Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


Don't stare at me like that!

"FRANK!" I yelled angry as I was drenched with water and it started dripping out of my hair.
Frank smiled innocently at me, though he was sure as guilty..
So I threw a nice red balloon at his face making it snap as soon as it touched his face.
"Argh! Helena!" He yelled as he ran after me with another balloon.

Yup that’s right, Mikey came up with the brilliant plan of starting a water balloon fight in their backyard..His mom and dad were off to somewhere.

"Frank?" I heard Mikey say as Frank turned around.
"Yes?" He said.
"Dude!" Yelled Frank angry as the water was dripping out of his mowhawk. He started running after Mikey now to tackle him to the ground.
I liked the fight, despite the fact that I was wearing a grey shirt and you could see the outlines of my bra quite good..
I stood still for a second and stared at a window at Mikey’s house where Gerard was standing, looking out of the window at us.
He saw me staring and he glared at me, I just flipped him off and turned around to chase after Mikey with a balloon instead.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! I surrender!" Laughed Mikey as Frank and me were sitting on top of him both with a balloon hovering over his head.
"Say please." Teased Frank with a serious yet arrogant face.
"Please." Laughed Mikey.
"Now say pretty please, and Frank Iero’s the sexiest man alive."
"Oh screw you!" Laughed Mikey.
"Sorry, wrong answer." Smirked Frank and he dropped the balloon on Mikey’s head making the water splatter all over his face.
"Ugh!" Sputtered Mikey with a grin.
I still had the balloon in my hand and it hovered over Mikey’s face.
"Drop it." I heard Frank whisper next to me.
Instead of throwing it on Mikey I threw it at Frank next to me and started to make a run for it.
"Oh now you brought it on!" I heard Frank squeal as I was long far gone running down the street to hid behind a tree.
But I bumped in to someone while I was looking behind me if I got followed by anyone.
"Oh sor-" I started but when I saw Gerard glaring at me for running in to him, I just hit him hard in the face and took a run for it again..

I'm such a rebel hahaha.

"HELENA!" I heard Frank yell after me, but I didn't stop and ran in to Belleville Park.
I ran over the bridge that was built across the small creek and hid in the bushes waiting for Frank to find me.
It was silent, and I didn't hear footsteps.

Did they really gave up chasing after me?

I careful came out of my hiding spot and noticed Gerard standing at the bridge waiting impatiently for me to come out tapping his foot.
"Oh it's you." I said unfriendly as I stared at him as if he was the most dirty thing I could imagine.
"Yes it's me." He said angry as I could quite see the read palm of my hand on his pale cheek.
I smirked deeply inside of me and complimented myself for hitting him so good.
"What was that all about?!" He yelled pointing at his cheek.
"Oh just a way of saying hi." I said with a smirk as I tried to get past him but he grabbed my wrist making me stop in my tracks. "Gerard let me go." I said as I stared at his angry face.
"Now why should I do that?" He said as if he was considering. "I don't think we're quite done yet, us together. I want some pay back.."
"Oh but I think we are quite done." I said as I kicked him between the legs making him flip over in pain so I could take a run for it.
"Bitch!" I heard him yell after me, but I was long gone and when I ran back to his backyard, safe from him and safe with my friends, I was greeted with three water balloons in the face.
I just stood there, dead in my tracks with a death glare visible on my face.

"Guys?" I said between gritted teeth.
They both widened their eyes as they noticed I wanted to kill them, and they threw me a towel quickly whom were lying around.
I dried my face and hair and sat down in the grass.
"Something happened?" Asked Frank curious as he came sitting besides me.
"Ger-taaaard." I said exagarated with a death glare at the grass as if it had done something wrong for just growing there..
"What did he do?" Smirked Frank.
"No I slapped him." I said with a proud smile on my face.
"You.. slapped him?" Roared Frank. "Why did you do that?"
"He was in my way." I said with a slight smile.
"Did he hit you with his purse?" Laughed Frank and Mikey started to laugh too.
"No I kicked him." I said.
"Kicked him?" Wondered Mikey as he came sitting next to us after he was done cleaning up the yard balloon-free.
"Yes in his baby-maker." I said proudly. "For holding on to my wrist and not letting me go."
Mikey made a face.
"Girl, you're a kick ass rebel." Laughed Frank. "And you're shirt became see-through.."
"FRANK!" I yelled angry as I covered my body. "Don't stare at me like that!"
Mikey roared with laughter and Frank eyed me with his innocent-face. Though that wasn't really working..

"Come on let's go inside." Said Mikey with a grin. "I'll make some coffee."
Frank darted inside like a happy deer in the spring as I followed him with a smirk.
A few minutes later there were three cups of steaming liquid standing before us in pretty white mugs.
"Though it's too hot for coffee I can really use this." Smirked Frank.
"Frank, coffee is your gasoline. Without, you wont be able to start." Said Mikey with a smirk. "Then you'll walk around like a zombie."
"I hope Gerard doesn't kill me then." Laughed Frank. "He will mistake me from his video games."
I laughed, but my smile faded as the door slammed open and Gerard stood in the doorway breathing heavily. He looked like an angry dragon, only the fire escaping from his nostrills was the thing that was missing..
"Dude who got your panties up in a twist?" Smirked Frank.
"She did." Roared Gerard with anger pointing an acusing finger at me.
I stared at my friends with an innocent pout curled on my face.
"Oh don't you dare!" Growled Gerard at his friends when they started to get up.

I must say he looked like a mess, there were leaves stuck in his hair and his face was a littlle muddy as if he fell in the creek.. Wait he might have.. His clothes are dripping..

"Did you had a nice swim Gee?" I smirked sarcastic.
But instead of a comment back he walked over to me gripping my throat.
I grabbed his hand trying to get some air but he was too strong for my own sake.
"Hey let her go Gee this aint funny." Said Mikey serious. "She can't breath!"
"She died Mikey, and I blame her." Growled Gerard as he wished me dead and turned away leaving us in the kitchen as he went to his bedroom.
I grabbed my throat making sure I had enough oxygen again and sighed frustrated.
"Where the fuck did he talk about?" But both Frank and Mikey ran after him to his bedroom.
Me not wanting to be the nosy bitch, got up from my chair and listened at the door..


"She died.. She died.. She died!" Cried Gerard over and over again.
He'd actually cry? I didn't think he could do that.
"Oh god." Said Mikey as I heard feet shuffle.
"When?" Asked Frank sounding a lot more concerned than he was acting before.
I know they shouldn't take sides in this fight among Gerard and me but I actually felt betrayed..
"The hospital just called me." Sniffeled Gerard.
"When's the funeral?" Asked Mikey.
"In three days." Said Gerard while he was regaining his voice. "She didn't want to die, yet she did!"
"You can't control death Gee." Said Frank with a sigh. "You either die, or you live."
I heard something smash on the floor and then yelling.
"You don't know where you're talking about!" Yelled Gerard. "She was my love. My one and only! And now she's fucking dead Frank! She's dead!!! I'm dead!"
Nobody said anything.
"Just.. leave me alone." Cried Gerard. "Leave me the fuck alone."
I heard feet shuffle downstairs again and feet coming up the stairs. I quickly sat back on my chair drinking the coffee Mikey got me a few minutes ago and pretended to be still angry.


"Dude." Said Mikey. "That's bad."
Frank growled something as he sat next to me at the table.
"What's wrong?" I asked with fake interest, because I already knew what was going on anyway.
"Gee's girlfriend died." Said Frank boldly.
Though I should actually laugh at this because Gerard was in pain, and I wasn't. I actually felt bad, and Frank really said it really harsh..
"Oh." I said figuring out I didn't know what to say about this. "I didn't knew he had a girlfriend."
"He had." Said Mikey after a big sigh. "Valerie. She was diagnosed with cancer, and she was lying in the hospital for months now. We knew she died, but we couldn't do anything about it. It ate her, took control of her and now she gave up fighting against it."

I suddenly knew why Gerard became so seriously angry about the cancer-joke.. Dude..

"Damn." I said. I didn't know what to say, my mouth was dry and I actually felt bad for the asshole.
Maybe that was why he was so short tempered.. He's still a jerk though..
"My fun is ruined." Said Frank angrilly. "My fun is killed brutely! Gerard killed my fun!"
And that actually made Mikey and me laugh.
"Frank?" I said with a smirk.
"Want to get the balloons again?" I said full of mischief.
"No, no, no!" Said Mikey with a groan. "I just cleaned it up!"
But he couldn't catch us anymore as we ran off..
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's probably short, but it's something :D And I felt like an entertaining chapter for once. ^^
Next update will be soon, I promise!
Thanks for reading! Already over 90 readers!!!!!!! Can we make it to 100? :D
I love you guys!!!!!!!! <3
Comments would be awesome. :P
