Status: HIATUS!

We All Roll Along



She can hear the voice but she can't see it.

"Amanda! Wake up!"

She opens her eyes to see John in her face shaking her.

"I'm up! Now what do you want?"

"Get up and do your work at the merch booth so we can go eat."

"Okay. What time is it?"

"It's one in the afternoon."

"Man, I slept that late?"

"We we're going to get you up earlier but Garrett insisted on letting you sleep later."

"Garrett, did. Why?"

"He said you needed your rest."

She gives him a weird look and gets out of the van and stretches then walks into the venue.

As soon as she walks into the building the air is already humid and hot. She wipes the sweat beads from her face.

Kelly is busily stacking boxes, she decides to go help her.

"Need help with anything?"

"No, we did pretty much everything."

"Who's we?"

"Me and Kennedy."

"Ooh you and Kennedy."

"Shut up! It wasn't like that."

"Okay, keep telling yourself that."


"So what was the deal with Garrett letting me sleep in."

"All he told us was that he thought you needed your sleep since you worked so hard last night."


"It's really unlike him."

"Tell me about it."

"So since we're done here, are you ready to go get food?"

"Yeah. I'm starving."

When they go out they see that the band is already in the van.

"It's about time! We were about to leave you."


They get in and Amanda sits next to Kennedy and Kelly gets stuck sitting next to Garrett. She knows that she's probably pissed but Garrett is just acting too weird for her.

John drives into town and picks the place that they eat himself. They all sleepily pile out of the van.

Amanda gets alot of food and goes to a table. Surprisingly Kelly follows.

"I thought you'd be mad at me for sitting next to Kennedy."

"I told you it's not like that."

"Okay keep telling yourself that."

Just then Kennedy comes up and sits next to her.

"Hey gals! Hope you don't mind if I sit with you since the boys are like starving and will probably eat like pigs."

"Hah. No we're happy to have you here."

"Whoa Amanda! Do you think you have enough food?"

"Oh. Well I'm really hungry and this is the last time I get to eat until tomorrow."

"I see."

She ends up not eating all the food and gives the rest to Kennedy. He eats it all happily.

When they all done the pile back into the van all happy with their full tummies. Garrett squeezes through everyone and sits next to Amanda.

"Hey! Have a good lunch?"

"Um yeah. You?"


"What's up with you being all nice."

"I'm always nice."

She looks at him sternly. "Seriously?"

He looks down at the floor then looks back up at her. "It's secret. How about we meet later tonight and I'll tell you. I mean that is if I feel up to telling you."

"Okay." she stares at him for a second then looks out the window at the passing cars.

Amanda thinks to herself about what he could possibly want to tell her. These thoughts make her head spin and she can feel a headache coming on. She digs around in her purse and gets some aspirin and takes it then leans her head on the cold window and shuts her eyes.

She can already tell that today it going to be a very long and tiring day already.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh....what's going to happen?!


I will love you forever