Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


Struggling with myself

I stood before the bedroom door.. HIS bedroom door..
Am I really going to do it? I really don't want to sleep on the floor..
I sighed and turned around facing Frank on the couch, I needed my duffel bag anyway..
I took my bag and before I knew it I was standing before the door again.

"Alright girl, guess you just have to buckle up and take a jump for tonight.."
I opened the door, but I didn't see Gerard..
I dropped my duffel bag to one side of the bed when I suddenly heard someone rummaging in the walk-in closet.
Since I didn't want to startle him I sat on the bed crossing my legs like a lady.
He then walked out of the closet only wearing a boxershort.
I gasped and he jumped back.

"Helena!" He yelled. "Wait.. wha-what the hell are you doing here!"
He quickly put on a white bathrobe and tried to glare at me.
"Mikey has a screw." I said. "This is the only bed left.. Besides it's a double bed." I swallowed hard but I hoped he didn't noticed that.
"Well, sleep on the couch then! Like you did before!"
"Frank took it." I said un-crossing my legs carefully.
I was wearing a skirt.
"Well.. You can sleep.. in my closet!" He said pointing at where he came from before.
"Gerard, I'm not going to sleep in anybodies closet.."
"Oh.. Well.. okay.. eh..fine then.." He said earning a blush on his cheeks.

Being alone with Gerard in a bed wasn't maybe one of the wisest things to do hence what happened before when I was alone with him in a room..
If it's true that he likes me he might try anything tonight.. If it's true that he wants to get in my pants he'll definitely try anything tonight..
Wow that satisfies me!!

"Well, it's late." He mumbled and he walked to the other side of the bed throwing off the bathrobe. I stood up, he murmured a 'good night' and slipped underneath the covers.
I just stood there, he wasn't facing me so I only saw his hair popping out above the covers.

I'll just pretend I'm alone in this bed.. Just pretend.. alone..

I dragged my bag in to the closet and turned on the light, I closed the door and sighed.
I was going to change in my pajama's in a closet filled with men's clothes..
This is sure something different..
I took off my spaghetti strapped top and slipped out of my skirt.. I put on a clean thong and took off my bra.
If he barges in the room right now I'm gonna smack him real hard..
I folded my pieces of clothing together and placed them on a pile in the corner of the closet. Then I took on my pajama's.. Which wasn't actually more than a spaghetti strapped piece of satin that ended just above my knee..

I sighed deeply and opened the door while turning off the light in there.
I walked to the left side of the bed and slipped quickly underneath the covers.
"Goodnight." I mumbled.
He pretended to be asleep, but I knew he was just as much awake as I was..


Two hours later...

I didn't had the guts to fall asleep yet and noticing Gerard's behavior he hasn't slept either.
I've had heard the entire sex play of Mikey with his screw.
I guess Gerard did too.. Maybe that isn't such a good thing..
That girl made a lot of noise, I think they could hear them even outside the buss..
I turned on my right, facing Gerard's hair. It was a little damp, and smelled of shampoo.. Which isn't even possible since I've never seen him go to the bathroom..
Just when I started wondering how the hell he managed to shower himself without getting out of his room he turned around and looked right in to my eyes.
Since he startled me I widened my eyes and shifted my body back a bit.

"Don't worry." He whispered. "I promise I wont bite you."
I managed to create a weird half smile that twitched a bit.
He smiled back at me and snuggled up in to his pillow.
After waiting a while so I was sure he'd fell asleep I shifted my body back.
I was just about to let my head fall on the soft pillow and close my eyes out of tiredness; when I felt a movement underneath the covers and a few fingers touching my thigh..
I immediately shifted my body back in reflex.
He opened his eyes, and I glared at him.

"What do you think you're doing?" I hissed and he started to snicker.
"Pester you a bit." He said earning that smile on his face again.
"Well.. Stop it." I said squinting my eyes at him.
"I think you like it." He whispered with a voice full of mischief.
"No I'm tired and I want to go to sleep." I said with my voice low.
"You can't sleep." He said softly.
"And how do you know?" I hissed.
"Your body language." He whispered and he moved a bit closer to me.
I shifted my body back until I almost fell out of bed, he quickly grabbed me at my waist and pulled me back in to the bed again.
"Now, don't fall princess.." He said with a snicker.
"Shut up." I said getting angry.

But he didn't listen and pulled my body closer to his.
This caused that weird feeling in my stomach, I was so close to him that I could feel his warm breath on my collarbone and it sent shivers down my spine.
"Are you cold?" He asked out of nowhere.
"Uhm, yeah." I said.
He pulled the covers higher up, and now my entire shoulder vanished underneath it.

This wasn't improving the situation.. And he was still holding me close by my waist..

I didn't said anything because I was very much struggling with myself.
Was he going to get in my pants? Or is he just nice to me so that he can show me that he's not a bad guy? Did he expect sex out of this? Or does he just want to go to sleep without feelings of resentment? He's nine years older than I am! Age doesn't matter that much..
I didn't know what I wanted either.. It's nice to be close to him, and still it frightens me.
He opened his eyes and stared in to mine. But it wasn't a normal look, I could feel a burning passion emerging from his eyes.
I started to get a bit nervous.. I mean.. I've kissed him before and I know he wants to do it now.. I can't.. I wont let it come that far..

"Gee.." I whispered.
"Yeah?" He whispered back.
"I don't want to." I said softly and stared at his mouth.
"Want what?" He whispered as he shifted his body a bit.
"To.. kiss you.. I.. I..I don't want.. it.."
"I know." He whispered. "Don't worry."
I didn't know if I had to feel secure now.
"But.. then what.."
"Lena." He said softly. "You know that I like you, and you know what happened before."
"So?" I whispered.
"I don't want you to get hurt again." He said looking in to my eyes.
I stared at his hazel colored eyes that hypnotized me almost.
I closed my own, that way I didn't have to look him straight in the eyes.
Eyes I couldn't trust..


Gerard's POV

"Look at that!" Whispered someone.
"Aren't they cute!" Whispered another.
"Shall we wake them up?"
"Nah.. just let them be."
"I'll get my camera."


I opened my eyes a bit and saw Frank standing above me with a huge grin.
Ray right behind him with a digital camera and Bob making weird high pitched noises.
"What.." I managed to grumble.
"Look!" Said Ray enthusiastic and he showed me the back of his camera.
There was a picture of two people sleeping. A man on his back and a woman lying down on his chest.
"So?" I said not really getting what he was saying.
Frank pointed at the camera, and then at my chest.
Whom I discovered Helena was using as a pillow.
"Oh fuck." I groaned slapping a hand on my forehead. "What have I done this night.."
"You know it better than I do." Grinned Frank. "Come on guys let's go."
"One more picture." Said Ray quickly. And again the camera flashed in my face. I threw a pillow at him and he left the room.

I stared down at the sleeping form of Helena on my chest, I was sane last night right?
Her breathing was steady and slow and her hand lay over my chest clutching me close to her face.
I couldn't resist.. She was so beautiful..
I gently stroked her dark reddish brown hair keeping it out of her face.
She twitched her eyes and I immediately stopped. I carefully placed my hand on the arm that was clutching me and closed my eyes.

This was never happening again.


Helena's POV

'It was off somewhere, in a dark place..'

Gee..Wheres.. Gee..

'He couldn't be trusted.. He was sly, mean.. A real sneak.'

Who is?

'He seduced women with his eyes and before you knew it you were trapped in a world of lust and sex, and with a flick of his fingers you were placed back in to reality.
Violated, dirty and used..
Like he did with all the women he got..'


I slowly opened my eyes.

'A vampire! they called him, and he needed to be murdered!'

I realized that I wasn't dreaming this, but that there must be a TV on somewhere..
I looked around and felt a steady breathing underneath me.
I then realized it was somebodies skin, somebody I had been sleeping on..
All the thoughts and events of last night rushed in to my head and it didn't last long until I figured out I've been sleeping on Gerard!!
I sat straight up and stared bewildered at Gerard who was watching TV calmly.

"Who.. What?" I said.
"Good morning." He said with a little smile.
"Did I.. Did something?"
"Sleeping." He said simply. "Mostly."
"Mostly?! What? What have I been doing?"
"Talking a bit." He said while his grin grew larger.
"About what?" I said bewildered, I was clearly awake and there was no sign of sleep on my features noticeable anymore.
"About me." He said. "Kind of cute actually."
I earned a blush on my cheeks.

And now he's already haunting my dreams?!

"What did I say?" I asked bashful.
"You started off with some words I didn't understand and later you said: 'Gee, where's Gee who is cute.'" He said with a Cheshire cat grin. "It was funny."
"I did not!" I said defending myself.
"I recorded it."
♠ ♠ ♠
Merry Christmas lovely readers!!

And of course a happy new year!! ;)

comment? :P