Status: completed

California Love A7X

An Asshole and A Dream

I'd been dreaming about Johnny. Shirtless. For some reason I couldn't get that image out of my head. It would always be of him coming into the room. Just like he had that day me and Brian went to visit him.

Jenn: what on earth are you thinking about?

Melly: huh? Oh nothing.

Jenn: well in that case you should help me hide this.

She smiled holding up the cross.

Melly: how 'bout I just watch you hide it?

Jenn: that works. Oh I got the perfect spot! On top the fridge behind the shit up there! Ha! You'll never find it this time Brian Haner Jr.

I shook my head. It was funny to watch both of them go through all the trouble.

Jenn: now that, that is done. Want to help me do some work? I'll pay you.

Melly: uhh sure.

I followed her to the living room. She handed me her laptop.

Jenn: ok. So, today is t-shirt order day! Yay so fun!

She said in mock enthusiasim.

Melly: ok.

Jenn: I'm going to have you check what shirts we need. In what sizes and shit.

She opened up a page that had all this info I had no idea what it was. Just serial codes and numbers. She explained to me what I was looking at. He did pretty good in the clothing line. I'm guessing it had a lot todo with Jenn's kean business sense. She knew her shit well. It took a bit of time. I worked on the computer while she handled business calls. Brian came and asked what we were doing a few times. Mentioned somethings and walked out.

Jenn: ok so then let me see the laptop real quick.

She clicked a few things here and there. Frowning ever so often.

Jenn: I told him girls tanks would go fast. Ok Melly, you're done.

Melly: did I do something wrong?

Jenn: no, I just need to finish up this part. I don't think you want to deal with angry emails.

She smiled and shooed me off. I walked into the kitchen where a group of guys stood. I found myself staring again.

Danny: what's up home girl?

Melly: not much Danny. How's the mohawk for ya?

Danny: good. Lot of chicks dig it.

I smiled.

Melly: sweet. Hey Matt.

He one armed hugged me.

Matt: hey.

Melly: Zacky.

Zacky: Melly. Any new zombie ideas?

Melly: actually yes. I've noticed in the movies they never mention anything about zombies eating animals.

Zacky: I noticed that too. I'm thinking its cause they are after human brains. Not animal.

Melly: yeah but they eat the whole human. Not just brains. Plus if they are just going off the most basic of instinct, to feed, then why not animals? Easy target.

Zacky: good point.

He sat in thought.

Brian: I'm gonna send you guys to zombie rehab.

Melly: whatever. What are you boys up to?

Brian: stuff.

Melly: right? Where's -

Guys: Johnny.

They all said in unison. I jutted out my lip. They all laughed a bit. I decided pouting would be better. Everyone knew when I would ask for him.

Zacky: the gnome is on his way. Stop pouting, you've lived twenty two years without him, I think five more minutes won't kill you.

I kept pouting. He could be an asshole sometimes. I looked away from him. Brian had his signature unhappy look whenever I mentioned Johnny.

Brian: I agree with Zacky.

Matt: I don't. I say like who you wanna like.

Melly: I don't like him like that.

Matt: right...

He said slowly. I scrunched my face. I hated that they assumed I liked him. I mean I do. Just not that way. He was just really easy for me to talk to and be around. That didn't mean anything to them though. I sighed. My mind drifted to the dream again.

Danny: so what's going on in your head Melly?

Melly: what?

Danny: what's up? You seem lost or something.

Melly: no just thinking about what I'm gonna do for a job.

Danny: that's rough stuff.

I nodded.

Matt: if you wanted you could try for something else while you wait for a salon.

Melly: I've thought about working at a club or something. Maybe a bar.

Zacky: like a strip club?

He asked with a sick smirk. The kind you should be disgusted with and cringe at. But I just couldn't. Brian smacked him upside the head.

Zacky: what? With that little body of hers she could make some good cash.

My mouth fell open. What a jerk. Brian punched his shoulder.

Brian: shut the fuck up.

He growled at him.

Zacky: I'd pay top dollar to see her shake her ass. Maybe then she wouldn't piss and moan about money. Right guys?

The other two stayed silent. Brian's face turned bright red. I'm sure mine was there too. Only I wasn't angry, I was embarassed. My eyes darted across all the faces. It felt like they were undressing me now. I shrank. Atleast I wish I did. Brian grabbed Zacky by his shirt collar. All I could think was don't hit his face. Jenn came into the kitchen.

Jenn: what are you doing Brian?

He just kept glaring.

Zacky: we were just discussing Melly's new career track to becoming a stripper.

Jenn: what?

She crossed her arms. Unamused.

Melly: I know as much as you'd like to see this ass...

I smacked my butt and shook it a little.

Melly: that won't ever happen. I've got more class than to dance for a low life who has to pay a bitch for some attention.

I spat. His eyes were like green fire. Brian smiled proudly and shoved him. The other two held off smiles and looked away. I didn't understand. He could be ok to talk to then he would piss me off.

Johnny: what's up guys?

He asked cheerfully. Oblivious to anything that just happened. Once again the dream entered my mind.

Jenn: you are an asshole.

She barked in Zacky's face. He shrugged.

Johnny: aww man what did you do this time?

Zacky: you know the usual.

Johnny: Melly Mel how are you?

He pulled me into a hug.

Melly: I'm cool. Let's go outside.

Johnny: geeze you just can't ever wait to get me alone.

He grinned widely. His arm around me. We sat by the pool. My feet dangling in the water. His bleached hair seemed more intense in the sun.

Johnny: what are you doing tomorrow?

I shrugged.

Johnny: care to go out again?

My eyes slowly looked over. The image of him from my dream just wouldn't go away. He had a half smile.

Johnny: remember always as friends.

He always told me that when I didn't answer right away. I've no idea why. He knew I would say yes. I smiled and nodded.

Melly: I'd love too.

He smiled and squeezed my shoulder.

Johnny: I thought you were going to say no.

Melly: why would I do that? You're Johnny Christ.

Johnny: true. I am as amazing as everyone thinks I am.

I laughed.

Johnny: so why did Jenn call Zacky an asshole this time?

Melly: he said I would be a good stipper. Well actually he said he'd pay money to see me shake my ass.

Johnny: oh.

He said quietly. His face had turned serious. I frowned.

Melly: what?

Johnny: nothing.

Melly: I'm not going to be a stipper Johnny.

I reassured him.

Johnny: I know that. You're better than that.

Melly: ok then.

We sat in silence. I didn't get the sudden mood change. The day was hot. Then again it is late spring. The water felt so good. Without thinking I pushed myself off the edge of the pool. Water swarmed around my body. My feet naturally kicked me up from the bottom. I took a deep breath when I surfaced. I looked at Johnny. He just stared, a smile. He shook his head and finally laughed. Nothing over the top just an entertained laugh. It made me happy. What a cutie. I went up to the edge. Just letting my eyes peek over at him. He leaned down to me.

Johnny: this little piggy was hungry, this little piggy went to the market, I can't remember what the fuck the other little piggys did but I know what I did.

He pushed my head under the water. It went up my nose and burned. He laughed loudly. Playfully I glared at him. He was still kneeling dagerously close to the edge.

Melly: ahora vas a ver cabron. (Now your gonna get it asshole.)

Johnny: what?

With all I could I ripped him into the pool buy his shirt. A loud splash filled the air. Now I was the one laughing. He surfaced with a gasp.

Johnny: now that wasn't very nice.

I smiled innocently.

Johnny: its ok Melly, I know you just want to see me all wet.

I splashed water at him.

Melly: you're so stupid sometimes.

Johnny: I'm not stupid, I'm a bass player.

Melly: that you are.

His hair flopped this and that way. Dripping down his face.

Johnny: bet I could beat you to the otherside.

I narrowed my eyes playfully. At the same time we both started swimming. Pushing and pulling one another. Dunking, hitting, and splashing. Laughing and spitting up water the entire time. Finally when I knew he was going to beat me I latched onto his back.

Johnny: you dirty cheater.

He laughed out and touched the edge.

Melly: its a tie Mr. Christ.

Johnny: tie my ass.

Melly: tying your ass might be hard but I could try.

He chuckled. He unlatched my legs. With my arms still around his neck I came to his front. His kiddy grin on his face. I buried my face in his neck. Taking in the smell of cigs. His arms tightly hugged me. I squeeled happily.

Johnny: oh Melly, I'm so glad you moved here.

He whispered.
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