Sequel: Dark Hearts Collide
Status: Finished


I don't think they can hear you..

"I don't think she will be happy to see you." Said Frank as he walked half a circle around Gerard whom was drinking out of his bottle.
"Why not?" Said Gerard as he put the bottle down and walked with Frank to the couch whom was set up backstage.
"She's pretty mad about the note."
"Note? What note?" Said Gerard getting angry.
"Debby gave you a note with her telephone number and email address, which you forgot to give to me." Said Frank sitting down as he found a bottle of vodka next to him on the floor.
"Oh fuck I knew I forgot something! Damn, sorry Frank.."
"It's not a big deal G, I don't really care for Debby anymore."
"You don't?" Said Gerard surprised.
"Nope.." Said Frank as he gulped down some vodka. "I met someone more stunning than her.
Gerard shrugged and emptied his bottle of water in his throat.

"I thought you liked her." He said.
"So did I." Said Frank. "But like I said I met up with someone prettier."
"Please don't let it be one of those one night stands, the last one we had to chase away from the buss because she didn't want to leave your side. My dearest Fwankie!"
"Yes I know she was a pain, I think she didn't had a functional brain anyway. But I'm sure this will be different.. I think."
"Frank that's what you always say, anyway don't take her to my apartment cause I personally kick you out.
"Fun killer.."

"What's that yelling?" Asked Gerard as he peeked his head around the corner of the backstage door..


"Liar!" She yelled. "How can you say something like that to me!"
I stared unbelievable at her. She couldn't be serious.. right?
"Debs, I swear he just said it to me! He's an asshole!"
"No.. No no no no no.." She said wagging her index finger in front of my face. "Not another word!"
"Lena, you're just jealous! He probably said he was sorry and he wants to see me again! Like I want to see him!"
"Debby I swear he didn't-"
"Shut up Lena, just shut up. I know he hasn't contacted me but I'm sure something went wrong."
"Yes there was but-"
"See? Everything is fine."
"Fine believe what you want to believe Debby. But I'm not lying to you. He just said that all he sees in you is a simple catch.. A simple catch! Do you know what that means?"
"A fuck Debby! He just wants to get you naked."
"Right Lena, whatever." She said as she walked away.


"I think you're right about Helena." Said Gerard turning back to Frank. "Believe it or not, but they're having a fight and it seems you're the subject."
Frank spewed his vodka out on the floor.
"What?!" He said. "What are they saying? What are they saying?!"
"Debby doesn't believe you don't care about her, something like charming Carlotta were we were just talking about hmm?"
"Oh shush!"
"And Helena can't believe that she doesn't believe her. And she thinks you're an asshole and only wants to see people naked." Said Gerard while he tried to suppress his laughter.
"Say it already.." Said Frank sarcastic.
"She's so totally on to you!" Said Gerard almost rolling on the floor of laughter. "That never happened! That someone's on to mister Sex-Pants Iero!"
"Shut up Gerard." Growled Frank as he gulped down a little more vodka.

"Who did you meet up with anyway?" Asked Gerard while he wiped away a tear.
"Helena." Growled Frank.
"Say what?" Said Gerard laughing.
"You heard me Way." Said Frank.
"You have a thing for Helena now?" Roared Gerard. "I bet she will show you a good time.."


I got up from the bar and started to walk around the crowd. There were a few guys but mostly a lot of screaming girls who wanted to touch one of the band members.

"Hey." A sensual voice purred behind me.
I turned around and met up with a dark haired guy with stunning green eyes.

"Hey." I said with a slight smile.
"How you doin?" He said with the same low sensual voice.
"I'm okay." I said. "And you?"
"Couldn't be better sugar." He said in a slimy nauseous way of speaking.
"Right, bye." I said walking away from him looking for other interesting people, since my best friend called me a liar and I hated the band whom was playing.

But he grabbed my wrist..

"Where are you going honey? Don't you want to get to know me a little better?" He said in a dangerous low growl.
"No, if you would just let go of my wrist I would appreciate it." I said getting from anger in to panic.
"I don't think I want to dear." He said with a snarl.
He dragged me out of the club while I tried to get out.

Then he just put up an act..

"No honey we really need to go home now! Come on don't struggle! My parents are waiting!" He said.
"No let me go! He's lying! Let me go!" I yelled but he dragged me out of the club and on to the streets.
It stopped raining and the orange light that shined down from the lamp posts reflected down. The guy dragged me in to a deserted alleyway while a few street cats scurried away.
The alleyway was dirty, empty rusted beer cans and broken bottles were casually spread out in the entire alley. A nasty trash can and piled up boxes stood in the corner..

"I don't think they can hear you." He said in a low snarl. "Let me proper introduce you to you.. the name is Robby."
I gulped down but I refused to give him my name.
"And yours?" He asked with his dirty perverted voice.
"Tammy." I said as if it was the first thing I came up with. I just hope it was convincing..
"Hmm alright Tammy.." He said as he pushed me against one of the cold black brick walls of the alley.
His hands started to feel me up and down and I burst out in to tears.
"L-Let me go.." I said while I was in total shock.
"Now why should I do that if I have such a nice lady to play with?"
"HELP!" I screamed. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!"
"WILL YOU SHUT UP!" He yelled as he pushed me harder against the wall. "Nobody can hear you anyway.."

"I wouldn't quite say that jerk." Said someone suddenly.
I turned my head to the person whom was speaking but the only thing I could see was a slender silhouette.
"Take THAT!" He yelled as he threw a brick on my attackers head.
Robby got knocked out and fell down at my feet.
"Are you okay?" I heard the other guy say. And when he came closer I discovered that it was Mikey Way. Gerard's younger brother.
"I think so." I said still shaking. "Thanks."
"No problem Helena." He said while he scratched the back of his head. "I was standing outside to get some air, because it's really hot in the club when I heard you scream for help. It was mere a coincidence, otherwise you would be.."

I burst out to tears as I slid down the wall until I squatted down on the street as I placed my hands in front of my face.

"Helena?" Said Mikey worried. "Are you okay? Come on don't stay any longer with this creep here, I'll take you down for a walk."
He grabbed my hand and helped me up as we walked out of the alley and down the street.

I didn't speak to him for a while until he spoke up.
"You're not mad at me right?"
I stared at him while we were walking down the pavement.
"No I guess not." I said considering my thoughts. "It's merely Gerard and Frank whom I hate most."
"Why do you hate them?" Asked Mikey as he tried not to sound to frustrated about the fact that I hated his brother and friend.
"Gerard told me I was nothing, and Frank just told me that he thinks my best friend Debby is nothing more than a catch. So I'm pretty pissed off."
"Okay, first you have to know that nothing's new with Frank. He likes to sleep around. As for Gerard, he is just a little cranky lately."
Said Mikey with a grin.

"I told Debby, the same thing. That Frank doesn't care for her."
"She doesn't want to listen does she?"
"That figures." He said laughing. "Most of the girls think he's the one and only for them. But he always prove them wrong.. It's just a matter of time."
"As for Gerard, I didn't know. But I suppose it's Frank what's bothering me most at the moment. I can't believe he just said that.." I said.

Mikey swung his arm around my shoulder.
"You don't have many friends do you?" He said with a snicker.
"I have lots of friends!" I said in my defence.
"Liar." He said with a smile. "I know you only have Debby as your friend."
I blushed.
"It's okay, I only have the guys since my girlfriend left me." He said.
"What happened?" I asked as we continued to walk.
"She found someone else who was more "manly" than me. As what she said."
"Bullshit." I said with a laugh. "You're either a man or a woman, and it's not to decide for anybody who's more man or who's more woman."
"Right, but I think stuff with her wasn't as serious as it seemed it was though.. Shall we go back? I mean I have to perform in a few minutes.." He said as he stopped and eyed me questioning.

"Okay." I said. "I'm just glad I could get this off my chest to somebody who doesn't walk away from me while I'm talking."
"I think you should give Gerard another chance. Not only because he's my brother, but because he's going through a rough period of time." Said Mikey with a shrug of indifference. "He's not all that bad."
"I suppose I could." I said thinking about the first conversation I had with him.
"I just don't want to be the little know-it-all."
"You don't know how people are if you don't talk to them Lena."
"No, as for you and the guys, I thought you were all cocky bastards." I said with a blush.
"No not all of us, just Frank sometimes." Joked Mikey.
I laughed.
"You're right he really is a bastard."

"Mikey where have you been! We've been waiting for five minutes already for your ass to get back here!" Yelled Ray as he poked his head around the corner of the backstage door that we were heading over to.
"Oh hey Helena. Nice to see you again."
"Hey Ray." I said with a laugh as Mikey quickly pulled his arm from my shoulder. "Mikey helped me out with something it's my fault."
"Oh alright was it something bad?" Asked Ray.
"Robby." Said Mikey. "He tried to get laid."
"Psh figures.. They shouldn't leave his ass in to any club anymore." Said Ray getting back in. "Now come on we need your speedy fingers!"
"Speedy Fingers is on his way." Joked Mikey as he walked in and I stayed outside.

"Aren't you coming?" Asked Mikey while he turned around.
"N-No I think I get in from the front.." I said with a weak smile.
"Oh shut up and come in!" Said Mikey as he dragged me inside and closed the door. "Now you wait here on the couch, I'll give you a pass and you're my special friend now." He said giving me a backstage pass.

"Oh but Mi-"
"No but's, you'll stay here or I come dragging you in here again. Robby will be back in the club in no time, he never learns his lessons.
Neither is he letting anyone go if he has his mind set on somebody.
You can watch us play on the TV." He said turning it on. "See you later."
"But Mikey!" I protested as he closed the door and disappeared.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanx for reading!!! :D
Yay 54 readers :D and yet 7 subscribers!
I thank you all so much!
