Don't Go

Already panting from sprinting from his own house to Alex's, Braden bounded up the stairs as quickly has his legs could carry him. He had to appologize, make things right. If he didn't... Braden didn't even want to think of the consequences.
"Alex! Alex!" he called as he jogged through the hallway of the eerily silent house. The vacancy seemed to tell him what he was avoiding all along, but he couldn't just give up. He had to see... nothing would be the same without her.
He burst through the doors of Alex's room to have every feeling of hope in his body shatter and be replaced with an ache that would burn until there was nothing left to him.

**end of clip**

Braden drives Alex away. He was sure she was the love of his life, and he's sure that he can't get her back, but he sure as hell will die trying.