Status: HIATUS!

We All Roll Along


Kelly and Garrett ran to the van. She got inside and slammed the door shut once Garrett was in.

"Why did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Lie to her and talk to her like that?!"

"Because I was just so pissed off that she's all flaunty flaunty about her and Paul's relationship. I wanted her to feel some pain. I wanted to make her cry!"

"Garrett! That's different, she didn't know she was hurting you!"

"Still! You saw what that did to me."

"I did and I'm sorry that it hurt you that much but you can't treat someone like that and lie."

"Who said I was fully lying?"

"What do you mean by that?!"

"We could pretend to date and make her jealous. Really get to her then when the time is right, I will tell her how I feel."

"First of all, I'm not going with that plan! I only think of you as a friend. I like Kennedy! You're really sweet and all but I only want to be your friend Garrett."

"No, don't reject me Kelly! Don't make me feel unwanted! Just do this one thing for me! Please? I'm begging you! I know you like Kennedy, but you will just have to hold off on dating him.For me, my best friend!"

He looks at her and tears are streaming down his face.

"Garrett....I want to help you, but I don't Amanda to feel betrayed."

"She won't."

He looks out the window and throws himself her and starts making out with her.

"W-w-hat are you doing?"

"Amanda's coming!"

Amanda opens the door to the van.

"So it's true. Why didn't you guys tell me?"

"We didn't want you to know because we didn't want you to feel awkward around us."

"Really? No, I would be totally cool with it."


Kelly gives her a weird look and turns to Garrett.

"Guess we were wrong."


A frown creeps onto his face.

"No, it's fine. But just one thing. Kelly can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah, sure."

They step out the van and shut the door and walk a little away from it.

"This is really shocking to me and I'm kind've jealous."


"Yeah, I've always thought Garrett was a little cutie. But I knew he would never think anything of me."

Kelly's mouth almost hits the ground.


"Yeah. But I guess that's my fault for being scared. I'm happy for you guys. Oh and don't tell Garrett about me liking him. I want to keep it secret."

"Um sure."

"Well I'm to find Paul. I'll see you at work in a bit."


Amanda leaves and Kelly runs back to the van. She pulls Garrett up by his collar and shakes him.

"She likes you! She likes you! For crying out loud,Garrett she likes you!"


"You heard me!"

"Since when?!"

"I don't know, but she told me that she likes you. And she's def jealous of us!"

"Oh my gosh! I'm such an idiot!"

"Yeah, you are!"

"Wow....this makes my day."

"It should, so now we don't have to go through with this."

"Uh yes we do! We really gotta give it to her."

"Huh? We already kissed in front of her, she caught us making out what more is there?"


"No, Garrett! I'm saving myself for someone!"

"Kenndey?! Aww that's cute."

"Ugh. Well yeah and I'm not messing that up so you can have her. I'm sorry."

"We don't actually have to do it. We just have to have her catch us about to do it."

"Why? I don't want to."

"You will, for me!"

"I hate you right now."

"It's not like you're going to confess your love for Kennedy anytime soon."

"Actually I was. His birthday is coming up and I wanted to tell him then."

"Really? And what were you going to give him for his birthday?"

"Uh that's classified."

"Sex, maybe?"

"Shut up! I'll let her catch us, but I'm not doing it with you!"

"Yay! I love you,bestie!"

"Yeah, yeah I love you too."

He hugs her.

"Now let's go do some soundcheck, baby."


He grabs her hand and they walk into the venue together.
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