Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


Dude! That's totally not cool!

I blushed and didn't really know what to say after that comment.

"Well, what's your name?" He said eying me warily. "We don't have all night you know?"
"H-Helena." I managed to choke out.
"Who's your friend?" He said nodding his head to Debby.
"She.. Debby.." I said and frowned because I didn't really quite figured out what I just said.

Frank eyed me confused. But then waved it away.

"Right, well here's the amp. First start moving the middle switch on the left until it clicks once ok?"
"S-sure." I said nervously.
I moved it and watched him.

Shit why do those things always happen to me!

Frank picked up his guitar and strummed.
"One further." He said.
I did as he said, and he strummed again.
"Now move the right switch two times."
I did what he said and he strummed again. Then he frowned..
"Alright, the left switch.. ehm.. two times I think.."
I moved the switch and Frank strummed again until everything was perfect for him to play.

Then Frank thanked me, I climbed off the stage, back to Debby who was admiring Frank from down below. Luckily there weren't many people yet..

"He's so.. pretty.. You were totally right Helena!"
I didn't say anything to her, probably not really friendly but this was so embarrassing!
"When do they start?" I asked Debby who finally glued her face of Frank Iero.
"Soon I suppose." Said Debby as she got out a pocket mirror out of her bag and started to check if here hair was still right at it's place.
"Deb, you look great." I said getting the mirror out of her hand and putting it back in her bag. "Stop fooling around honey, then they'll think we're desperate."
Debby giggled childish.
"Aren't we then?" She said with a smirk.
I cracked a smile and stomped her lightly on her arm.
"Stop it!" I laughed.
People started coming in more and more now and the place really got crowded.

"Hey don't start a pit without me!" Yelled a voice suddenly as another girl jumped on to us.

Oh yeah I forgot, I actually do have a "friend" not that I hang out with her much anymore, but she's been my best friend for years since the "break up" of her parents. Her name is Eva Starlight.

"Hey Eve! Where's Adam?" I said mocking her.
"Ha-Ha.. Lena girl how have you been!" Said Eva hugging me.
"Oh alright I suppose. My mom's a fully hundred percent alcoholic now.."
"Seriously?" Said Eva dumbstruck as she hugged Debby too.
"Yeah since dad remember? She keeps drinking and then throws her guts out on the avenues.."
"Dude! That's totally not cool!"
"I know, stupid woman.. But how have you been it's been a few months?"
"Yeah well, mom and dad divorced and I moved to an apartment. I can't handle it to be with either of them any longer."
"Well that's surely progress!" I said. "They were nuts!"
"Yes thank you." Said Eva grinning. "I didn't know you like MCR Debs!"
"MCR?" Questioned Debby with a confused frown up her brow.
"My Chemical Romance?? The band that's playing?" Said Eva shocked since Debby didn't knew her favourite band.
"Oh, well I don't know them it just seemed fun." She said with a blush. "And the guys are hot." She quickly added when Eva shot her a weird glance.
"Well they sure are!" Said Eva smiling broadly. "Oh they start playing!"

The entire crowd has gone silent, since the three of us, more people entered and filled the entire floor.
A guy with half long black hair entered the stage he was wearing a black buttoned down shirt, black jeans and sneakers. Underneath the buttoned shirt he was wearing some kind of tight black shirt. There was only one spotlight focussed on him. The rest of the stage was dark.

"Hey y'all!" He joked in the microphone. The entire crowd went insane wearing out his name to him.
"How's everyone doing tonight?"
The entire crowd cheered "good" and "great".
"My name's Gerard and we're My Chemical Romance!"
Then all the lights went on and the band started playing a familiar intro.
"This song's called: Cemetery Drive."
The entire crowd went crazy and started to sing along the words of the song.

Since Debby, Eva and me were standing in front of the stage we could almost touch the band members. Which was pretty exiting.
Of course we were singing the words along except for Debby who didn't had a clue of what they were playing.

When they were done playing the song Gerard went over to an amp to drink some water out of a bottle glancing quickly at the crowd while he drunk, he saw us laughing and he smiled.

"Alright the next song is called Helena, anyone called Helena here by coincidence?" Joked Gerard.

I blushed and glanced at Debby and Eva.
"Come on raise your hand girl!" Hissed Eva next to me.
I hesitantly raised my hand and Gerard saw me doing so.
He seemed surprised but smiled.

"Well then I suppose this song is to you!" Said Gerard with a smile. "Well that is if there are other Helena's here!"
No one seemed to raise their hands they only wanted to touch the singer or glared at me for my name.


Gerard started singing and all I could do was blush most of the times he smiled at me.
Frank also smiled a few times at me and laughed when I tried to hide my face as if it was all a joke.
It wasn't a joke.. Gerard was really singing to me!

When they were done playing their show, Deb, Eva and me went for drinks at the bar, most of the crowd disappeared upstairs to the balcony to chill out, or just went home because there were too many people inside the damp twilit club.
I sat down on a barstool and ordered a beer for myself. Debby went searching for Frank Iero in the crowd, and Eva was at the girls bathroom fixing her drama make up.
So I was basically alone drinking my beer in silence once I paid the bartender.

"So Helena, if that is your real name." Said someone suddenly behind me. I turned around and saw Gerard Way coming over to me, sitting next to me on a barstool.
"Yes it is." I said with a blush. "Embarrassing huh?"
Gerard smirked.
"My grandmother was called Helena as well, I wrote that song for her in the first place when she died. But I think it suits you better since she's gone now."
"Why's that?" I asked curious.
"Well if you want to be compared to a corpse that's your decision.."
I laughed.
"No thanks."
He smirked and ordered a beer as well.
"Why are you talking to me?" I suddenly blurted.
He stared a little hurt at me for saying so and confusion crossed his face.
"Well if you don't like my company.." He started.
"No I mean, aren't you afraid I'll jump you or something like an obsessed fan?" I said blushing and taking a big gulp from my beer as if that could get the blush away from my cheeks.
Gerard started to laugh.

Great, good job Helena you just made an idiot out of yourself..

"Well most of the crowd seems to be obsessed with Frank, so I think I'm safe." He said snickering.
"So you think you don't have any fans at all?" I asked him confused.
"Well I didn't say that now did I?" He said eying me sceptically with his hazel coloured eyes.
I blushed.


"No I sure do have fans, but I always watch the crowd before playing, and most of them couldn't wait until Frank got out to play some riffs."
"Well he isn't ugly that's for sure." I said with a shrug.
"You think I'm ugly then?!" He suddenly exclaimed offended with big wide eyes and his mouth half gaping open.

Oh fuck did I just insult him now or what?!

"No I mean-" I started shocked.
"You just think that I'm fat eh? Is that it?! I'm ugly because I'm fat?!"
I eyed him confused, if he was serious he was playing it well..
"Yes you're so fat that all those fans wants to grill you and serve you on a silver plate with an apple in your mouth." I said with a snicker.

Then he burst out in to laughter.

"Well no thanks." He said with a laugh.
"Well I'm sure your fans would eat you." I said laughing.
"Oh my god I sure hope not." He said laughing.
I sipped from my beer and stared at the polished bar before me seeing my reflection in it.
"So are you an Iero fan as well?" He asked as he finished his beer and ordered a red bull.
"Well no, I mean not really." I said feeling my cheeks returning the blush again.
"Oh?" He said surprised, well who do you idolize then?"
"I like you all." I said. "I don't have a particular favourite or something. On the contrary of my friends that is.."
"Iero fans?" He asked with a laugh.
"How did you figure that out?" I said grinning as well.

"Hey Lena." Said Eva joining me at the bar. "Who's your fr-"
She started but her eyes widened and she paled.
"OHMYGODYOU'RESOCOOLYOUDIDAGREATJOBANDILOVEYOU!" She blurted and she quickly slapped her hand before her mouth.
Gerard stared shocked at Eva's blurting and was about to run for it when I slapped my hand in her face.
"Dude!" I said. "Not cool!"
She stared at me for a second.
"I think I'll go now.." Said Gerard getting up from his stool and leaving us.

I glared at Eva.

"You moron!" I said angry. "You totally ruined it!"
"Ruined what?" She said. "You were at the bar, with Gerard Fucking Way!"
"Yes I noticed until you chased him away!"
She blushed.
"Sorry.." She said I'll go home now I suppose.
"Do whatever you want." I said angry, and so Eva left me.

It wasn't supposed to chase her away as well, but I was talking.. Wasn't I?

I emptied my glass and left it on the bar I was going to search for Debs, since she was my only "friend" left here in the dump.
I saw her talking to somebody I couldn't quite see clearly because of the buzz of girls around everywhere.

Then I suddenly felt a hand placed firm on my upper arm and it scared the hell out of me…
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments would be awesome!
Thanx for reading!

