Status: HIATUS!

We All Roll Along


The next moment the door opens and Paul comes in.

Amanda and Garrett quickly scoot away from each other.

"Hey babe. What's up?" he asks.

"Oh nothing, just watchin a movie with my good buddy Garrett."

"I see. What are you watching?"

"Harry Potter."

"My fave." he sits down next to Amanda and puts his arm around her.

"Well Amanda, it's been fun but I'm going to go."

"Well if you want to."

"Uhh..I'll see you tomorrow then."


"Bye." he says coldly.

"So did you miss me?"

"I did. You miss me?"

"More than anything. So I've been thinking that I haven't been spending that much time with you since we started dating and I feel bad."

"Oh there's no need to."

"I do and I'm determined to spend more time together. Besides I miss you too much when I'm not with you."

"Well aren't you sweet?"

"Besides you spend too much time with Garrett."

"No, we're just friends."

"I know. It's just..."


"Oh nothing. I love you."

"I love you too."

He kisses her. "I miss your kisses."

"I miss yours more."

"Haha. You know what else I miss?"

"Probably something I miss too."

"Well that depends what do you miss?"

"It starts with a p and ends with an s."

"Hmm I think I have a pretty good hunch."

"Haha. So, you want to stop this movie and get dirty?"

"You know it."

He picks her up and carries her to the bedroom and throws her on the bed and starts kissing him.

Just then Martin runs in. "Dance party!"

"Ahh Martin, you ruin everything!"

"Sorry. No time for that when it's dancing time!"


Paul starts imitating Martin's dancing and they dance their way to the front lounge.

"You guys have fun with that, but I'm not to into a dance party right now."

"Okay then."

They continue dancing and eventually the rest of the band joins and they turn on some really loud music.

Amanda closes the door and sits on the bed. She decides to text Garrett.

"So what's up?"

"Besides miss you, nothing. Yrself?"

Just sitting here while the band is having a dance party."

"Join them."

"I would but I just don't feel like it."

"Wht's wrong?"

"Paul said something today about me and you hanging out 'too much'"


"Yeah, and he wouldn't tell me why but it bugs him."




"I'm sorry, love."

"It's fine. Not your fault."

"I guess not. Well I'm going to get some sleep. I'll talk to you later. I love you."

"Sweet dreams. Bye."

She lays down on the bed and sighs. Then closes her eyes and falls into asleep as her thoughts move through her mind like lightning.
♠ ♠ ♠
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