Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


He's hiding something..

I wanted to run over to him and leer at his eye and laugh, because it looked really bad.. But something stopped me.
Wanda left the locker room and pushed Gerard inside closing the door without a word..

"Who.. Who did that to you?" I managed to say after a while of looking at it.
Gerard didn't said anything, he just stood there.
"Gerard.." I said disappointed in him letting my arms hang low.
"Frank." He said with a shrug and he looked the other way.
"Frank?!" I yelled as I shot straight back up again.
"I deserved it." Muttered Gerard. "It's not fucking much of a big deal."
"I guess." I said crossing my arms over one another, suddenly feeling angry with him again.

Those emotions are really fucking me up!! Racing through each other like a bunch of suicide lemmings!

"I didn't know you worked here." He said putting his hands in the front pockets of his jeans awkwardly. There was a tension between us, and you could easily cut it with a knife.
"I do." I said shortly and Gerard nodded.
"What was that all about on the phone yesterday?" I asked as I fidgeted with my sleeves.
"Just, that I'm sorry." He said. "I know I hurt you."
"You didn't hurt me." I said getting in the defensive position at once. "You just messed with me, leaving me want to rip your throat."
Gerard cracked a little smile.
"You can always do that later." He said. "Look, Helena I'm sorry that I was an awful prick. It's just because of all the stuff going on with.. with.."
"Valerie?" I said and a glint of pain showed up in his hazel eyes.
"Eh..Yes." He said staring at the floor.
"Well I haven't been actually nice to you either way haven't I?" I said. "Though you deserved it all.." I added up.
"Can we just forget about this?" He asked hopeful cocking his head right up again to face me. "I don't want any grudges when we have to work here together."
I didn't reply at first and thought it over.

He was apologizing for everything, and he wanted to start things from scratch with me. I guess it's fair.. Yesterday was just... a fling.

"Okay." I said. "But with one condition."
"Yes?" He said.
"If you try to get in my pants again I swear, I'm gonna send you to hell."
"But I wasn't-" He started.
"Deal?" I said interrupting him.
He sighed and nodded in defeat.

The rest of the day I admit, I was trying to avoid Gerard.
I don't know but there was still something that gnawed at my insides when I saw him cleaning tables or working behind the scenes in the kitchen.
He often glanced at me and cracked an awkward smile, the other minutes he was texting on his phone non stop..
Something wasn't right. I just knew it..
He was hiding something, but what on earth could it be? I mean it's no big thing that he's still feeling guilty, or whatever it is he's feeling about yesterday. But this is something else.. Something different.
He's hiding something and I think I'm just a little too curious to sit down and wait.. I need to know.

"So what's up." I said referring to his phone he was shutting quickly.
It was the end of our day of work and we were done cleaning up. He still remained behind the counter though.
"Oh nothing." He said with that weird smile again. "I'm just waiting up."
"For who?" I asked being nosy but I didn't care.
"Oh.. a friend." He said quietly while he put on a fake smile.
There was that awkward smile again. He is hiding something.
"O-kay.." I said keeping my eyes on him as I walked to the locker room to get my stuff.
This was weird, and he knew I knew it was weird..
I know I should hate him, I know I should damn him to the depths of hell and bla bla bla, but I was too curious to even think that way..

Since the bright halo from the TL lights was shutting out all the darkness I noticed Gerard tighten up next to me. He walked over to the front door where I could only make out a hand waving at him outside.
It was too dark and the light almost blindfolded me.
"See you tomorrow." He said short and left the working grounds meeting up with whomever it was.

Oh damn you TL lights I hate you!


That evening Frank came over to my place with Bob. They got bored and wanted to come over.
I made not much of a big deal out of it. It was nice to be among friends, sitting alone every evening isn't what you can recall good clean fun..

"How was your day pumpkin?" Asked Bob as he hugged me as he walked in.
"The usual." I said with a shrug. "Gerard's working with me now too."
I hugged Frank when I said that, and he suddenly pulled away from it.
"Gerard?" He said grim. "How is his eye doing.."
I smiled a small smile.
"Looks bad." I said and Frank smiled back.
"He deserved it for messing with you." He said.
"I know." I said hugging him again. "And I thank you for it."

Bob was cuddling Sushi, he had a love for cats it was more than obvious..
I brought them drinks and we talked a little about Gerard and how angry Frank was still with him. Even though I told him we were done fighting for as far as it is he still was mad at him for toying with me.
Bob didn't really had an opinion about it, he agreed with Frank but also agreed with me for trying to move on without grudges.

"He's something hiding though." I said as I stared suspiciously at Bob.
"What do you mean?" He said with a lopsided smirk.
"He's texting on his blackberry all day long, and when he sees me staring he smiles awkward and moves to another spot to continue texting his stuff."
"So why do you think he's hiding something?" Asked Frank.
"I don't know. But I do know that whatever it is, he's hiding it for me and it seems he doesn't want me to find out.."

"I just think he's being a geek playing games. That, or Twitter." Said Bob still rubbing his fingers through Sushi's fur. "I know he has an account.."
"What's Twitter?" I asked with a confused frown.
"Oh my god you don't even know what Twitter is?!" Exclaimed Frank waving exaggerated with his arms like a windmill. "That's like, sooooooo awesome!"
I pulled up my eyebrow and stared at him.
"Right, what is it?"
"It's a chat service." He said being back to his own coolness.
I jumped up and ran over to my computer turning it on.
"What are you doing?" Asked Bob surprised.
"If he's hiding something, I hope I can find out what it is." I said as I clicked open the internet explorer.
"Why do you want to know whatever he's hiding anyway?" Questioned Frank with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"Because.." I started. "I'm just curious!"
Frank pulled up his eyebrow and stared a few seconds at me.

I actually don't know what I want to find out about him. And why, he's a slimy backstabber and he's totally not attractive at all. It's my curious nature to be in everyone's business all the time.. Yeah.. That must be it..

I typed the address in the search area and pushed enter.
Now I had to find Gerard.. Hey, another search bar…
Gerard Way. Enter.
"You guys I found him!" I yelled exited as I clicked on his profile.
The last message was from Mikey, "to get his ass away from the computer."
Then there was another screen name, Moon-Dreamer.
Who is she?

"Who is she?" Asked Frank repeating my thoughts.
I clicked on her screen name and her profile remained blanc..
"Someone that doesn't want people like us to know." I mumbled as I scrolled down the page seeing the comments Gerard had given her.

"Hey puddin pop just wanted to say hi."
Sent: 2 hours ago.

"You know you make me want to scream."
Sent: 3 hours ago.

"I love you <3."
Sent: 2 days ago.

"New girlfriend?" Grumbled Bob next to me which scared the shit out of me.
"Maybe, I don't know." I said shortly, getting angry while I was clicking back to Gerard's profile where I would expect comments of her.

"Hey GeeGee I miss you"
Sent: 1 hour ago.

"You do the same to me sweety."
Sent: 2 hours ago.

"I love you too."
Sent: 1 day ago.

I felt my cheeks getting hot and my eyes narrowing.
"What a bunch of crap." Said Frank with a grin. Probably thinking about a new way to prank him. "Helena?"
I glared at my computer screen, no wanting to look away from the words written down:

"I love you too."
Sent: 1 day ago.

Anger rose deep inside of me again.
"Lena? Are you okay?" He asked carefully.
"He wants to get in my pants while he has a fucking girlfriend!" I spat angry at Frank.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I haven't been updating in a while.. I re-discovered The Sims University and it's eating me away. :P

I had this update halfway done already, but decided to finish it today and make you all happy with it. :D
Please let me know what you think!

Comments = faster updates! ;)

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

