Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


The worst thing..

Gerard suddenly stopped.
Leaving me dumbstruck on the floor next to him.
"W-What?" He breathed as he positioned himself above me again.
I didn't reply. I just stared at him still with this immense feeling of lust..
"I-I can't." He said. "What are we doing?!"

He can't?! What kind of weak excuse is that?! I felt him! I tasted him! Even though the vodka on his breath made me feel a little dizzy..

I sat straight up getting my skirt straight and stared at him with confusion, and then hatred.
Oh it was back.. The hatred I felt before was there again, and oh boy was it strong.
I smacked him in the face.. hard..
I got up and kicked the scrapbook away that was lying on the floor besides me.
I didn't said anything unlocked his bedroom door and walked back to the guys.
I wouldn't of let me getting used by him this way.. If this was an attempt of revenge the bastard succeeded.

"There you are!" Yelled Frank as he ran over to me. Mikey was gone and Bob and Ray were vanished as well. Only Frank was there waiting on the couch for me to return from Gerard's room. "What's wrong?"
He cupped my face in his hands and saw the hatred expression on my face.
"Nothing." I said angry as I sat down on the couch.
Frank sat besides me.
"Try me." He said.
"I can't." I said as worthless as Gerard said a few minutes ago.
"Did he do something to you?!" Said Frank getting from worried to angry.
"Yes." I growled switching the channel on the TV.
"What did he do!" Said Frank angry. "If he beat you up-"
"He didn't Frank." I said with a sigh. "He tried to screw me over."
"WHAT?!" Yelled Frank.

I didn't reply I watched Ren and Stimpy doing a weird dance..

"H-He tried to get you between his legs?!" Stammered Frank stunned.
I stared at Frank, and his face was draped over with confusion.
"W-What happened?!" He said eying me with his eyebrows low.
"First he seduced me, then he said he couldn't." I said rolling my eyes. "Then I slapped him."
Frank didn't know if he had to be shocked or that it was supposedly to be funny or anything.
"Damn." He said after a few seconds.
"If it was revenge he succeeded." I said letting out a sigh again. "I think I'm heading home now."
"Oh.. Yeah sure." Said Frank still in mere shock.
I got up and gave him a hug.
Then I left him there on the couch. I checked my phone, 8:30 PM.
Sushi probably would be worried about me..


Gerard's POV

This can't be right.. this can't be good.. What did I do? I kissed her! No! I did even more!
I'm so stupid.. GERARD YOU'RE SO STUPID!
What would she think about it if I have to explain.. As long as Helena keeps her mouth shut things wont be all that bad..
What am I saying?!
Of course she's not keeping her mouth shut! She fucking hates me! And I was about to make love to her..
What's wrong in my brain?! I think I'm losing myself here..
Helena.. She wanted me! She fucking wanted me to screw her! That's my fault!
I did it! I made her go that far!
It was only reasonable for her to smack me in the face again..

I let my head fell in my hands as I sat at my bed end.

She probably told Frank and the rest of the guys.. They think I'm a total jerk.. an asshole!
I can forget about the band now.. Goodbye future hopes and dreams..

I heard a knock on the door and shouted a "come in".
Frank walked down my steps and had an angered expression on his face.
"What the fuck!" He yelled. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"
I stared at him and let my head fall back in my hands again.
I screwed it up, Big Time..
"I know." I heard myself say. "I'm a jerk, an asshole just bring it on."
"I'm not here to bring anything on!" Yelled Frank as he pushed me down on my back on the bed. "How can you be so extremely heartless! this is the worst thing you've ever done!"
I didn't defended myself when Frank hit me a black eye as I lay defenseless on my back. I deserved it, I really was an asshole..
He kicked against the same scrapbook and wandered upstairs again, hearing the front door shut behind him.

I almost made love to the bitch I hate, driving the girl I love away from me and now my best friend abandoned me.
Is there really a god above that makes this happen? The same god that creates new life and let other people die?
I painfully got up and picked up the scrapbook from the floor. I sat down on my bed again and opened up the first page.

For my sweet Gee, Love Valerie. ♥

Then I felt tears well up in my eyes again.
"God, you're such a bitch."

Helena's POV

I took a shower, I felt dirty, filthy and used.
How could he, how could he do something that heartless to me!
I mean, it's not that I like him or anything..
It's just the way he played that dirty trick of him.. The way he used me for his good clean fun until I almost begged him to screw me!
I mean! What the fuck!

I dried my hair with my towel as I heard Rancid in my bedroom again..
I ran over to it vibrating on my night stand, but I didn't recognized the number..
"Hello?" I said answering the phone.
"Hey.." I heard Gerard's voice crack from the other side of the line.
I actually wanted to hang up right at that instant..
"Don't hang up on me." He said quickly as if he read my thoughts.
"Okay." I said half heartedly.
"I wanted to apologize.." He mumbled.
"For what?" I said cold.
"For what happened and all the other stuff I said." He cracked.
"Why?" I asked.
"Why?!" He said getting angry. "Because I'm an asshole that's why!" He said with a sigh at the end.

Finally I thought he would never cave..

"Alright." I said while I sighed unwillingly. "I'm sorry too about, well what I said.."
"Okay." Said Gerard sounding a little more cheerful than before.
"But it doesn't change the fact that I like what you did." I said cold and hard after.
"I know." I heard him say. "I'm just.. forget about it."
And then he disconnected..

I stared at my phone for a couple of minutes and then put it back on my nightstand.
Tomorrow a new day of work, and I can't use Gerard bugging my mind all night.
I stepped in my bed and greeted Sushi as she curled herself up next to me in the bed.
This was going to be a long night..

The next morning when I woke up I noticed that my alarm didn't went off like I hoped it would.. It was 09:45 which meant I was already late for work.. Great.. Why not lose my job on the same run too?

I jumped out of my bed making Sushi scare the shit out of herself, and she didn't seemed pleased..
I mumbled a weak excuse at my cat and started to throw on some clothes.
Then my phone started ringing.
Damn, damn, damn!

I ran over to it and picked it up.
"Yhellow?" I said with my tired voice.
"Helena where are you!" I heard my boss say at the other side of the line.
"Oh I'm sorry Wanda, I forgot to set my alarm."
"Well hurry up." She said. "We need you here."
"I'll be on my way." I said with a sigh as I hung up on her.
I put my hair in a messy ponytail and applied a little make up. Then I hurried down to the kitchen to give Sushi her cat food and got a bottle of liquid breakfast out of the fridge for myself.
I screwed the lid off and started drinking it as I put on my jacket and made my way downstairs to the lobby.

When I got at work I saw Wanda talking to someone. I put my jacket in the lockers and threw on my apron.
I would be doing the pickup counter shift for the next three hours..
"Ah there you are." Said Wanda as she made her way over.
I smiled as I closed my locker.
"I'm so sorry that I'm late." I said apologizing. "My alarm didn't go off and yesterday evening was just-"
"It's okay, as long as it wont happen again." She said with I smile.
I promised her.
"I want you to meet our new employee, he's starting today." She said.
Then a curious pale face with a black eye peeked from around the corner, his longish black hair shaking in his hazel eyes.
"Gerard?" I said surprised.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's probably short, sorry for that my eyes are hurting me, thank you all for reading and/or subscribing! ^^

Love ♥,


Gerard's weird dance-thing :P
