Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


If I cut off your arms and I cut off your legs..

"I told you so." Muttered Mikey angrily as Frank and me were sitting on Mikey's couch and shuddered like hell.
"You guys were gonna get a cold, yet you didn't want to listen to me."
When the evening had set in we were still fighting in the yard with the balloons, but as it grew colder our clothes started to stick to our bodies and froze us over.
Mikey yelled at us that if we didn't came in we would end up sick, we didn't listened and that was really stupid.
"Shuddup Mikey." Murmured Frank.
Mikey had got us some coffee and I was drinking it slowly clenching my fingers around it.
I didn't saw Gerard for the rest of the afternoon.
He would be probably sitting in his room crying about his girlfriend..
Mikey threw a blanket at us and I wrapped myself in it as Frank started to pull it off of me, starting a fight.

"GUYS!" Yelled Mikey with a sigh. "You can both have it."
I stuck out my tongue at Mikey and pretended to be a five year old.
"No!" I groaned. "Frank smells!"
Frank stared insulted at me and glared down my face with hard eyes.
"Well you're just stupid!" He said with fake anger and he crossed his arms, closed his eyes and pouted at me.
I stared at him a couple of minutes when his left eye peeked open and then he grinned stealing the blanket from me.
"Mikeeyy Frank is being a big fat meanie!" I said childish.
Mikey rolled his eyes and turned on the TV. He was going to ignore us now..

Two hours later we heard the front door coming to a close and Gerard's voice talking rapidly.
That was odd, we never even seen him leave the house..
A girls voice talked back at him and I recognized it vaguely. The talking went over to whispering when Frank sneezed loudly next to me.
And then there was a silence and the door opened and closed again.
I pretended to watch Spongebob with Frank and Mikey..
The door opened and Gerard stepped in to the living room.
"Hey Gee." Said Frank warily as he didn't even looked at him.
"Hey." He said short and we heard him leave to his bedroom which was a door in the kitchen.
As soon as he left I ran over to the window with Mikey and Frank, just to see a girl's back getting in a car and driving away.
I couldn't see her face. Damn it..
We all sat back disappointed as Gerard suddenly startled the shit out of us.
"Did you had a nice view?" He said clearly annoyed.

We turned around, Mikey staring at the floor, Frankie scratching the back of his neck nervously and me glaring a death wish at mister Way.
My anger rose up in me and I couldn't care for my cold clothes anymore..

"No we hadn't." I said as I spoke up first. "Who is she?"
"Who cares?!" He snapped at me. "You would love to see everybody die on cancer anyway."
"Oh shut up you crybaby." I said with a snarl. "You just can't take it that someone's actually standing up against your arrogant arse."
"Oh yeah?!" He said dangerous as he walked a step further up to me.
"Yeah!" I said as I remained at my current spot. "You're just a little baby crying for his mommy deep inside! You fainthearted crying sock fucker!"
Gerard's face was suddenly overpowered with a dark shadow of anger and his eyes stared cold and hard at me. He could've killed me if he had a gun in his hand by accident..

"Shut up." He growled dangerously as he walked yet another step towards me. "You leave my mother out of this."
"Heck yeah I will!" I said arrogant as I placed a hand on my hip and pointed a finger in his face. "It's you that's the bastard not your mom."
Gerard's hands were suddenly placed down my shoulders and his fingers started digging in my flesh as he spoke threatening words to me.
"Don't.. Make me hit you.." He threatened.
"No you go bury your dead girlfriend!" I yelled in his face. His grip tightened a little and he almost started fuming now.
"Take that back!" He said as spit emerged from his mouth. I could swear his honey eyes turned black now..

"Gerard let her go!" Growled Frank next to me in a sudden.
The he eyes of Gerard suddenly snapped from my face and on to his best friend's, his fingers still down in my flesh but I didn't budge.
"You're taking her side?!" He growled at Frank.
"I'm not taking anybody's side!" Yelled Frank back. "Just let her go!"
"You're a worthless friend Frank." Hissed Gerard. "Taking the side of a girl."
"What does that suppose to mean?!" I snapped at him as his eyes once set back to my face.
"That you're a bitch." He said still glaring at me. "Leave the fucking house right now!"
"Oh hell no she wont!" Yelled Frank at Gerard. "She's my girlfriend!"


My face snapped at Frank as he gave me an assuring wink. Though that didn't satisfied me, I remained silent about it..
"Y-You're her boyfriend?!" Snarled Gerard disgusted.
"Yes!" He said back with the same snarl Gerard used.
"What about you Mikey?!" Yelled Gerard at his brother. "Which side do you fucking take?!"
Mikey glared at his brother, obviously he didn't want to be caught up in this fight.
"I'm not taking anybody's side." He said. "I'm taking my own. And I suggest you two fucking quit it right now!"
I gawked at Mikey and Gerard glared at him.
"Right. I know when I'm not wanted Mikey!" Growled Gerard as Mikey rolled his eyes and continued to watch Spongebob.

Though all the noise was pressed out of my ears as Gerard was staring at me with so much hatred it almost carried me away to oblivion, I still felt this enormous feeling of hate rising up in me every second..

"As for you." He snarled disgusted. "I suggest you stay out of my way.. or else.."
"Or else what?!" I said still arrogant though my body began to shake lightly.
"Or else I make sure you weren't born in the first place.." He said with a low growl as he tightened his grip on my shoulders a little more and let me go unwanted.
"Gerard!" Yelled Frank angry as he protectively swapped an arm around my shoulders making it look real. "Shut the fuck up!"
"No, you stay the fuck out of this Iero, or I swear I make you pay." Growled Gerard as we heard him snap his bedroom door shut.

"What an asshole!" Shouted Frank glaring at where Gerard has disappeared in his room. His arm was still curled around my shoulders.
"Frank?" I said trying not to sound too pissed off.
"Yeah?" He said still glaring at the door.
"Let me go.."
Frank stared at me and suddenly discovered he was still holding on to me.
"Oh eh sorry 'bout that Lena." He said with a blush. "If I didn't do that the fucker would never headed away from you."
"But now he hates you too!" I said confused. "I thought you two were best friends!"
"Yes, but I don't make him hit girls Helena." He said with another glare up his face. "You're my friend too."

Suddenly we heard music playing loud coming from Gerard's bedroom..

If I cut off your arms and I cut off your legs, would you still love me? Anyway?
If you're bound and you're gagged draped and displayed would you still love me? Anyway?
Why don't you love me anyway?
Why don't you love me anyway?

If I cut off your arms and I cut off your legs, would you still love me? Anyway?
If you're bound and you're gagged draped and displayed would you still love me?
Love me anyway!

Why don't you love me anyway?
Why don't you love me anyway?
Why don't you love me anyway?
Why don't you love me anyway?


Cutting with the knife, blood is spilling everywhere!
She will be my wife
Secondary spine, incisions must be accurate
I know just what to do!
My hands are trembling, I can't spare to slip up with this knife!
Her beauty is so illogical, the beast come gliding in
Hideous chameleon stripped down to her skin
Dance to the burning flame, pleasure exhumes the pain
The night burns in to flames
Dance Helena dance!

If I cut off your arms and I cut off your legs
Would you still love me? Anyway?
There's a spot on the floor where your limbs used to be
And I close the door on my fantasies.
Why don't you love me anyway? Fantasies..
Why don't you love me anyway? Helena!
Why don't you love me anyway? Helena!
Why don't you love me anyway?

Oh the irony..
"You hear that?!" I yelled angry towards Mikey who still claimed to be watching Spongebob without listening to me. "He's fucking trying to make me beat him up now seriously!"
"Ignore it." Grumbled Mikey.
Frank seemed pale with anger now.
"Not even is the fucker threatening you again! He's also asking why you don't love him for it! This beats it all I'm gonna make him wish he didn't woke up this morning!" Growled Frank as he was going to walk towards the kitchen.
"No Frank!" I yelled getting a hold on his arm and trying to stop him. "It's my fight not yours!"
"He's fucking pissing me off Helena!" Yelled Frank yanking at my grip. "Just let me at him!"

Why is Frank suddenly so concerned about me? Was that crush business not a lie after all?!

"No Frank!" I yelled. "Mikey fuck this! Help me a little will ya?!"
Mikey got up and glared at the both of us.
"I don't interfere in boy-girl problems Helena." He said with a growl. "I'm going upstairs I had enough of this nonsense.."
Frank still tried to escape from my grip but I wouldn't let go of his arm even though he dragged me a little down the carpet.
"Frank!" I yelled at him as if he didn't hear me if I was talking normal to him.. "Let the fucker have his fun he's not worth it! You're not worth it!"
"Let me go Helena!" Growled Frank still trying to drag me along.
"Hey guys!" Said a happy voice suddenly as Ray and Bob walked in through the front door.
"Whoa what's going on in here?!" Yelled Ray surprised by our display.

Gerard had tuned his radio on repeat, and the song was starting to play for the second time now..

"Ray! Bob!" I yelled. "Get a hold of him he wants to beat up Gerard!"
"Frank Jesus!" Yelled Bob as he took it over from me and planted Frank neatly on the couch as if it were a rag-doll.
"Now you stay there!" Said Bob angry pointing a finger.
Frank sat still for a second, but then he quickly tried to make a run for it again.
Bob quickly put him harshly back in his seat.
"I said STAY!" He growled at him.
Frank obeyed now though.
"What the fuck is going on?!" Said Ray as his hair danced around his head wildly.
"Gerard is trying to piss me off." I said angry. "With The Misfit's song Helena."
"Why?" Asked Bob while he played frustrated with his lip piercing.
"I'm in a fight with him because his girlfriend died today which he seems to be blaming on me."
"What?" Said Ray blinking a few times. "Valerie died?"
"Yeah." I said not feeling any remorse anymore.
"But why does Frank want to beat him up if it's your fight?" Asked Bob confused.
"He said to Gerard that he's my boyfriend, and now Gerard is turned against him as well."
"Wait WHAT?" Yelled Ray when he got flooded with all the information.

Seriously, is his immense hair stuck up his ears or something?

"He's not REALLY my boyfriend." I said. "He made it up so Gerard wouldn't beat the shit out of me.."
"Dude.." Said Bob with widened eyes. "What the fuck did you do to him?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay new update. ^^
Tell me what you think of it!
It's made it over 100 already!! And I gained my third star!!! Thank you guys!

Love you all!

Title credits go to the misfit's Helena of course ;)

And here's a sexy pic of Gerard from their new video. Cuz even if he's a jerk I know you love him!
