Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished



Three days later

Alright.. Did I mentioned that guys are pigs?
No I'm totally serious here.. They're swines! Of the worst kind!
You already know that I have to get dressed in the middle of the bus because the guys will be watching.. I don't know what's been happening lately but it's like a ton of hormones are flying around in this tiny tour bus..
Yes.. I DID said it was tiny! The place is too small for guys and girls running half naked through the buss throughout the day!

It was 7 PM on a Saturday and I had to work..
The guys had their second gig in Lisbon I don't know why but the people loved them there and paid them twice as much for another gig.. Of course they gracefully accepted.. Ahem..
It also meant that miss-drag-around had to work an extra day.. And their gear isn't the lightest stuff..

"Oof! Can you- help me with this Chris?" I said as I dragged a amp out of the storage buss. "It's pretty.. HEAVY!"
Chris, a co worker of me who's been a little bit nice to me grinned and walked over to me to help me out with the murder machine.
"You aren't supposed to drag those things around anyway." He said with a smile. "Take those boxes with promotion t-shirts and other band crap. They're for the stand. Just take a fuss on that alright??"
I nodded and took a few boxes that were surprisingly lighter than I expected..

"Are you sure there's something in this?" I asked as I shook the box up and down.
Chris walked towards me and read the lid on top of the box.
"To be honest with you Lena, that box contains a mixture of N, O, H and C."
"What?" I said not understanding a thing.
"The box is empty douchebag." He said grinning as he walked away.
"Well you're a stupid chemistry-nerd-aholic!" I yelled as I threw the box after him on the pavement.
"Who's a nerd?" Asked somebody who apparently heard a bit of the conversation. I turned around and met up with Frank.
"That Chris Wayne guy." I said rolling my eyes. "He's a jerk. A big fat first-class-blood-under-your-fingernails-sucking-jerk!"
"Dude, guess you don't like him?"
"No I love him he's being extremely sweet.." I said with a mouth full of sarcasm. "I can't stand that guy!" I yelled with a growl.
"Oh don't be so angry.. Makes me feel I'm not wanted!" Whined Frank with his big brown puppy dog eyes.
I smiled, he always knew how to cheer me up when I was sad or in a bad mood.. Guess he's always there for me whenever, whatever..
I hugged him quickly and closed my eyes because of the sunlight.

"You're the best friend ever Frank."

Later that evening it was my shift to stand behind the merchandise booth. It was actually the most fun job to do on the entire tour. Besides from spending time with the guys of course..
This evening turned out to be a bit boring though. The fans already bought their shirts and other crap at the previous gig, so it turned out to be a pretty boring night so far.. I was hanging over the table with my head down on the surface.

"Hey beautiful." Said a guy in a Rat Fink shirt.
I looked up, not too enthusiastic. There could explode a bomb in front of me and still I wouldn't even notice the sound..
"Sup." I said with a half smile.
"You look like shit have you been standing, lying here all along?" Said the guy.
"Well pretty much yeah.." I said making a gesture of indifference with my hand.
He smiled and I smiled back at him.
"So what's your name?" He said.
"I'm 'Lena." I said with that weird half smile again.
"Cool." He said nodding vigorously.
I smiled a bit wider and got back to my feet.
"Yeah it's actually Helena." I said scratching the back of my head and forming a little blush on my cheeks.

why am I saying this?

"Oh okay." He said as he put his hands in his front pockets.
"So.." I started.
"Yes?" He asked raising his eyebrows.
"Are you gonna buy something or.."
He chuckled and I noticed a set of crooked teeth behind that funny half smile of his.
"Uhm yeah why not." He said with a laugh as his hand roamed through a box of buttons.
"I mean.. I'm not forcing you or something.."
He laughed even louder.
"Or are you standing here for an other reason?" I asked him.
He wiped away a tear from his eye..
"Or did you want to ehm ask me.."

He burst out in roaring laughter..

Damn it Helena shut the fuck up!

"I was actually gonna ask you where the bathroom is." He said with a smirk.
I blushed and tried to hide my face but that was pretty useless..
"Ehm left down the hall.." I mumbled.
He smirked.
"Thanks toots." He said with a smile.
"And keep this button aside for me okay? I'll buy it when I come back."
"Sure." I almost whispered.
He grinned and walked away from me.

This wasn't a normal thing going on here.. What the hell happened?
I mean.. He's good looking with that black dyed hair.. Though he looks a lot older than I am..

Before I knew what was going on the break started and people emerged out of the concert room going to the toilets and wanting to buy stuff. I suddenly became a lot busier than before..
"Hey I thought you could use some help." Chris said standing next to me behind the table.
"Yeah uh thanks." I said quickly.
I sold a few things to eager fan girls that thought they didn't had enough I-love-Frank-Iero and I-love-Gerard-Way t-shirts..
Bob, Ray and Mikey weren't selling as good as those two bloodsuckers..

"Hey." I suddenly heard behind me and I turned around to be met with that guy from before.
"Ohw hi." I said with a blush. "I'm kinda busy- Hey mister! Put that back!"
"Come on." Said the guy grabbing my wrist and tugging for a bit.
"No I can't have to-"
"No you don't." He said with a sly smile and dragged me away from the people to a deserted area.

"Just wait-what-WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" I yelled and he laughed.
"Nothing I just wanted to talk to you." He said as he stopped dragging me around.
"I don't have time for this kind of talking." I said getting angry and turning on my heel to get away from that sicko.
But he grabbed my wrist..
"Oh come on.. Don't you know who I am?" He said teasingly as he ruffled a hand through his hair.
"No I have no fucking clue of who you are can I go back to my stand now?!"

He laughed.
"Sure.. Go ahead." He said empathizing the words 'go ahead' with a smirk.
"BILLIE JOE FUCKIN ARMSTRONG!" Someone yelled suddenly.
I turned around and there I saw Frank with his tongue on the floor and his eyes almost popping out of his skull.
I then took a closer look and recognized the singer of Green Day..

Oh dang! I'm so stupid sometimes..

"Hey.. dude.." Billie Joe answered.
"Helena! What-why-why didn't you tell me he was here!!" Sputtered Frank.
"I didn't even recognize the guy!" I yelled at him.
"What? How? what?!" Said Frank non-believing.
I shrugged and Frank ran past me to shake Billie's hand enthusiastically.
"See you later dude." I said with a smile as I walked away from them.
Billie Joe seemed to protest but he didn't had a chance with Frank..

Thank god..

When the night was over Chris dragged all the heavy equipment back in to the buss thankfully, and I was dragging the boxes with merchandise back.
I walked back in to the buss and let myself drop on my couch-bed.
I was exhausted..

"WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Yelled Frank as he came back waving a piece of paper in the air. "I got his autograph! I got his bloody fucking hell autograph!"
"Who's autograph?" Asked Ray who came out of his bedroom.
Ray smirked and walked away to his bedroom as Frank continued with his tirade, yelling and cheering and being.. Well just Frank.

"Hey guys." Said Gerard walking in with a towel around his neck. "Great show didn't we?"
"As usual." Said Bob who looked like he could use a shower.. He walked in with his shirt unbuttoned and his hair messed up.
He did that himself probably..
Bob disappeared in the shower, and Gerard went straight to his bedroom.

Then Mikey walked in with a beautiful blonde next to his sideā€¦
"Alright Frank you've got to move out." He said with a smirk and the blonde girl giggled.
"Aw man!" Groaned Frank. "But I can't sleep anywhere! And I'm not going to sleep with Gerard. He humps people in his sleep!"
"You can sleep with Helena." Shrugged Mikey and he walked to his bedroom.

Now Frank and I were the only ones left in the room..

"Too bad this one's taken!" Yelled Frank as he pushed me off the couch and I landed on the floor with a loud thump.
"Frank!" I groaned. "This is not fair!"
"It's fair to me, besides, rules are rules and the one who has to move out the bunk technically has to sleep on the couch. Which means that you have almost made it impossible for us to screw- eh hang out with girls.." He said with a giggle.
"But Frank!" I whined.
"'Nuff said goodnight." Said Frank shortly and then he made fake snoring noises..

I growled and got back to my feet.
I didn't had a choice now.. I had to sleep with Gerard!
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh... Is she? Is she? Is she going to sleep with him?? Finally after AAAAALLLL those long waits from hundreds of impatient people? :P

Well you can find THAT out in the next chapter...

I've been gone for a long time.. And I'm terribly sorry, I'm going to university now and I don't have much free time left.. :O And the time I DO have left I spend on writing and wel.. uhm living.. :P


And thank you for reading this!! :D
I really appreciate it people!!

(also, this is for the people who might haven't noticed it yet... I've put down a big green text on my profile, so people can see on which update I'm working for which story.. So if you want to know how fast the update for Helena is, just check my profile.. =D)