Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


One of those drunk bastards..

I quickly turned around ready to smack the bastard who grabbed me when I met eyes with a hazel coloured pair.
"Oh it's you." I said with a blush though a little annoyed. "I thought you were one of those drunk bastards trying to hit on anything they see with boobs."
"Am I not then?" He said with a laugh.

I wont comment on that one..

"Come on I want to take you somewhere." He said as he walked away.
I followed him not quite sure if I wanted to..
"Hey I wanted to apologize for my friend-" I started.
"Oh that's okay." He said with a slight grin. "I often get those reactions."
I didn't said anything back, and I didn't quite know where he was taking me either.

He was guiding me backstage and he opened a door that led outside, and I noticed a limo parked at the other side of the road.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked as he totally ignored the limo and took me to a bench a few steps further.
"Well I kind of felt claustrophobic in there and I thought you would as well, so I took a few beers out of the limo a few minutes before, and wanted them to share with you." He said as he sat down on the bench and gave me a beer that he held in his coat.
"Oh well, thanks." I said eying the beer he gave me. "Wait is that your limo?"
He opened his own can and took a sip.
"Yeah why?"
"Oh, nothing." I said.


I was still sitting on the bench with an unopened can of beer in my hand and I stared awkwardly at it. I already had one beer, but I was going to stay with Debby anyway…
Why did I feel so strange? It wasn't really common to be this shy for me around guys.. Then again it was My Chemical Romance's vocalist Gerard Way.. But he was still a guy not some god or anything.

"Well come on it isn't poisoned!" He said making me snap out of my daydream.
I smirked nervously and bend the lid of the can until it opened.
"That's better!" He said.
"Yeah well," I said taking a sip. "I'm not staying here with you long if you think that what's I'm intended to."
"Oh sure, your friend." He said maybe a little bit disappointed?
"Well yeah, I'm going to stay at her place tonight." I said taking another sip. "And if I can't find her I can't get in the house.."
"Yeah I understand." He said.

His black hair was slightly moving in the soft blow the wind accomplished. His face was a little grim.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked carefully.
He eyed me for a second with his grim face and then he smiled at me.
"No it's alright." He said. "I was thinking.."
"Oh." I said. "About what?"
"Oh you know.. things.." He said mysterious. "Not really important."
Me not trying to be the nosy bastard decided to leave it that way, he was a famous musician, and I didn't really wanted to be a bother.

Though I'm still wondering whatever it was he was thinking about..

"Okay." I said with a little smile. "So what did you fella's brought you here to this deserted little town? I mean, it's not a very interesting town.."
"Oh well we're on tour at the moment, and we try to accept as many gigs as we can get on our way. We need the money you know?"
I stared a little confused at him.

They needed money? And they drive in a limousine? Something's not really connecting here..

"What's wrong?" He asked as he saw me deep in thought.
"Oh I was wondering, you guys are probably rich, so I don't really get the point that you guys need money. I mean, you've got a limousine!"
"Well," He started. "That's a little personal."
I eyed him even more sarcastic as I already did.
"Money isn't that personal.." I said.
"Well it's none of your business!" He suddenly spat at me. "You-You're just a fan! What am I even doing here wasting my time?!"
I stared shocked at him.
"You're nothing!"

Wow, where did this suddenly came from?!

"Sorry." He said quickly. "I shouldn't have yelled at you."
"Well better think of excuses before you decide to yell at me." I said bitterly as I got up and threw the can at the floor making the beer splat out on the pavement before him. I headed back in to the club not turning back.
I didn't heard him yelling excuses back at me either so screw him. People were right about him, he's a sick-drugs-taking-alcohol-addicted-bastard!

I was blinded with fury and I bumped in to someone while I headed in.
I didn't really see who it was, I only saw a blond head with a pair of glasses heading out the door before I could make an excuse.
Probably just another fan girl who heard Gerard Way was outside..
I was going to find Debby to head home.
I walked over to the place I saw her last, but she wasn't there anymore.


I headed back to the bar and sat down next to a guy with curls.
I didn't really took notice of the guy but ordered a beer instead and drank it in silence.
"Well you don't really seem too happy about everything." Said the guy suddenly.
I turned my head around and met with Ray Toro the lead guitarist of the band.

Great, anybody more?

"Hey Helena." Some familiar voice said suddenly behind me.
I turned around and stared in Frank Iero's eyes.

Fine, why not the entire band stalking me?!

"Hey are you okay?" He asked me concerned. "I wanted to thank you again for helping me out with my amp."
"Yes I'm okay." I said gulping down the entire beer I felt a little dizzy.. Then I ordered another.. "And no problem."
"You don't look okay." Said Ray. "Something wrong? Have you seen Gerard by the way?"
I crashed my fist angrily at the surface of the bar.
"No I bloody haven't." I said through gritted teeth. "I-I'm okay."
"No you're not your eyes are bloodshot, and I think you're either drunk or stoned." Said Frank observing me.
"Why do you care anyway?! I'm just a girl who likes your music! Damn there are like hundred girls around here ready to throw themselves on you, and you all come to see me getting drunk?!"
Frank's concerned expression turned in to an angry one.
"Well I only wanted to tell that your friend Debby is backstage. Damn!" He said walking away.
I sighed.
"Sorry, your singer pissed me off." I said towards Ray.
"Gerard? What did he do?"
"Pissing me off. Now scram!"
He stared at me, getting the point that I didn't wanted to discuss it with him. He emptied his glass down his throat and left it on the bar, leaving me behind.
I emptied my own and ordered another.
The bartender eyed me concerned but decided not to ask questions when I glared at him.

Two hours later I was dancing, I didn't feel anything anymore, everything was wonderful, buzzing around me like summer bees.. The lights were flashing around me.. Lights.. Flash.. The hard edge of the stage.. And...

"Hey have you seen Helena?" Asked Eva when she found Debby attached to some guy she didn't really took any notice for.
"No I haven't seen her since the band ended, why?" Said Debby with her eyes a little gloom. "Is there something wrong?"
"Well I haven't seen her since she was talking to Gerard Way at the bar and she snapped her temper at me for chasing him away from her while she was talking, or something."
"Maybe she's at the girls lavatories?" Said Debby trying to be the optimistic.
"Yeah, maybe.." Said Eva. "Let me know if you see her okay?"
"I promise." Said Debby smooching the guy on his cheek who was talking to Mikey Way.
Mikey Way?
Eva adjusted her eyesight a little better on the guy Debs was attached to.. Frank Iero! Oh men! Now she didn't had a chance with him either..
Maybe Debby was drunk.. Yeah.. that should be it..

"Helena?" Said an echoing voice to me far away as if I was under water.
I felt someone patting me in the face, and I opened my painful eyes.
"Helena!" Said the voice again a little more clear.
Now I felt an awful pain at the side of my head stirring right through me like a switchblade.
And there was also this warmth colliding around my head.
My eyesight wasn't really sharp and I only saw a blurry face hovering above me. Somebody helped me up straight and I felt a hard surface underneath me, I was probably sitting on the floor.
"Jesus Helena what did you do?" Said the voice again. "Mikey get me a wet cloth, hurry!"

Mikey? Oh please don't let it be true.. Please?!

I tried to speak but there was only a low growl that escaped from my throat. The warmth which was colliding around my head before; turned ice cold in what only seemed like a second, and it made my head feel more fuzzier than it already was.
I concentrated more specifically on the guy in front of me, I now recognized his voice though I still couldn't believe that it was true..
Another blur joined the other and something cold and wet got placed right above my left temple. I winced and shut my eyes in pain.

"Are you okay.. What did you do?!" Said the first voice concerned.
"Can't you see she's drunk?!" Spat the other voice whom I didn't recognize.
"Will you shut up for once?!" Argued the first voice. "She must've fell!"
"Because she's drunk!"
The first voice growled something.
"Ray saw her at the bar pissing herself, she's drunk man."
Somebody sighed.

I still couldn't see perfectly clear but I could see that there was two of them, one with dark hair and one with lighter hair. I closed my eyes and concentrated real hard on thinking, but my mind was just as blurry as the figures around me, so I sighed out of frustration.

"H-Hel..Hel..." I managed to choke out.
"Dude she's talking!" Said the second unknown voice.
"Yes I hear that!" Said the other annoyed. "Let's take her backstage."
The other voice merely agreed and one of them lifted me from my feet as I swung my arms around his neck as the man carried me away.
The pain kept throbbing through my head, it felt as if someone bashed a hammer on my head.

I don't know what happened next, the pain was too much, everything went black around me once again..
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh..
Thanx for reading!!!
