Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


You and me, and nobody else..

Two hours later Frank was finally calmed down a little and Mikey had came back down. Still a little grumpy, but he was a little more reasonable now. Bob and Ray were still here talking with us.
"Dude you're a bitch." Said Bob after a while talking about why Gerard is pissed off at me.
"Yeah and he's the drag queen of all bitches." Muttered Frank while he angrily played with a stress ball he found in the couch.
"I can't believe it." Said Ray. "How could he act like such an ass, I mean it's his fault that Helena's mad at him."
"Yes the bloody bastard has to come with some better excuses first before he starts to rat me off again." I grumbled.
"I wont interfere with the fight." Said Bob. "But if either one of you gets hurt I can't promise that I stay out of it."
Frank and me nodded.
"It's just a bunch of bullshit." Said Mikey suddenly. "You guys fighting, it's a bunch of bullshit."
"Well like hell yeah it is!" Said Frank. "But he's acting like Princess Asserella in his crystal shoes, Mikes.

I smirked about the way Frank murdered Cinderella out of our thoughts and made me think of Gerard in a blue dress and golden locks.. Mwhahaha!!

"He's an ass." Stated Ray. "But I don't mingle in the fight either, he's still our singer and our friend."
"Exactly pointing out that he's also my brother." Muttered Mikey.
"Nice brother you've got there." Growled Frank. "He wanted to kick my ass for sticking it up for Helena!"
"Yeah well it's none of your business anyway." Said Mikey cold.
"Yeah and let him beat her up? Dude where's your brains?! Are they on summer vacation or something.." Said Frank with his brows knitted up.
"Well.." Said Mikey. "I don't want him to beat her up either. I just don't like fights."
"And I don't like your brother." I said as if it wasn't obvious I hated the man already.

The door flung open and Gerard emerged out from it. His face surprisingly calm..
"Hey G." Said Ray trying to sound happy that he saw him.
Gerard growled something nasty and picked out an old scrapbook that stood on the bookshelf behind the couch.
"What's wrong?" Asked Ray with fake interest, because he knew as hell what was wrong.
Gerard stopped dead in his tracks and eyed his friend.
"Don't act like you don't know it all." He said snappy and then he walked away again.
"Dude." Said Bob. "That's a serious issue of PMS.."
We started to snicker and Gerard came walking back to us, suddenly grabbing me at the wrist and dragging me along.
"Hey!" I yelled. "Let the fuck go of my arm!"
Frank got up and started to yell at Gerard.
But Gerard didn't said anything and dragged me down to his bedroom locking the door before Frank could catch him. Hearing him yelling and bouncing his fists on his door. Then a loud kick and it was silent.

I was now in Gerard's bedroom, very pretty I must say.. Well for an ass as he is..
Blood red walls with posters all over the place and photo's of his family and some of him and the guys stacked to the wall. A few self drawn images and random pictures circling on the floor, and a big heap of clothes in the far corner.

"Dude what's up your pants let me go!" I yelled again as he finally let me go and turned around.
"Don't tack my friends in to this Helena." He said surprisingly calm though I could feel the hatred dripping of every word he spoke to me.
"Hey they asked me!" I said defending myself. "What should I've told them?! No it's fine Gerard has wet his panties?!"
Gerard's cheeks started to turn red, but not from embarrassment it was from pure anger..
"You take that back!" He snarled.
"Dude don't get hysteric on me." I said rolling my eyes. "You act like a girl!"

HA! gotcha back for it weasel!

Then it happened, Gerard slapped me, right in the cheek.
I felt his burning hand and anger suddenly started to boil in me like it had never done before.
"You fucking bitch!" I yelled as I hit him back in the face.
He tackled me down to the floor and I fell on my back on the soft carpet. He suddenly laid on top of me, his face close and his breath emerging out of his throat with heavy breaths.
I could sense the anger in his hazel colored eyes though I saw a small flick of something else in there as well..
"Gerard get off of me!" I groaned as he suddenly seemed to snap back to reality.
But he didn't let me go, he had my legs straddled with his own and his torso was lying upon mine. I could hardly breathe, though I didn't seemed to care for that anyway at the moment.
His face was close, so close I could smell the cigarettes and liquor on his breath. He must've been drinking..

"Gerard!" I muttered as I tried to twist myself out of his strong grip. But he placed his hands on my wrist and now I couldn't move anymore at all..
"No." He simply said to me. "Not this time."
"What not this time?!" I groaned as his face came a little closer and I gulped.
"This time I wont let you go." He whispered.
I glared at him, but it was useless he wouldn't of let me go anyway..
"What the hell are you talking about asshole!" I said angry.
"I don't want my brother or anyone to suffer from this fight.. Frank, that's just one of his phases trying to act like a superhero. I know Frank is not your boyfriend, and you do too."
I gulped.

How could he know? I mean, okay I was practically spewing my guts out at him before and I hated him as much as I hated Gerard, and I know it was a worse act he put up with but I didn't know it was that obvious..

"H-He is." I said trying to lie, though it was useless, I was a terrible liar..
"Liar." He growled.
There, he caught me..
"This fight is between us." He said. "You and me, and nobody else.."
"No, you mean, me and the horrible ass you are." I snarled.
His grip tightened on my wrists.
"I want to end this Helena." He snarled between his gritted teeth which looked incredibly frightening from this close.
"Yeah well than you have to bring me one hell damn of a good excuse." I said staring at his dark eyes above me.
"I want excuses from you first!" He yelled. "For bringing up my ex girlfriend like that!"
Ex girlfriend?
He was spewing it at me with hatred, though I was grateful that he actually didn't spit in my face..
"I refuse, you first apologize to me for acting like a total jerk!"
He glared at me and his face even came closer so much that our noses touched each other and I felt his breath down on my lips.
His bangs fell down and brushed my cheeks even so lightly.
I started to feel uncomfortable and a wave of nervousness crawled inside of my body slowly rising and building stronger and stronger
"Gerard what are you doing?" I whispered as he inched closer.
He stared at me for a brief second, his grip still on my wrists and his legs still on mine.
His eyes didn't stared as angry at me as they did before, and I exactly knew where this was going..
His lips touched mine for a small second, he stared back at me but I didn't know what to do.
I felt numb, insecure and frighten..

Then he leaned down on to me and all the fights seemed to vanish away as his lips moved on to mine and caressed them with the softest touch.
I felt even so lightly, even though I was straddled down on the floor with the guy I hate the most on top of me..
He kissed me softly and then the tip of his tongue begged for entrance..
I parted my lips slowly and he carefully slid it down in my mouth our tongues moving against each other perfectly.
My heart fluttered when he did so and I forgot everything around me. I never felt ever so amazing as I felt right at this moment. His bangs still brushing down my cheeks and his eyes closed.
I let myself get lost in his kiss and I didn't care about anything anymore. I couldn't think about anything either. It was him, and me and the kiss that filled my heart with joyful butterflies.

His legs moved a little and the grip on my wrists loosened. I placed my right hand against his cheek and let it wander up in his hair, grasping it softly with my fingers as he continued to move his lips against mine.
He suddenly moved his mouth down my jaw and kissed my earlobe softly, sucking and kissing it.
I enjoyed the feeling, sending shivers down my spine with every breath, suck and kiss he did.
I wanted it never to end.. I wanted this forever to last..
I let out a small moan of pleasure and he answered it by kissing me again not even to bother to slid his tongue right in, the kiss became more passionate with the minute..
I didn't know the time and I didn't care anymore. I felt naked around him and it felt so right..

He placed his right hand at my cheek and it wandered up my hair tugging it lightly.
His legs moved a little again and I felt a wave of lust coming over me right at that instant, letting out a soft moan which I couldn't suppress any longer anymore.
I tugged lightly at his own hair and he moaned too sending even more lust down my blood, my heart was beating so fast and I could feel his pounding against my own chest..
His kiss was so hot, his lips making me lose control over my body, driving me to the breakdown of insanity.
His lower body moving against my own, feeling how hard he became it made my knees feel weak. Even if I wanted to break away I couldn't I was too deep in for it now..

I moaned again as I felt him move against me and he let out a quick sharp breath before he came back to me giving me the pleasure of his kisses down my neck and sucking and nibbling at my skin.
Him running his tongue down my neck leaving another trace of kisses upwards only to be met with my eager lips.
I moaned against his kiss and he moaned back at me as we rolled on our sides and I pushed my body even tighter at his hard on..
"Hmm." He moaned as I swapped my heavy leg around his, curling him tightly against my lower body.. The only things we had in between was his boxer and shorts, and my skirt and underwear.
He began kissing down my neck again and moved down my shoulder.
We were both blindfolded with lust and we wanted each other so much..
"G-Gerard." I moaned with a hot breath. "I want you.."
♠ ♠ ♠
another update!Uh oh.. Bad Helena! Bad Gerard! *grins*

Thanx for reading peopl! I love you for it! And thank you for the fourth star! mucho's appreciated!
Comments please tell me what you think!! =]


pic of Gerard!
