Status: HIATUS!

We All Roll Along


When they got into town Garrett made a sharp turn and pulled into Taco Bell parking lot.

"Yay! My favorite! And John's. He's going to be pissed to know that we came her without him."

"Yeah! But his loss, this food is ours."

"Well duh!"

He smiles at her. Then they hear the stuffy unhappy voice of the drive-thru worker.

"Welcome to Taco Bell. How may I take your order?"

"Just a sec, we got's ta decide."

"What do you want?"

"Hmm well I'm game for whatever you get. I love all the food on the menu."

"Okay...We will have the # 3,6,8, 4 chicken quesodillas, two orders of nachos, and two large mountain dews."

"That'll be $15.82, please pull up to the first window."

"Geez think you got enough there, Garrett?"

"You said to get lot's."

"Well I didn't mean half the menu,silly."

"Oh well. This is on me by the way."

"Really? You don't have to."

"No it's not a problem. It's more appretiation for you."

He winks and fidgets for his wallet.

He gives the cashier the money and pulls up to the second window and gets the huge bag of food.

"Yummy!" he says and turns on the radio and blasts it.

Of course Kelly reconizes the song and sings along. He does too.

When they get back John is standing in the parking spot with an angry look on his face.

"Where have you been?"

"Chill John! We just went to get some grub at Taco Bell."

"And didn't invite me?"

"Well we were hungry. You just didn't come to mind."

"I'm sure. So what did you get me." he reaches for the bag of food.

"Nothing! This is mine and Kelly's."

"Yeah! We went and got it. We eat it."

"Hmph. Well fine be butts just remember that when you are sleeping tonight!"

He turns and walks away. Garrett and Kelly bust out laughing. Then start devouring there feast.

Amanda hears them and starts walking toward them.

"Hey guys! What's so funny?"

"Hey Amanda! Oh nothing just being mean to John."

"Fun! What's up,Garrett? You look like you're feeling better."

"Yeah...I guess. I have Kelly to thank for that. My new one and only best friend."


There's an awkward silence.

"So what have you been doing?" Kelly asks.

"Just chilling with Boys Like Girls. But mostly making out with my new boo Paul."

Kelly looks at Garrett and he hangs his head down.

"That sounds fun. Me and Garrett have been acting dumb and hanging out with the rest of the band."

"Hmm. So do you miss me,Garrett? I mean we used to hang out all the time."

"Not at all!"

He gives her a very strong glare, then turns to Kelly and whispers something in her ear. She whispers something back.

"Well Amanda it was nice talking to you and everything but Garrett has to go to soundcheck and he wants me to go. So I'll see you later at work."

"Oh okay. Bye."

She gives Kelly a hug and tries to give Garrett one too but he pushes her away. He grabs Kelly by the hand and they hurriedly leave.

Amanda left standing there with a dumbfounded expression on her face.

Just then she feels her phone vibrate. A text from Paul.

"Meet me in the venue. John wants to talk to you."

She runs to the venue and walks in. Immediately finds John and Paul.

"Hey! What's going on John?"

"Well I was wanting to know if you know why Kelly and Garrett are so up each other's asses all the time now. We can barely get Garrett to come to soundcheck or any band things hardly anymore."

"Uh no I don't know. All I know is that they are best friends."

"Best friends? Sounds more to me like boyfriend and girlfriend." Paul intervenes.

"That's what I was thinking, that maybe they are fucking. But I don't know."

"You guys are silly! Kelly and Garrett are just friends! Trust me, I know."

"How do you know?" Paul and John ask in unison.

"I just know my friends,okay?"

"Well you need to talk to your friends, then. Because this is getting ridiculous."

"I will. They should be in here somewhere anyway, since it's almost time for your soundcheck."

"Find them and see what's up, okay?"

"I will."

She hugs Paul goodbye and goes to find them.

Amanda had to admit they were acting very strange, but them dating. That just didn't seem right at all. This made her laugh out loud. She had to get to the bottom of this, or it would eat her inside.

Eventually, she found them sitting a table talking. Kelly looks up and smiles. Garrett looks up and gives her a dirty look.

"What do you want?" he asks rudely.

"I'm here because John thinks you two are acting strange and says that Garrett keeps spacing on band stuff. And he even thinks you two are dating!"

They both look at her kinda funny.

Garrett looks at Kelly and whispers something in her ear. She gives him a funny look and whispers something back.

"We are dating." he leans in and kisses Kelly.

Amanda looses feeling in her legs and almost falls over.

"What? That can't be? You would tell me? But you said you were just friends."

"I lied, so what?"

"No! You are not dating!"

"We are! Get used to it,bitch!"

"What? What did you just call me?"

"You heard me! Now be gone,hoe!"

"Kelly! You are going to let him talk to me like that?"

Kelly looks at her and Amanda can see the tears in her eyes.

"I-i-i-i'm so sorry, Amanda!"

She got up and ran out the door.

"See what you did! Kelly,wait up!"

Garrett runs after her.

Amanda falls to her knees and starts bawling her eyes out. Betrayal by her best friends. This was not happening, it couldn't be.
♠ ♠ ♠
dun,dun,dun. DRAMA!