Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


Today was my birthday..

Two months later..

"Helena." I said picking up my phone. I was sitting on the toilet in the girls bathroom of my school and it were only two weeks before my graduation..
A cheery voice answered me through my speaker which only made me inch my phone away from my ear.
"Hey Debs." I said with a smirk. "How's it hanging?"
"Hey girl! I just got some great news!"
"Well that would be a first." I said with a snicker as I flushed the toilet and came out of the cabin.
"Ha freakn' ha Lena." She said. "No I've got information about the stuff!"
"Oh?" I asked while I put the phone between my head and shoulder to wash my hands properly.
"We've got to stop by some offices to make everything in order, and if everything is going as planned we can leave in like four days if we want!"

I almost dropped my phone..

Four days?!

"Can't we get that better at two and a half week? Since my graduation and stuff.." I said towel-drying my hands.
"Sure we can! I still have to tell my boss that I'm leaving too.. Do you think Al's going to take it in positive?"
"I hope he does because I'm not going on my own to the other side of the world Debs."
"It's not the other side of the world it's New Jersey! We'll be there in like seven hours of flying or something?"
"I guess.."
"But we'll talk about it later on Messenger okay? Because I can't make another legal excuse for being so damn long on the toilet..

I laughed, Debby is always such an idiot.

"That's okay Debs I'll talk to you later."
"Right, bye!"

Yeah that's right I was going to immigrate with Debby to the USA. Belleville - New Jersey to be precisely. We visited some websites, and we are currently renting an apartment there, for not too much money.
It supposedly has to have two bedrooms, a living room with a kitchen which is separated by a breakfast bar, a toilet, hallway and an amazing bathroom with a bath. We only have to buy our furnishing when we get there, because we can't carry a lot of our stuff there.

The reason of why we're moving is because of the situation we're in. My mom's always on the alcohol and since a few days I blocked her out of my life, since she only came whining about cheap liquor and stuff around me. Debby on the other hand has amazing parents, but since they're always on their offices and hanging day in day out on the phone with important people Debby is kind of left out alone.
When she told them she's moving to America they simply said: "That's fine dear." So I guess they wont even miss her.

My sister Madison, or Maddie how I call her, is living there too, and since she's the only relative I've got left I don't really have a choice.. I'm not that great communicating with my grandparents either..
In New Jersey Debby and me can attend a college or get a job like I was intended to do..

I walked down the hallway to get back to my classroom. We've had all the exams now and in two days we would get the result if we passed them all.. Then we would graduate.
It's the year of 2004, and I would be glad if I had it all done..
May is always such a dreadful month..

I took my seat and tried to listen to whatever the teacher was telling us, but since we all had our exams already it couldn't be that important.
My mind was drifting off to America and all it's pretty colors..

Six weeks later..

America and all it's rotten colors.. Yes, it was all much more prettier in my head.. Though this wasn't bad! I had fun!

"Helena will you please hurry up your lousy ars?!" Yelled Debby from the other side of the bathroom door where I was taking a shower.
"Yeah I'll be there in a minute!" I yelled back as I let the soap slowly wash down my body.

I was going out with Debby to a club that opened a week ago. The club was called The Buzz, and we were going there for the second time now. Today was my birthday and I turned 18..

In the meantime we properly furnished our apartment, which was luckily as stunning as I imagined it would be. The ceilings were high, and the teak wooden doors really big..
We're paying a large amount rent for it, but that's okay cause we can afford it. And it's pretty and we like living pretty..

We've painted the living room in a light purple and the kitchen lime. My bedroom was painted Bordeaux with cream colored curtains, as for Debby's it was silver with black curtains. The bathroom and toilet remained white, as for the hallway too. On the floor we placed teak hardwood panels, whom were expensive, but we saved money for it all.
The rest of the furnishing we bought at some cheap dandy shop.
We also got a cat, Sushi, we called her that for our big love of sushi. She's white with black dots in her fur.

I carefully shaved my legs, since it was summer and it was pretty hot outside. I would be wearing a skirt, and hairy legs wasn't one of the things I wanted to be seen with..

I attended a job at Starbucks and I had to work from nine to four everyday, except for the weekends and on Wednesdays.
Today it was Tuesday, which meant that I had the day off tomorrow. It's always such an electric feeling knowing that you could sleep all day long until noon, having a brunch and do whatever you want all day long.
That would be my day off, relaxing and not to worry about anything..

"Helena can you please hurry up now!" Yelled Debby again as the frustration was dripping from every word she said.
"Yeah I'm done." I said as I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my body. I slipped on my flip flops and unlocked the door, meeting up with an impatient Debby tapping her foot angrily.

"That would be about time." She said. "I need to do my make up."
I snickered.
"The bathroom is yours your majesty."
"Oh shush!" She said as she followed in with her toilet case.
I went to my bedroom and let the towel drop on the floor while I picked out some underwear.

Maybe this night wasn't going to end up all that bad, I could even try to find a man for me..

I dressed myself in a black mini skirt and a purple spaghetti strap top together with my converses and a nice silver necklace with a medallion in the shape of a heart.
I did my make up and grabbed my purse, Misfits zip up hoodie and keys to the apartment, waiting for Debby to get her jacket on.

When we arrived at the club my first impression was: Oh my god..
It was so crowded that you could barely attend the bar. Was there something happening down here? Maybe a show or something?
I managed to squeeze myself through the crowd with Debby up front, because whatever it must be it would be amazing to the amount of people that were pushing themselves to the fence before the stage.

"What do you think is playing?!" I yelled towards Debby as we were both pushed against the fence.
"I don't know!" She yelled back at me. "I'll ask somebody!"
I saw Debby asking someone next to us and when she turned back at me her eyes were big, and her face turned pale.
"What's wrong?!" I yelled.
"You'll never believe it!" She said. "The band that's playing is-"
But her voice got cut off by someone talking in a microphone.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen I'm Gerard Way and we're My Chemical Romance!!"

All the blood streamed out of my face and it turned ice cold. I didn't heard the crowd yelling around me, it was as if I was under water and nobody was there to save me.

"The first song we're playing is called.." Started Gerard in the microphone as his gaze scanned over the crowd.

I had to get away, run away, get away from this place. I didn't want to talk to him and neither to Frank, that bastard that didn't contact Debby all those months. Gerard was just a drugs taking nitwit, and my opinion hasn't changed about him. I knew he took me to the hospital and shit, but I hadn't forgot the fight I was having with him earlier.. First coming on like the nice guy before shouting nasty things at me.. No I hated him, I had read stuff about him in magazines and they all said he takes drugs and is turned to an alcoholic. And if there's one thing that I hate..

I tried to get away but his eyes met mine and it was too late.

♠ ♠ ♠
Second update in two days :P
I hope you guys like it, because I've got a story planned out.. ;)

Comments would be amazing :D

