encouraging me.
"Alright I'll go." I said with a smile. "But no funny business!"
"Me and funny business?" Said Frank with a grin. "Those things don't go together.."
"Maybe you can fool your grandmother." Said Mikey with a smirk. "Let's go."

We paid the bill of our drinks and food and walked away in a direction I wasn't familiar with. I guess we walked to Mikey's house..
Though I can say that Frank and Mikey are my friends now, I still felt a little uncomfortable around them.
All in all I'm just a fan of their band..
And I couldn't handle the fact that they took me in as their friend that easily.. Sometimes I even wondered if they aren't just guys who want me in their beds.

Mikey opened his front door and was greeted by, what I guess was his mom, in the kitchen.
"Hey mom." Said Mikey with a smile. "Is Gerard up already?"
"Not that I know." Said his mom. "I think he's in his room."
"Okay." Said Mikey, and he opened a door in the kitchen which led to a flight of stairs.
I didn't follow the guys, I still don't like how Gerard talked to me.
I sat down at a chair in the kitchen.
"And who are you?" Asked his mom friendly. "A friend of Mikey?"
"Yes ma'am." I said politely. "I met them at on of their concerts."
"Oh how nice." She said with a warm smile. "I always hoped that Mikey would find a nice girl to marry."
"Oh but Mikey and I are just-" I started but I got cut off by Frank dashing in the room.
"WE FOUND HIM!" Said Frank while his eyes were filled with mischief.
Mikey came in laughing like an insomniac, tears were rolling down his cheeks. He got followed up by his angry brother who seemed like he was woken up brutally..
"That was not funny!" He stated angry.
"Oh but it was!" Laughed Mikey.
Frank seemed to be the proudest of them all.
"What did you do?" I asked him suspicious.
"It was so funny! I walked over to Gee's bed and whispered that giant evil spiders were hiding under his bed. It looked like he was going to piss himself!" Said Frank whom started laughing again.
"Like I said, NOT funny!" Said Gerard as he did his hair a little better.
I tried to hide a smirk but it was hard.. REAL hard..

Then Gerard noticed me..

"Hey." He said. "What are you doing here?"
"She came with us." Said Mikey pointing at himself and Frank.
"Oh." Said Gerard with a shrug. "Okay."
Was he even serious? Couldn't he even beg to differ that I was here?
"Yes she's Mikey's new girlfriend!" Said his mother happy. "Isn't it great?"
Mikey stared awkwardly at me and I started to blush.
Franks eyes were glued to my face and Gerard gawked at me.

"N-No I'm not." I said. "We're just friends."
"Of course you are honey." She said with a smile that made me look like a liar. "What's your name?"
"Helena." I said still blushing. Mikey wanted to hide his face..
"Oh how nice! My mother was called Elena, and Gerard here wrote a song for her called Helena, but I guess you already know that don't you?"
"Eh.. yes." I said.
"Mom leave her alone." Said Mikey. "She's NOT my girlfriend."
"She isn't?" Said his mom disappointed.
"No." Said Mikey sighing frustrated. "Don't mind my mom Lena, she's trying to set me up with everyone."
"Okay." I said still blushing.
"Mikey has a girlfriend! Mikey has a girlfriend!" Sang Frank annoying.
"I do not have a girlfriend!" Yelled Mikey even more frustrated than he already was.
"Too bad." Said his mom. "I thought she was nice."
"Mom will you just drop it?" Asked Mikey friendly. His mom smiled and walked out of the kitchen in to the sunny backyard.
Gerard was making some breakfast in the meantime.

"We decided to go swimming at the swimming pool." Said Frank towards Gerard. "Do you wanna come with us?"
Gerard stared at me for a brief second and I glared at him.
"Maybe later." He said. "I think I'll go to the park or something."
I was so happy that he had said that, that it almost made me smile..
I didn't want Gerard near me, I didn't like him and that would never ever change a single bit.
"I'm happy you're not coming." I blurted.
I suspected that Gerard would glare daggers at me, but he didn't.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you back then. Can't we just get over with the fucking thing?!" He said a little unfriendly.

Was he even freaking apologizing at me?! If he was it wasn't even gonna work with his attitude..

"Well I still think you're an asshole." I said crossing my arms. "Besides you're always drunk and you're on drugs, I wouldn't be surprised if you would die on cancer or something."
That made him snap..
"What?!" He yelled. "Who the fuck do you think you are! You don't even know me!"
"I know you well enough that you think yelling is the answer to all your problems!" I said.
"Fuck you bitch!" He yelled as he walked down the stairs and slammed his door shut.

"Helena?" Said Mikey with a sigh.
"Yeah Mikes?" I asked him.
"You shouldn't have said that." He said shaking his head.
"Said what?" I asked but Mikey went upstairs.
Frank stayed at the table though.
"The cancer thing, it's a sensitive subject." Said Frank with a shrug.
"I'm sorry I just don't like Gerard." I said. "First he told me I was nothing, and now he says I'm a bitch. Screw him!"
Frank suddenly took my hands in his and eyed me.
"Gee's a sourpuss." He stated with a smirk as he let go of my hands.

Mikey ran downstairs with a bag and threw it in the hallway.
I walked up to him.
"I'm sorry Mikes." I said. "But I still hate your brother."
"Well you didn't gave him much of a chance did you?" He said quite unfriendly.
"I know I just can't make myself to do it if he's acting like such a jerk! I'm sorry." I said as I felt tears welling up.
"It's okay Lena." He said with a smile. "He'll come around."
I smiled up at him and Frankie started whistling.
"Frank.." Started Mikey. "She's not! Okay?!"
I laughed and so did Frank.

Mikey took the van since they didn't had any other car, but he left the trailer home. We stopped by at my place so I could get my swimming gear and I changed in to another outfit since I felt like I was melting in the hot sun.. Now I was wearing a black skirt instead of the skinny jeans.
Later we stopped at Frank's place to get his stuff so we would be ready to head down to the swimming pool.
The drive wasn't long to the place, but the swimming pool in Newark was prettier according to the guys, so Mikey drove us there.
I was seated with Frank in the passengers seat while Mikey was driving.
They had put a The Misfits CD in the player and were singing along with the lyrics.
We came at the swimming pool but it seemed that there wasn't a soul.
We got out of the car and walked up to the entrance..


"Nooo!!! You bastards!!" Yelled Frank balling his fists at the bright blue sky.
"It says they wont open until next week." I said reading the schedule of the pool.
"Guess we're here for nothing then." Said Mikey with a shrug. "Let's go home."
"No I wanted to swim, and I sure as hell will be swimming!" Said Frank as he stepped in the van with me. "Let's go to the park."
"The park?" I questioned.
"Yeah we can swim at Branch Brook Pond." Said Frank with a smile. "I bet there'll be more people."
"Frank." I started. "I don't think that's allowed.."
"Oh you have to spoil my idea again." Huffed Frank and Mikey laughed.
"Let's head home." He said.
"Then what do you want to do at home?" Said Frank bored. "I want some excitement!"
"You'll see." Said Mikey mischievous. "You'll see..."
♠ ♠ ♠
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