Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


I didn't hear you.

He pressed on a button with his woman-may-melt-for-it smirk.

"Gee.. Gee.. Where's Gee.. Who is? Cute."

It sounded from out of the speaker of his phone.
It was my voice.
I gasped and thumped him hard against his shoulder, so much he almost stumbled out of the bed.
"What?" he said innocently. "It's nothing bad.."
"Nothing bad?!" I yelled. "Delete it! It's.. It's.."
"Cute?" asked Gerard with one of his cutest faces.
I groaned and let my head fall on the pillow in anger. I was lying on my back, staring at the ceiling where the sunlight was casting a hypnotic light show.

"You're mean Gerard Arthur Way." I growled.
"And I like your English accent." joked Gerard.
"Oh shut up." I said covering my face with my hands.
He was being a real bastard now, trying to flirt with me, giving me compliments when he knows that I'm not going to fall for it.
Gerard may be in love with me as he says, but that doesn't mean I'm supposed to love him back now am I right? I mean.. I couldn't possibly be in love with him.
Alright, I confess we almost.. did it.. We almost had sex, I almost wanted it this night again..

But I can't be in love with him, I just can't imagine what trouble I would cause, what hell I would cast upon my chaotic life. I mean, it's not even legal to have an affair at work, especially with your colleague right? Cause, he's somewhat my colleague now..
I would be fired, then I would lose my job in New Jersey and that means I have to go back to England to go back to school and live with the pain in the ass that calls herself my mother..
And I don't want to get that much at risk now.

I got up and walked to the closet to get myself changed. No matter what, this was going to be hell today.


"Helena and Gerard, sitting in a room.. L-O-V-E-M-A-K-I-N-G until she kills her groom!" sung Frank.
"Shut your pie hole!" I yelled turning away from him.
"Frank." said Mikey who slapped himself on the forehead. "That's lame, and you're singing it wrong too.. That's not even how it goes fuck head."
Frank glanced indifferently at his friend.
"So?" he said crossing his arms in protest. "It worked now didn't it?"
Mikey groaned and walked towards me.
I was having a break, things were not going too well all day. We were doing a bit of groceries, laundry and all that stuff. Later in the afternoon we would drive to Seville in Spain, cause tonight they have another gig..

"Eh, Lena?" said Mikey half in a whisper.

I wonder what's up in his pants..

"Yeah?" I said not too happy because of all the remarks I already received the day. Not to mention Gerard's recording that he apparently send to everyone using Blue-tooth..
He's such an asshole sometimes!
"You didn't, well.." he started as he was glancing around him awkwardly.
I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, I love Mikey, really, but sometimes he can turn his ass around a subject in so many different positions it makes you want to shake the shit out of him.
He shut up and stared at me scratching the back of his head, not really sure if he could start talking now.
"Just spill it!" I said through gritted teeth.
"Well, you didn't, well.. heard me and my eh.."
"Your fuck?" I said raising my eyebrows.
Mikey blushed and tried to look at something else rather than me.
"Mikey, not to embarrass you, but it was a little difficult not to hear her.." I said and Mikey's blush reddened even more. "But I didn't hear you if that's what you mean."
Mikey stared at me, in shock.
"Me? Oh great.. I was trying to shut that woman up all the time!" he said now apparently frustrated by what happened. "I thought I was having sex with a damn shepherdess who bloated her sheep together!"

I burst out in to laughter and Mikey seemed a bit insulted at first, but after he realized what he said he also burst out in to an enormous laughter.

"What are you two catnip's laughing about?" said Bob who joined us with a huge ball of cotton candy on a stick.
"Catnip's?" questioned Mikey with an amused expression on his face.
"Yeah that or hamstrings, I didn't know which one sounded funnier." said Bob with a grin.
I laughed and Bob put his arm around me.
"So I heard you had sex with Gerard?" he said with indifference but also a hint of curiosity.
"What?! No!" I said shocked.

What did that ass wipe gossiped around now?!

"Oh well he said that you and him-" started Bob but he couldn't hide his act anymore and started to roar with laughter after seeing my face.
"Oh you bloody mud-worm!" I said half angry half amused reaching for his cotton candy. "Give me some of that!"
Bob plucked a huge amount of pink sugar from the ball.
“Say aah.” he said dead serious.
I hesitated but opened my mouth making an “aah” sound.
Bob laughed and pushed the sugar inside of my mouth.

"A bloody mud-worm?" said Mikey after a while. "Sounds promising."
That made us laugh all over again.


I was alone in the bus, the guys were all out somewhere.
At least, I think they are I haven’t seen them in a while now.
“HONEY! I NEED MY LAUNDRY!” screamed a voice through the tour bus.

Guess I’m not alone after all..

My face reddened and I tried to cover it with my beautiful hair.I failed.
“Gerard! To hell with your tongue!” I yelled back.
I heard Gerard laugh about my comment and he walked out of his bedroom. Shirtless..
“Gerard put some clothes on.” I mumbled.
“And who are you? My mother?” he snickered.
“No I am not!” I protested, but I couldn’t help but feeling nervous around his careless nudity. “Now put something on.”
“Then give it to me.” he said pointing at the laundry basket in my arms.
I glanced away from him as he rummaged through the heap of clean clothes.
“I guess this will do.” he said more to himself than to me. He pulled out a black satin-like button down shirt and put it on.
I didn’t care to look at him anymore and tried to pass him.
“Excuse me.” I said as I tried to pass, but he blocked me.
I tried the other way around, but he blocked me again.
I sighed and glared at him.
“Will you let me pass you, you bloody pompous nitwit!” I yelled.
“No I won’t.” he said in a way it could have sounded sexy. Could have..

Then blood started to pump angrily through my veins..
It was already a worse day.. no, even better, this was already a worse idea of coming along with them..
First they let me sleep on a couch that’s too small, but I have to put up with it anyway because there are no bedrooms left. Then they let me drag heavy equipment all day, they expect me to do their laundry, they order me around, take photos of me when I’m sleeping, try to see me naked on every occasion and now what?! This fuck shit wasn’t going to let me through?!

I’ve had it, I hate it, I knew something like this was about to happen again.. Even though it’s my worthless fucking temper I earned from my oh so holy great mother that sticks a foot up my ass, I’ve had it!

What the hell does he think he’s doing? That he’s the king of Fuck Mountain?! That he’s mister sex god where every damn groupie has to fall for? That he can pester me with stupid voice recordings that make no sense at all?! That he’s supposed to be the one everybody wants me to fuck around with?! He’s nothing more than a worthless piece of junk! I was right all along in the first place.. He’s a jerk, and I hate him!

The worst thing out of all of these things is that I should never have trusted him in the very beginning..

Fuck you!” I yelled.

I threw the laundry basket on the floor, turned around and ran away from him, the bus, the band.. my friends..
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, well punnish me for the lack of updates if you have to... *ducks*
But I'll give you a sexy picture of Gee? *get's hopes up*
