Ikanereth's Truth

Chapter 5

Ikan stared at the feast before her. It was magnificent. Everything Cat said was an understatement as to what she'd said. The Clam Soup was a fish broth, steamed clams and a little cream added to bring out the flavor. The Wild Boar Stew was simply wild boar roasted to perfection and roasted vegetables around it for service. The Wild Berry Ice-cream was actually a Wild Berry Sorbet, complete with a raspberry sauce. I stared as Cat. "You said the meal was going to be simple?"

"Oh believe me dear Ikan, this is simple. The servants decided to spruce it up for you. Is that alright?" Ikan gaped.

"It's...fantastic dear sister. I feel a slight spoiled at this point, but I will try my best to down as much as...humanly possible." Cat laughed at the joke. Ikan was glad to hear Cat had her laugh too. Cat seemed to look up to dear Ikan. Ikan stared at Al. He seemed to suddenly glow, with a sense of pride. He was glad to be there, so it seemed.

Meanwhile, Al was trying not to stare at Ikan. He knew if he showed his feelings to Ikan, she'd banish him from their new home. The shame of it would overcome him, and he would most likely end himself. The thought of the Princess and him...it made him shudder inside. He glanced quickly, noticing her staring at him. She blushed and continued her conversation with Princess Cathrine. He finished his boar quickly and began on the sorbet. His mouth melted with the sorbet, it was delicious.

His heart might as well be satisfied.
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Just a filler today, I'm staying the night at my boyfriends house, and I should be with him

But I must fulfill my fans needs!!!

Kasey must wait.