Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


Going Through Hell..

Today's the day of the tour.
I am actually quite excited if I may say, I never been on anybodies tour before and this wants to make me blow my brains against the ceiling.
Well, not literally of course, that's just the excitement speaking.. I'll write stuff later bye,

I closed my new diary that I picked out to be my tour-diary.
Well, actually it was just an old paperback I found in my house, but who's counting? I want to write everything down that I'm, going to endure in those three months..

"Helena are you coming? Mom is taking us to the parking lot." Said Mikey just as excited as I was. I was sitting at the kitchen table with my paperback-diary. But I quickly got to my feet, giving Sushi a big hug. (She was a bit in a distress knowing that she couldn't come with me on tour) And I left the house with my duffel bag.
Frank was smiling the entire time and he actually loved to go on tour for the last time. We were going to Europe and the tour planning was: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, China, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, France, Germany, The Netherlands, England and back to America.
A full program, but the tour manager said we could manage.
The only bad thing about the tour was that we would be going to England. My home land.. And I hoped that I wouldn't off run in to Debby or worse, Eva or my mom.

I stepped reassuringly in the car of Mr and Mrs Way. I closed the door and noticed I was almost sitting on Franks lap.
He laughed at my expression but he didn't seemed to mind.
We were heading towards the record company where the tour bus should be waiting for us.
They knew I was coming too, but the bad thing was is that they didn't accepted me to the job of assistant manager. They put me in a lower rank. Carrying all the heavy stuff in and out of the tour buss.
Yes, I was a help out, a nothing. But I got paid for it and I had to earn some money anyway if I wanted to keep my rent up for the apartment..
So I agreed so I still could come with them on the tour. I was too deep in the entire tour-feeling to give up so easily now.

When we got at the parking lot we saw a giant buss standing in front of the building.
"Is that.. ours?" I managed to ask after a long silence.
"Yep." Said Frank grinning. "Isn't she beautiful?"
Mikey and Ray started laughing and we all got out of the car.
Gerard walked inside of the buss first.
"The last one inside is a rotten egg!" He yelled.
Soon after that Bob, Ray, Mikey, Frank and I ran after him.

"I picked first!" Yelled Gerard.
"Picked what?" I asked but Frank ran besides me and disappeared behind a door.
"Picked second!" He yelled from somewhere out of the buss.
I walked inside the little room to discover that it was a room with two bunks above each other.
Mikey rushed besides me and placed his hand on the bed above Frank's.
"Picked third!" He yelled, and we heard Ray and Bob both yell "Picked fourth!" and "Picked fifth!"
"What the hell is going on?!" I yelled frustrated.
"Bed picking." Said Mikey grinning. "It's a tradition. And it has rules."
"What rules?" I asked in fright since I didn't picked out a bed yet.
"When you decide to pick a bed you have to remain in the same bed the entire tour and you're not allowed to switch rooms. And if someone has a girl the other has to sleep on the couch."
"Dude!" I said frustrated. "I don't even have a bed yet!"
"You're last." Said Frank with a grin. "You can't choose. Just look for the empty bunk."

I groaned and left Mikey and Frank's bedroom. I walked inside the door right across of them. There I saw Ray and Bob throwing their duffel bags on their bed.
"OCCUPIIIIEEEEDDDD!" Yelled Bob and I quickly shot the door.
I turned my back to their door and there was only one door left. It was on the right of me and I entered.
There I saw Gerard sitting on a double bed with his duffel bag.
"No, no, no, no.." I said turning around and leaving the bedroom.
"I'm not going to sleep in there with you Gerard." I said and I left to the small living room.

I guess I'll rather sleep on this couch than that I'm sleeping in there with him..

"Hey, Helena was it right?" Said a man getting in the buss. He was tall and had a black emo-ish haircut.
"Yeah." I said with a sigh. Did I have to go to work already?
"I'm Ian." He said with a bright smile. "I'm the tour manager."
"Oh nice to meet you." I said with a smile back at him.
"If I may say fair lady, you are very elegant." He said in his best Shakespearian English accent.
"Well thank you sir." I said in the same way.
He chuckled.
"I'll be riding in the other smaller buss with some co workers. You can stay in the buss though, we don't have any sleeping space left anyway."
"Oh yeah, great." I said with a fake smile.
He smiled back.
"I'll see you later when we reach the airport."
I nodded and he left the buss.
Then the buss driver stepped in. He was just an ordinary punk guy. He had a snake bite and green and black coloured hair.
"Hey." He said with a smile towards me. "I'm Spike."
"I'm Helena." I said with a light smile. "You already know the guys right?"
"Oh do I?" He said with a grin as he snatched the microphone from it's stand. "Heya guys!" He belted over the intercom.
"Hey Spike!" The voices of the guys sound in the back.
"Ready to go?!" Yelled Spike and I placed my hands before my ears.
"Yeah!" We heard them yell.
"Great." Said Spike more to himself as he placed the microphone back in it's standard.

The guys came out of their bedrooms and walked outside the buss to say goodbye to their parents.
I only said goodbye to Mr and Mrs Way since I didn't know Frank's mom, and Ray and Bob's parents.
I hugged them goodbye and walked inside of the buss silently.
If I was going to sleep on a couch for three months, I would be going through hell..


A week later we were in Portugal. This was their first show of the tour.
It was in Lisbon, the capital city of the country.
I hadn't slept all week and I felt like I've been hit by a train every morning.
It was the same routine the entire week.
I slept on the couch, though Frank and Mikey whined about how bad it is for my back. Gerard hasn't spoken to me in three days because he was preoccupied with his song writing.
Bob and Ray were mostly playing video games and god knows what..

Every morning Frank was the first one out of his bed, and he announced himself with an enormous: "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MOOOOOOOOOORNING!!!!"
Which woke me up instantly. It's pretty hard to sleep through that.. Only Ray.. Even if the world would collapse and a new apocalypse of the zombie era starts.. I swear, he will be sleeping right through it!!

"Lena have you seen my purple Winny the Pooh boxer short?" Asked Bob as he tiredly rubbed with his knuckles in his eyes.

It was 6 AM and we had to get up early. Meaning I had to drag their junk around.. Yay.. Wooptidido I'm really looking forward to a hernia..

"No I haven't seen it." I replied sleepily as I rolled over in my sleeping bag that I had brought with me just in case.

I was really glad I had done it.

"Myeah.." Mumbled Bob. "Thanks anyway.."
"GOOOOOOOOOO-" Started Frank as he ran towards us.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Bob and I yelled at the same time.
Bob glared at Frank's happy face and stumbled away to his bedroom.
"So aren't we in a happy mood today? Do I have to put mister happy on your little face, sweet pumpkin of mine?" Cooed Frank.
I growled something Frank couldn't understand and I heard him grin.
"Rise and shine flower princess!" He squealed which made my ears hurt.
"Fwank!" I yelled in to my sleeping bag. "Shudda wu-up!"
"I can't understand any word you're saying pretty-kins" He said as he pulled the sleeping bag from my yet sleepy in pajama suited-form.
"Fraaaank!" I growled as I got a few strands of my horrible hairdo behind my ears..
"Leave me the fuck alone!"
"Sure Tarzan, I'll leave you." He said with a snicker. "I'm going to wake up Gerard now.."

I threw the sleeping bag over my head again.
There wasn't a chance that I would fall back asleep right now.
I got out of my sleeping bag and walked over to the mini fridge where I knew, a bottle of milk was standing in the door.
When I popped the lid of the milk I heard Frank yell something and Gerard swearing really loud.
I grinned and put the bottle back before swinging the milk inside of my dry mouth a couple of times.

"What are you smiling about." Yawned Ray as he and his hair walked inside of the room.
"Oh nothing, an inside joke." I replied as I started to comb my hair.
Which wasn't really useful because it would look like shit all day anyway..
"Well, tell me about it." Said Ray putting the coffeemaker on.
"I HATE YOU!" Yelled Gerard furious as he walked towards the small kitchenette from out of his bedroom.
Frank followed him with a huge grin plastered on his face.
"Well there's nothing to explain really." I said with a laugh as I stared at the furious Gerard sitting down on a chair and crossing his arms with force.
Ray smiled and poured himself a cup of coffee.
"IIII SMEEELLL COFFEEEEEE!!!" Yelled Mikey excitedly as he entered the kitchenette as well.
"And it's all MIIINEEEE!!" Sang Ray back at him as he sat down with his hot steaming coffee.
I laughed and walked over to my duffel bag.
The guys their eyes followed me expectantly.
"Eh guys.." I said raising my eyebrows as I stared back at them. "Turn around!"

They groaned and turned their faces away so I could get dressed.
I did this every morning.
A, because I didn't want to dress in one of the guys smelly rooms,
and B, because I knew they would come in "accidentally" anyway..

"Helena do you know I love you?" Said Frank with a fake sugary sweet voice.
"No Frank, you can't watch either." I replied as I threw on my shirt with a laugh.
I sighed and put on a skirt quickly.
"You can watch." I said as I started putting my shoes on.

Boy oh boy, this would be a long, long day..
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry for the long hiatus for this story...
I had writers block, and my boyfriend was staying over. *angels face*
But thanks for reading once again I appreciate it a lot.

Thank you! *bows*
