Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


His hair is purple?

"Fucking hell what happened to her?!" Yelled Debby panicking as Gerard walked through the door with Helena in his arms.
"She passed out.." Said Gerard as he placed Helena's body down on the comfortable sofa backstage.
"And she's drunk." Added Mikey following.
"But she's bleeding!" Squaled Frank.
"We took a little care of that." Said Mikey showing the wet cloth in his hand which was drenched with what seemed like her blood.

"Should we call an ambulance?" Said Frank.
"No I suppose the medics around this place will take care of it." Said Mikey.
"What medics?" Asked Debby surprised. "For as far as I know Al never ever hired medics, he said a little blood is the consequence of being in a screwed up crowd.."
"Oh you've got to be kidding me.." Said Mikey slapping a hand on his forehead.
"Sadly enough, no." Said Debby.

"It would be unnecessary to call an ambulance for passing out though." Said Mikey with a shrug. "She isn't that bad, maybe she'll come around."
"Yeah well.." Said Gerard bending over her body. "I think it would be wiser if we did."
Gerard stared at Helena's motionless body and eyed his brother. Mikey nodded and Gerard glanced at the floor.
"Okay." Said Mikey grabbing his phone out of his jeans and dialling the number.

Then Ray and Bob walked in to the room.

"Frank?" Asked Ray sceptical. "What's the meaning of this?" He said pointing to Helena on the couch.
"Helena." Said Frank.
"Who is she?" Said Bob obviously confused.
"She's the girl Gerard sang the song to tonight." Explained Ray.
"Not to mention she's my best friend and niece!" Said Debby proudly.
They stared at her for a brief second but then Bob waved it away breaking the silence.
"So what's the deal with her?"
"She has a nasty wound at her temple and we're calling an ambulance for her." Said Gerard sitting down with a sigh.

"But she's just a bloody fan!" Yelled Bob suddenly.
"She's a human Bob!" Yelled Gerard back in his defence. "And she needs medical care!"
"And a fan! Fans aren't important! Jesus don't we've got more important things to do than concern about some stupid girl who passed out?! What is she sixteen?!"
"Jesus Bob do you've got your period or something?!" Yelled Debby.
"You shut up! You're not even allowed backstage without a pass!"
"Will you shut your fucking mouth Bob?!" Yelled Frank. "I like Debby! And Helena is her best friend!!"
"Oh yeah right! Well do you want to know what I think?! I think-"

"WILL YOU GUYS JUST SHUT UP?!" Screamed Ray out of nothing. "This conversation is going nowhere! And arguing about isn't the best option right now! Jesus! We're all burned up! Especially me, and now you guys are arguing about the most stupid thing! Besides Mikey's on the phone!"

Frank and Bob went silent and didn't dare to open their mouths anymore.
Then a muffled fragment of Hybrid Moments, of the Misfits sounded from out of a bag.

"Debby." Said Debby picking it up. "Hey, no she's fine don't worry.. Yes I'm okay too.. yeah. Bye mom."
"Sorry." She said getting her phone back in the bag. "My ancestors wanted to know if I'm not eaten by a dinosaur yet."
Frank smirked about her comment.
"I'm outta here." Said Bob rolling his eyes walking out of the door back in the club.
"No sense of humor." Mumbled Debby.

Ray stared at Bob's leaving and then eyed Frank.
"Do you want to come with us when the ambulance arrives?" Asked Frank.
"No I'll stay here just in case Bob returns. He's drunk and he doesn't know what he's doing." Said Ray.
"Are you sure?" Said Frank.
"Yeah it's okay, just go." He said as he sat down on the comfortable couch and stretched himself.

"Okay I just called them, and they'll be here soon." Said Mikey putting his phone away with a sigh.
Gerard nodded silently and stared back at Helena. He didn't like this.
Then she suddenly shut open her eyes.
"Helena?.." Started Gerard, but when he saw her making gagging movements he jumped up. "Dude get a bucket or something! She's gonna be sick!"
Frank quickly grabbed the first thing he saw, which turned to be a monstrous huge vase, and gave it to her.

I spewed my guts out, damn I felt horrible! When I was done I put the vase away and laid on my back again staring at the ceiling. Everything twirled around me in pretty colours.
"Are you okay?" Asked the voice I didn't quite recognized before. I stared at where the voice came from, Mikey Way figures, he's got blonde hair and glasses.. No wait his hair is.. purple? … Or is it green?

Another gulp of sickness was to come up my throat again. I grabbed the vase and let another flood stream out of me, then darkness surrounded me.

"I don't think she is." Said Debby staring at her with disgust.
"What is taking them so long." Said Gerard as he checked the time on his watch. He felt uneasy by all this.
"Relax G, they'll be here." Said Ray
Mikey nodded in agreement.
"Yeah but they need to fucking hurry!"

Then they heard sirens coming and the door which led outside from the backstage area flung open as two men walked inside.
"Two people can come with us." Said one of the men who had a large brown curly moustache.
They stared at each other, Ray wasn't coming so it was the four of them.
"We're with four and everybody wants to go." Said Debby.
"Even if that might be, we've got place for two people." Said the man, as the other strapped Helena on a stretcher.
"I'll stay here with Frank and Ray." Said Mikey. "You two go, one because Debby is her friend and two, because you found her Gerard."
Gerard nodded and walked outside together with Debby.
"We'll be back later." Said Gerard as they left.

Gerard wasn't looking forward to visiting hospitals.
Things haven't gone exactly easy for him the last few months. The tour, the frustrations and then her.. Valerie, his ex girlfriend; had to be taken to the hospital when they discovered she had a bad case of cancer growing in her stomach.. He couldn't believe it was true, she was dying and he couldn't believe a word of it. He had loved her so much, heck he maybe even loved her still. But he couldn't bare to bring himself go to her and see how she was doing, even though Mikey was a big support and his friends too. He had heard she had some awful chemo's and that she was looking horrible. He couldn't stand it, it was too harsh; and he knew, that she wouldn't survive..

When they arrived at the hospital the nurses ordered them to go to the waiting room around the corner, and they would take care of Helena.
Gerard and Debby sat in the waiting room, which wasn't looking very inviting. White walls with brown leathered couches and chairs, a can of plastic toys for the kids in a corner and the Sweet's Ballroom Blitz softly on the speakers whom were attached to the ceiling.
Still it felt like a cold horrid place were most of the people sat waiting for the horrid news the doctors would bring them. People even died in those same hallways..

"I hope she'll be okay." Said Debby to Gerard who stared bluntly in front of him.
"Yeah well I hope it doesn't bring the publicity of the band down." He said. "I mean, we're doing great and if someone of the press finds out I found an unconscious girl while shouting at my brother for it, they might think I hit her or something."
"Well I can't guarantee that they wont try to do that." Said Debby rolling her eyes at the thought of it. "They need food for their living."
"I can't even believe they can live of bringing other people down. What are they? Parasites?"
Debby snickered softly.
Gerard was a few years older than she was, and she kind of felt like a little kid around them sometimes, though she adored Frank for being the idiot that he is.

There was an awkward silence and neither of them said anything.
He wanted to say something, but then he changed his mind and shook his head. He did that five times now..
"Jesus Frank if you want to say something just say it!" Yelled Ray frustrated as he had observed the entire thing.
Frank eyed his friend sheepishly.
"I was thinking about Debby." He said. "She's cute isn't she?"
Ray rolled his eyes.
"Yeah I like her." Said Mikey with a smile. "How old is she?"
"I thought she was eighteen." Said Frank.
"Oh great than it only makes you five years older than she is." Said Ray sarcastic.
"Shut up Toro." Said Frank. "It's legal."
Ray laughed.
"Yeah you'll be pretty deep in shit if it wasn't."
"Why? I haven't like.. you know.."
"Fucked her?" Said Mikey with a grin.
Frank blushed.
"Well I would rather say the words made love to her, because fucking sounds so.. Flat.."
"Frank.. You ARE Flat."
"I am not! I've got my nice curves!"
Mikey and Ray roared out in to laughter.
"Yes you do Frank. Yes you do."
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Helena! But she has to go through it..
Thanx for reading ^^
