Status: HIATUS!

We All Roll Along


"I don't think I can tell you."

"Oh come on, Garrett! I'm one of your best friends. You can tell me anything."

"*sighs* I know. But if I tell you. No one, you can't tell a single soul."

"Of course! My lips will be sealed."

"Okay then."

"Yay! I love you Garrett!"

"I love you too. Well here goes nothing."

He looked down at the floor then took a deep breath. "I kind sorta have this huge crush on Amanda."

After he said it he looked at Kelly.

"Aww! That's sweet! Now I totally understand why you are freaking out."

"Yeah. And of all people. Paul! Ugh! That just makes it so much fucking worse!"


"Because he gets any girl he wants and he goes for the one I want!"


"Plus he started laughing when I yelled at Amanda. He's such a jackass."

"I'm sorry! Yeah that is pretty asshole-ish, but he didn't know you liked her."

"I hope she doesn't figure it out. I wanna tell her on my own time."

"Hmm. You don't want things to be awkward, do you?"

"Yeah. Friends is better than having that out there and her feeling totally out of place around me."

"That's true, but that's gotta be tough on you."

"Oh it's very tough. But I gotta deal."

"Poor Garrett."

She hugs him tightly. He buries his head in her shoulder.

"It's not like I don't give her hints, but she just takes it as me being weird."

"Well she doesn't take hints that good. Trust me."

"Hah. I wish she could take them better because hints are all I'm giving for the moment anyway."

"Maybe she'll catch on eventually. And I'll keep her away from guys the best I can. So you don't get hurt like this."

"Thanks! You're a true friend."

"You're very welcome. Anything for my best friend/ better brother than John."

"Hah. Nice! I love you!"

"I love you too! Now let's go back to the van. Or are you ready yet?"

"I'm ready."

He hooks his arm through hers and they walk back to the van together. Amanda, Jared, Kennedy, and Pat are already there.

"Hey guys!" Pat says.

"Hey!" they both say in unison.

Amanda gives Kelly a look and walks up to her and pulls her away.

"What the?"

"What's up? Tell me everything!"

"It's nothing."

"Nothing my ass!"

"I can't tell you Amanda. I made Garrett a promise."

"Ugh! I hate you!"

"Sorry. Just deal with it."

"Fine. Oh guess what?"


"Me and Paul are offically a couple."

"What?! No, I mean since when?"

"Since we talked for like ever and made out!"


"Yeah! I'm going to stay on his bus with him for the rest of the tour. Sorry to leave you with all the boys, but we want to spend time together."

"Time together as in sex, right?"

"Maybe." she winks.

"Oh god!"

"I can't help it. He's sexy and that ass. Whoo!"

"You're messed up!"

"I know!"


"Oh it's almost once a.m. I gotta go to the bus. Bye! See you in the morning."

She ran away and left Kelly standing there.

When she got the bus she typed in the sercurity combination and walked right in. Paul was standing at the microwave typing in numbers. She ran up to him and hugged him.

"Hey baby! I missed you!"

"Missed you more!"

"Whatcha making?"

"Hot pockets!"

"Yummy! I'm excited to be staying in your bus with you."

"Me too. Even though there's probably not going to be much sleeping."


"Because Martin and John snore like really loud."

"Oh well I have another reason why there will be no sleep. Maybe not every night but tonight and other nights."

"And what's that?"

Amanda raises one eyebrow and puts one hand on his thigh.

"Oh I think you know what."

he smiles. "Oh I see."

"Hah. Well I'm going to bed because I'm tired. So when you get done with your hot pockets come to bed."

"Okay darling."

They kiss and she goes the bedroom in the back of the bus and plops down on the bed without changing into her pajamas. A few seconds later she's in blissful sleep.
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