Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


Something wrong?

Gerard's POV

I know I was being inhuman.
I know I haven't been quite fair all the times..
But life isn't fair and you always just have to suck it up.
That was what Helena had to do.
Suck it up.

I had a girlfriend. Yes..
As for Helena, I don't know how, but she's glaring at me for most of the day, and she didn't even bothered to say hi to me this morning..
As for Frank I don't really want to be around him when I'm alone now.
I rather don't want another black eye..
Bob thinks I'm a total dick for acting like shit and as for Ray, well he doesn't know everything and Mikey is just staying out of it like he's doing for most of the times.

I don’t know what it is. I have a relationship and it's going fine..
But I keep thinking of her, Helena, her eyes, her hair and her slender figure that mesmerizes me of the night she was in my room.
Even though I completely screwed that up..
Her scent, lavender with a hint of freshness that reminds me of roses. It's been clinging on to me like the past few days..
I can't get her out of my head and it's driving me practically to insanity.

I have a girlfriend for crying out loud!!!

"Gerard?" She asked me as she flipped some of her hair behind her shoulder.
"Hmm?" I answered as I finished cleaning up the counter with a rag.
"Can you lock off?"
I stared blankly for a few second before I got back to reality.
"Yeah sure." I answered a little baffled about the way she spoke to me.
It was mere a question, but I figured she would snap at me like an alligator..
She nodded and headed off for the lockers to change back in her own clothes.

I mentally slapped myself. It was just a question, still I couldn't really find the reason why of she asked me that question. She had keys herself, did she needed to be somewhere? Maybe a date or anything?

Oh take a hold of yourself Gerard! That's none of your business! Besides your pretty girl might be waiting for you outside already!

Then why don't I care less if she's staying there for half an hour more or not?

I walked to the lockers myself. Donna had left half an hour ago because she had an appointment of some kind of business and she left the coffee thirst customers at our own hands.
Helena just threw on her shirt.
It was a nice shirt..
Purple with black stripes across of it.. It represented her curves perfectly, as for the jeans she was wearing..

Stop it..

I opened my locker and threw off my apron, I put on my Dead Kennedys t-shirt Ray bought me a year ago and stuffed the rest of my working outfit in the locker.
I didn't really care less if it was neatly folded or thrown inside like a bunch of nothings..
On the contrary of Helena who seemed to have everything organized perfectly.
She stared a little disgusted at me, as if I had a disease or anything and walked out while she swung her bag around her shoulder.
"See you Thursday." She said and I heard the backdoor come to a close.
Right, tomorrow it was Wednesday, Helena's day off.
As for me, I only had to work to eleven AM..

I switched off the lights and walked out of the front door.
I locked it and turned around, meeting up with the dazzling smile of my girlfriend.
"Hey sweetheart!" She cooed. "How was your day at work??"
I forced myself to smile at her and plant a kiss on her lips.
"It was okay." I said. The same excuse I always said.. Was I married? Because I sure as hell was acting like it..
She got in the car behind the steering wheel and I got in at the passenger seat.
How fucking wrong was this?!
A girl driving me? Instead of vice versa?
Somehow I got adjusted to it, even though people often called me a fag for it..

"So you want to go to my place?" She asked with the same smile plastered around her perfect little face.
"Sure." I said with a shrug. "I'll call Mikey first though, you know to let him know I'm out."
She merely nodded as she kept her eyes fixated on the road that spread out before her.
It was fucking New Jersey after all..

It rung..
"Yes?" I heard Mikey's voice reply in to the receiver of his cell phone.
"Hey Mikes it's me." I said with a weak smile.
"Look, I'm going to stay over at-"
"Her." Said Mikey cutting me off. "I already figured."
"Okay." I said with a little smile.
"Bye." I heard Mikey reply and he hung up on me.

Clearly Mikey wasn't really satisfied with my new girlfriend. That or he suddenly took Helena's side on the story and despised me for cheating.
No he can't know.. Can he?

"We're here!" She said happily next to me. I almost jumped out of my skin, I was too far in thought to even notice that I was been driven around..
"Oh." I said shortly. "Right."
She glanced with an awkward expression on her face at me.
"Something wrong my G-G?" She cooed again.
"No." I said short again but regained my words.. "I'm fine, I was just thinking."
I then threw a giant smirk at her making her believe it.
How could I be so fake and fictive around her..
This was so not me!
No, this is me.. The new me.. I have found love and shouldn't complain all the time about stupid unimportant little things..

I got out of the car and she unlocked the portal's door.
She lived in an apartment at the other side of Belleville, closer to Newark.
I walked in, greeted by some warm air that hung around the portal and she unlocked the next door with a magnet key so we could get in.
I always had a thing for magnet keys..
She walked in the elevator and I followed her suit.
I kind of felt like a dog..
No.. That's not right I am a person, I am her boyfriend and I don't love her..
Wait.. Where did that just come from?

"Sooo…" She said as she flung her arms around me and walked me to her bedroom. "I've missed you my wittle Gerry Werry.."
Don't throw up, that would be a bad time..
"I-I eh missed you too, ehm, cupcake."
She giggled like a teenager and pulled me carefully on to the bed.
I knew where this was going..
But how badly I wanted to do that, something was holding me back almost constantly..
"Oh wha's wrrrong now darrrling?" She said in a fake French accent.
I replied her with a several amount of wet kisses down her jaw line.
This girl was beautiful, not the smartest kind of type, but really outgoing and energetic.
Her raven black hair suited her perfectly, and even though she wasn't really tall she was very pretty with her silver color of her eyes.

Then I felt something vibrate in my pocket and I let out a fake groan.
I was actually happy that this happened, because somehow I wasn't really in the mood to have any sexual intercourse with her right now.
"Hello?" I said answering my phone.
"Yeah Gee it's me." I heard Mikey say. "There's an emergency can you come back home?"
Now I really did groan, I didn't want to go home right now I just wanted to be alone I guess..
"Isn't it something that you can't handle?" I spoke in to the receiver.
"No not really, someone is completely freaked out here."
"Who?" I asked.
"Just come over here Gerard." I heard him say, "and bring her with you." And then he hung up on me again.

What is it with him and constantly hanging up on the people he's talking with?!

I stomped off to the bedroom where my pretty lady was sprawled out over the covers of her bed trying to look sexy with her shirt off and the strap of her bra down.
"Look sweety." I said with a light groan. "We need to go, Mikey called and he said he needed us."
"Us?" She said as she sat back up and threw her shirt on. "What do you mean he needs us? What on earth does he need me for?"
"I don't know." I groaned. "Now come on it sounded important."
She groaned as well and put back her jacket on.
She got the keys of her car and apartment and we walked back to her car.
The drive back to my house was silent.
She was clearly pissed off on Mikey for ruining her evening with me, but she didn't let me notice that much.
When we came at my place I noticed a few bikes and Bob's car.
What was this supposed to mean?

I walked inside followed by my girlfriend who was standing behind me.
Because I was so much taller than she was, she was almost invisible.
I noticed Helena on the couch in Frank's arms who was trying to comfort her shooting evil glares at me.
Ray seemed in shock as if he wanted to throw up, and Bob stared at him with concern. Mikey was looking up at me with a confused expression.

"What's going on?" I questioned him.
"Helena just broke down." Said Mikey confused. "Something about you cheating with her on that midget behind you."
I paled, how could she possibly figured this out?!
"Gee?" I heard someone pipe up behind me. "Is that true?"
Helena's head shot up, and I suddenly noticed that she wasn't crying at all.
There were no tears and her make up was still perfect like it had always been.. What was her game?

"You?!" She screamed almost surprised with the most violated sound I had ever heard in my life.
My petite girlfriend suddenly emerged from behind me and stared at the furious Helena.
"Do you know that your pretty boyfriend almost screwed me over huh?!" She yelled furious.
"What are you talking about!" Yelled my girlfriend getting angry. "My Gee-bee would never do such a thing!"

I winced at the nickname and Mikey hid a snicker.

"No?! Well better think he almost did! EVA!" Yelled Helena angry.
"How can you love such a tramp Gerard!" She turned to me.
"She slept with Ray a few hours ago!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Well here's another update for you guys!
I hope you fucking enjoyed reading because that makes me so happy! ^^

As for the comments, I would really like it if at least someone would comment me..
Comment = hints for the next chapter from me ;)
Plus I will update faster when I've got good feedback ^^

Love you all for reading!!!!

