Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


All I can think about..

The band started a little off key since they weren't supposed to start with that song. Frank eyed him confused, but Gerard managed to form a smile and sing the song though the shock was painfully visible in his eyes.

He didn't expect her here in New Jersey of all the places.. Had she followed him down here? Was she a stalker? Had he forgotten something?

Long ago, just like the hears you die to get in again,
We are so far from you.

Burning on just like a match you strike to incinerate
The lives of everyone you know
And what's the worst you take
from every heart you break
And like the blade you stain
Well I've been holding on tonight

What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I say
So long and goodnight
So long not goodnight..

Gerard belted out the lyrics to the song and he felt a little better after that, knowing he had broke the ice with the crowd and it wasn't obvious to them that it was a mistake.
Helena on the other hand had disappeared..

"Helena wait up!" Yelled a hysteric voice behind me.
It was raining outside but it didn't mattered much to me. I was angry, angry at Gerard, angry at Frank.. But mostly, angry at myself.
Would they never even leave me alone? Gerard's cockiness all over the place, his ego must've filled the entire room..

"Helena god damn it!" Yelled Debby behind me.
I stopped and turned around to face her, she held her bag above her head for the amount of rain that was splattering our of the night sky.
"Why are you running away?"
"Why am I running away? First of all, I'm not running I'm walking, and second why should I stay in that dump if those losers are up there. Don't you forget that they're dark haired monkey hurt your feelings Debs!"
"But what about you?" Asked Debby confused. "Why are you angry with them for the sake of me? They haven't done anything to you."
"Part of sticking their big noses in my business and get yelled at by the lead singer, I'm angry because Frank hurt you, and since they're all best friends they stick up for one another Debs. And I will kick a scene if one of them starts talking to me!"

Debby snickered.
"Oh come on.. Don't let your evening get spoiled by a group of kids."
"I don't know Debs. I hate them."
"So do I, but I don't like standing in the rain, so I'm forcing you to go back in before you get the flu."
"Did I mention it was now?" She said as she grabbed my wrist and dragged me back in the club.

We were standing all in the back again now, but I didn't mind, I didn't have to see their cocky faces. I walked to the bathrooms with Debby since I must've looked like a drowned kitty.
I stared at myself in the mirror, my deep red hair was sticking damply to my face like snakes.
"You look like Medusa!" Said Debby.
"Why thank you, if I look at you would you turn to stone too?" I said with a smirk.
"Better test it on Frank for that matter haha."
"No Debs, if I look at him my fist wants to meet his face and become friends."
"Well that's an option too.. Here I've brought a few elastic bands in my bag." She said giving me a pink one.
"Why do you carry elastic bands in your purse?" I asked as I put my nasty wet hair in a ponytail.
"You never know."

Now there's an answer!

Debby fixed her eyeliner a little since the rain had splashed her face so much that it was running down her cheeks, and it looked like she had been crying.
When she was done and I looked a little better we walked inside of the club.
My Chemical Romance was still playing and it seemed we've only missed the first few phrases of the next song. As much as I didn't want to be here with them, I tried to have fun and ignore the fact that I knew those bastards.

Yeah why not? I'll just ignore them and pretend I don't know them at all..

Debby got me a beer and we hung out at the bar where a few guys were chatting with the bartender.
I tried to get in conversation with them, but I couldn't get my mind focused, I felt his eyes burning in the back of my head. I felt my skin crawling when I heard his voice.
What made me hate him so much all of a sudden?
I don't know, I suppose it's just the way he is.. He brought me to the hospital with Debby because he found me when I got knocked out. But I heard from Debby that he was only thinking about himself and the band's reputation all the time. And he didn't even cared for me. Hell he didn't even asked for me..

Figures.. He's an asshole.

It's that simple..

After a while the music stopped playing and I heard Gerard's raspy voice announce that they took a break. I turned around and glanced at him walking over the stage while he got a bottle of water from an amp.
I turned back to face the bartender who was actually kind of cute..
No wait.. He's gay. Damn it why are all the pretty men either dimwitted or gay?

"Having fun Lena?" Said Debby as she came back to her barstool. She was having her period and she needed the bathroom once in an hour. You know the drill right?
"Yeah well I'm a little bored."
"Well why don't you go around and find a nice guy to talk to?" She said.
"I don't know Debs.." I said.

All I can think about is them..

"Why do you want to be here actually? I thought you hated Frank more than anyone in the world."
"Well yeah, I do but.." She said cutting off her own sentence.
"But, what?" I said eyeing her sceptically as she seemed to be interested in the liquor bottles above her head.
"Well I still like him.. Is that a bad thing?" She peeped up.
"I can't believe it!" I yelled at her. "I would be so mad that I could kill him! And you still like the dude? What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Debby turned her face away from me.
"I don't know." She said. "There's just something that attracts me to him."
I slapped my hand on my forehead and emptied my beer glass.

What a stupid girl do I happen to have as my best friend..

"Well if you like him so much why don't you go up there and talk to him." I said as the sarcasm was dripping from every word I spat.
"W-Well maybe I will!" She said getting in her defence. "Y-You're just scared to commit to anybody!"
I stared awestruck at her as she left me an disappeared in the crowd.

Pff what is she thinking.. I'm not scared to commit to anybody.

I ordered another beer and drank it silently.
"Excuse me." Said someone behind me as he pushed himself between me and the dude I was sitting next to, though he didn't speak to me.
And if you speak of the devil..

"You're Helena right?" Said a pair of shocking hazel eyes who stared a few seconds at mine.
"Fuck off Iero." I said as I turned away from him and continued to drink my beer.
"What's wrong?" He asked innocently.
"What's wrong? What's WRONG?! Do you know what's motherfucking wrong?! Keeping in touch with Debby!" I spat at him.
He stared at me as if I just turned in to a monster and he was acting like the little kid that's still scared of the bogey man.
"Well she didn't give me her number or email address.." He said with a shrug.
"She did! She gave it to Ger.."


"Gerard?" Said Frank. "He never gave me such thing.."
"Asshole." I growled.
"So we can now both hate Gerard yes? And not innocent Frank Iero yes?" He said in a fake Japanese accent.
"Yeah I guess.." I said slightly softening up a bit. "But I still don't like you!" I said poking a finger at his chest.
"But me's sweet and cuddly!" He said. "What does I do wrong?"

How can you hate an adult when he's acting like a child around you..

"Because all of you are arrogant bastards and so full of yourselves." I said with a snarl.
"Arrogant and full of ourselves?!" He said getting angry. "Where did you get that nonsense!?!"
"Psh figures." He said rolling his eyes.
"Hey that's my word!" I said poking him with my finger in his chest again.
"Says who?" Said Frank with his arms crossed.
"Says I!" I said crossing my arms too while I was glaring at him.
"Well if you want it back, you just have to convince me that you stopped hating me!" He said with an air of arrogance all over his face.
"When I'm staring at such an arrogant face? I don't think so Iero." I said with a grin.
His face softened again and he stared at me with puppy dog eyes.
"Not wooorking.." I said in a sing song voice as I turned away my face.
His face still managed to come in my eyesight from the right corner of my vision while he hung over the bar just to face me.
"Ugh Iero!" I said getting angry as I put my hand on his forehead and pushed him away.

He smirked and sat next to me on the barstool where the other dude just left. Probably out of annoyance..
"I know you don't hate me." He suddenly said with a much more serious tone in his voice.
"What makes you think that?" I said still with my sarcasm running ten points again.
"Because you hate Gerard more than you hate me at the moment!" He said proudly thinking that he had guessed correctly.
"True." I said. "But that doesn't mean that I like you. You could've asked Gerard if he had any messages."
"I was Frank-napped by yellow aliens and they took me to their mother ship!"
"That's the worst excuse I have ever heard Iero.." I said rolling my eyes.

"Okay, okay.." He said. "When Gerard came back we went to our hotel, and he immediately fell asleep, I couldn't sleep on the other hand because I was exited to go back home for once. I was so tired the next day that I almost slept through it, in the plane and whenever we had to wait for something or drive in our limo. When we came back home I was so happy to see my family again that I actually didn't think about her anymore."
"That's just inhuman Iero." I said disgusted by the way he talked about her.

How can somebody be so heartless?!

"Don't get mad at me for saying this.." He started as I imaginably started to knack my knuckles.. "But I suppose she was just a flirt, she looked amazing and I've been talking about her to Ray for the rest of the evening when you guys were gone. But when I seen her just now in the crowd she's just a simple catch to me."
"You're just emotionless aren't you?" I said getting angry again. "She waited for your calls every day until she gave it up at some point. It left her heartbroken, because she thought you liked her."
"The communication is Gerard's fault. Not mine." He said getting up. "You can't force love."
Then he walked away from me without even looking back at me.

Does that man even have a heart? What a cold hearted son of a bitch..

"Hey Lena were you just talking to.. Frank?" Said Debby confused as she came back to me and stared at his muscular back walking away.
"Yes I was, and just for your information, he doesn't give a shit about you.."
♠ ♠ ♠

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Hope so!
