Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


Something about apologies..

Helena's POV

"What! Where did you get that from!" Yelled Gerard angry at me. "Eva would never! Would you Eva?!"
He glared at her wishing or maybe hoping that it wasn't true. He was shaking and he couldn't quite handle the situation.

Good for him..

"N-No.." Stuttered Eva. "I-I.."
"DID YOU?! OR WHAT?!" Gerard was now practically screaming at her.
Eva didn't answer him. It looked like she wasn't going to either.
"She did Gerard." I heard Ray grunt. "She slept with me while you were at work. She seduced me.."
Gerard started to pale, and then his face became redder and redder by the minute..
"Out.." He said silently.
"W-What?" She said scared.
"Out!" Said Gerard louder. "Get the fuck out of my house!"
"G-Gerard, you c-can't be serious, do you believe that piece of scum or do you believe me? I haven't slept with him! He's trying to break us up!"

I can't believe it.. She's denying it too!

"I SAID OUT!!!" Screamed Gerard.
Eva got a fright and ran out of the house. We heard her start her car and she was gone..
He was shaking like hell, his fist were balled up and he glared at the floor, the keys still in his hand and his jacket still on.
"Gee-" Started Bob but Gerard cut him off.
"Just leave me alone for a moment." He grunted and he left to his bedroom..
Frank stared confused at me.
I have hated Frank for a long time you know, but now I consider him as my best friend..
Things have been different, they changed..
As for Gerard, he seemed crushed..


"What a whore." Was the first thing we heard after a long pause of silence. It was Mikey who spoke up. "I always knew that she was the type to sleep around.."
I grunted something that none of them could understand.
"What was that?" Piped Bob up.
"I said, that I couldn't believe that she used to be my friend." I said repeating my grunt with real words.
"Yeah so much for your friendship." Said Frank.
"What does that supposed to mean!" I shouted suddenly. "Are you telling me that you think I like Gerard?!"
Frank stared bewildered at me, as if I had just hit him with a frying pan.
"N-No." He said. "Why? Do you?"
"No!" I almost screamed and then Donna entered the room.
"What's all this ruckus?" She said wiping her muddy hands on her striped apron. apparently she had been working in the garden..

Bob pointed a finger at me, I pointed a finger at Frank and Frank pointed a finger at Ray whom pointed a finger at Mikey whom pointed a finger back at Bob.
"Very funny." Said Donna. "What's up? Where's my eldest son?"
"You mean Gerard?" Asked Frank.
"No I meant that furry yeti in my front lawn." Said Donna sarcastic.
Frank started to get up to the window when I pulled him back to the sofa.
"Of course she means Gerard." I halfy hissed, halfly snickered.
"He's in his bedroom." Explained Mikey. "His girlfriend was cheating on him."
"He had a girlfriend?" Asked Donna surprised. "Why don't I know stuff like that! I'm your mother!"
"Maybe that's just the thing mom." Smirked Mikey.
"Oh ha-ha you're extremely kind to your mom today again aren't you?" She said getting angry.
"Relax mom, I was joking. Besides you and dad wouldn't approved of her anyway. She was a little.. sluttish.."
"Michael! You don't say that!" She said making her way back to the kitchen.
"Sorry mom I couldn't find another word for it." He apologized to her back that was now entering the kitchen.
"Call it loose next time.." We heard her say before she closed the back door and went outside.

"I'm going to check on Gerard." Said Ray suddenly. "See if he's OK."
Bob nodded and Ray went away.
"Well he's better off without her." I said with a shrug.
"You do like Gerard don't you?" Said Frank again with a glint of mischief in his hazel eyes.
"Frank.." I sighed. "I.. No."
"Awh you just say that because you don't want to admit it.." Said Bob like a five year old.
"Oh shush you like cats!" I hissed and everybody laughed while Bob tried to hide his face.

After half an hour of gaming on Mikey's X-Box Ray came back with a confused expression in his eyes.
"How is he?" Asked Bob as Ray sat down next to me and Frank.
"He has molested his bedroom." He said with a shrug. "And he wants to talk to you Helena."
"Me?!" I said surprised. "Where the hell does he needs me for!"
"He said something about apologies or something."
I knitted my brows up in a frown and stared confused at Ray.
"Alright." I said getting up.

What does he need me for? Maybe the thing about.. the cheating.. Of course! Oh great I'm really looking forward to it now!!!

I entered Gerard's room without knocking, knowing that that wouldn't of been necessary anyway..
His entire room was dark, he had his curtains closed and everywhere was junk on the floor. Clothes, books, drawings and a lot of paperwork everywhere. It seemed like he really trashed his room as Ray said he did..
In the far corner where I knew Gerard's bed stood was someone huddled up on the bed like a ball.. I heard some whimpering, I guess he didn't noticed me coming in.
"Gee-Gerard?" I stumbled.
The whimpering stopped and I saw the ball moving to a normal sitting position. The silhouette made sure it was in fact Gerard sitting there in the dark.
"What are you lurking here in the dark?" I said a little too sarcastic.
He didn't replied but I saw his shoulders moving up and down in a shrug.
He waited for me to come sit next to him, which I didn't I stopped in front of him while he sat on the bed.

"You wanted to talk?" I asked careful.
"Yeah." He said somewhat raspy. "Can you.. Can you please sit next to me?"
I hesitated but I eventually found myself sitting next to him on his bed.
"I'm sorry." He said barely audible. "I-I should've told you."
"No." I said a little harsh. "You shouldn't have done anything in the first place."
He sighed.
"I know, I'm sorry about that too.. But now she's, and she.."
"Yes she cheated on you." I said in the same harsh way.
"But Valerie." He said suddenly. "I-I thought I could never love someone again, and this just proves it once again. I-I wasn't even invited for her funeral, somehow her family thinks it's my fault she died.."
I stared bewildered at him for a few moments.
"She had cancer, cancer is nobody's fault." I stated and he nodded.
"I know but that's not what they think.."
"Gee- eh Gerard," I started.
"You may call me Gee that's okay." He mumbled softly.
"Right, well you shouldn't blame yourself. It's not your fault. It's freaking fucking nature."
He shrugged and let out a sigh again.

"S-So you're not mad at me?" He said after a little while.
"Of course I'm mad with you." I said as if it wasn't obvious. "But you don't need my ranting right now. If you told me she was your girlfriend a few days ago I could've warned you for her. Eva doesn't want love, she only wants sex and with as many men as she can get. I bet she was planning to sleep with the whole fucking band!"
"I guess.." He said looking grim at his carpet. "I didn't really liked her anyway.."
"Then why did you molest your bedroom?" I asked facing him now.
"Oh.. just because." He said.
"I don't take that for an answer." I said staring at him through the darkness.
I felt his breath on my arm as he sighed again.
"I hate myself." He stated without any emotion.
"Don't say that." I blurted.
He stared awkward at me.
"Why?" He asked as his face suddenly seemed a lot closer to mine now.
"Just because." I said clumsily as I mentally slapped myself for repeating the same phrase he used.

He smirked.
"I'm just.. sorry.." He said again. "Even though I said nasty things about you and I hated you, this was really cruel of me.. I hope.. I hope you can forgive me."

Even though I couldn't of let him in the state that he was in now, and I probably just had to forgive him for this, there was this weird knot inside of my stomach..

"I don't know Gerard." I said which was the entire truth at the moment.
He placed a finger under my chin and made me face him again. I noticed the pleading look in his eyes. And it was almost unbearable..
"Please.." He whispered and I felt his breath hot against my face..
♠ ♠ ♠
oooooohhhhhhhhhhhh :D

comment? :P