Status: HIATUS!

We All Roll Along


Kelly stands there for a few moments but then she turns around and goes back to the van.

Garrett sees her and comes up to her.

"What's up? Where's Amanda?"

"I'm so sorry,Garrett! I didn't have any idea until now."

"What?! What's wrong, Kell?"

"P-p-p-paaaaaaaaaaauulll and Amanda are dating now!"

He gets a look of terror over his face like he had just seen an extremely scary ghost or someone really ugly.

"What? Since when?"

"Since they talked for like ever and made-out as Amanda said it."

"Bu- Why?!"

He fell to his knees and put his face into his hands.

"I'm so sorry. It will be okay. Really it will."

"No it won't. As if seeing her kiss him wasn't enough now they have to go and date. I fucking hate that asshole."

"To tell you the truth I'm not too happy about it either. Paul's a big player and I don't want her to get all fallen for him and he go and cheat."

"Yeah. But I mean do you really think he'd cheat on her if he gets what he wants?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well she's not here, so she's obvs on their bus and they will be alone in a bed. It's not that hard to figure out. So if he gets it from her then he won't wants to go get it somewhere else and it will become serious."


"Yeah really. I know how a guy thinks."

"That is true."

"I hate this so much!"

"Well I'm kinda out of advice this caught be totally by surprise!"


"Yeah. I mean you could try more hints but that might be hard for you since well they will probably be together most of the time."

"Yeah. I'm so angry and sad. It's like emotions just don't know what to do."

"Well I'm here for you. We can hang out all the time and I'll keep you away from them. Since my first promise kinda failed."

He looks at here and looks back at the ground.

"That'd be great actually! I need someone to keep my mind off this all."

"Awesome! So it works out great!"

"Yeah." he smiles at her and stands back up and hugs Kelly.

She hugs him back. "Glad I could help."

"You're my best bestest friend ever!"

"Aww. Geee thanks."

"I love you,Kelly!"

"I love you too, Garrett."

"Time for bed,now. Big day tomorrrow."

"Okay. Sit next to me, okay?"


They get in the bus and the rest of the band follow. Kelly gets out her iPod and turns on some music to fall asleep to. Garrett takes one of the earphones and puts it in his ear and get his laptop out.

She smiles at him and closes her eyes and drifts off into sleep.
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