My Famous Last Words

Very Well

After I had thought about the new revelation for a while, Emmett pulled me next to him. "USA won!"
It took me a few seconds to realize he was talking about the forgotten game. I cheered with him while they showed interviews of players from both sides. "Aww, but look how sad they look! I could cry!"
Emmett rolled his eyes. "Nonsense. They know USA kills in everything."
"Except soccer," I added.
He looked at me bewildered, before pointing at the tv. "Did that game look like they sucked?"
I shrugged. "They had a very good game, I'll admit, but it was one of few, and Spain really sucked that game. Usually they're amazing."
He shook his head jokingly before pulling me upstairs to get ready for school.

I appeared downstairs minutes later, dressed in my favorite pair of jeans and a plaid button up. My long hair was in one loose braid, and rested on my shoulder. I skipped past Emmett and pulled him with me, forcing him to jog.
Upon entering the main building, we were greeted with the sounds of loud laughter and talking. A lot of it seemed to die down as we passed certain groups, especially the most popular girls in the school. I smiled at them as I passed, and said in my happiest voice, "Hello, good morning!"
Emmett smiled and held my hand as we walked into Biology and sat down at the furthest corner, our usual seat. Mr. Bryant passed out our test, humming to himself, resulting in the wary glances of a few students. Emmett and I finished quickly and filled the rest of the class with drawing and talking.
Our finishing touches to one of our drawings was interrupted by the bell; I threw my backpack over my shoulder while Emmett followed me, dropping the wads of paper in the trash on our way out. I sat between Emmett and Bella at the lunch table a few minutes later, just before being asked by Bella, "How are you? Better?"
I glanced at her and smiled. "I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"
She furrowed her eyebrows. "I mean with everything the past few days, especially this morning. I definitely would have been kind of freaked."
I shook my head. "It's all good. Just-"
My reply was interrupted by someone speaking into a microphone on the stage.
"Announcement! It's good, I promise!" A brown, curly haired girl stood on stage waiting for everyone to quiet down. When they did so, she continued. "Next Friday is the Christmas formal! It's five dollars to get in, dates are required! Everyone better come!" With that, she replaced the microphone in its stand and walked off, rejoining her friends.
I glanced between Alice, who was grinning widely, and Bella, who wore an expression of indifference. "Shopping!" Alice clapped.
Bella groaned.
"Come on, Bells. It'll be fun! Maybe we'll be able to get Alice to tone it down a little this year?" I asked. I had been warned about Alice's excitement with anything that's an excuse to get Bella new clothes.

The shopping spree was scheduled for the following day, a Friday. Alice had declared we would need a lot of time with Bella, "considering her fashion sense." We left school and headed downtown, where the designer shops were, after saying goodbye to the guys, who were left to go home in Emmett's Jeep.
After spending nearly seven hours straight on shopping, we decided to head home. I stepped silently over the threshold carrying my handfuls of bags and headed up to my room, where I dumped them on the couch. I came back downstairs, wondering where Emmett, or anyone else for that matter, was.
"Emmett?" I called.
"Library," he yelled back.
I followed the hall down to the library, wondering all the time why in the world Emmett would be there.
I pushed open the door to reveal Carlisle sitting at the desk and Emmett across from him. I didn't notice Alec standing against one of the far bookshelves until I was already in the middle of the room. I sat when Carlisle motioned for me to, keeping an eye on Alec.
"To get to the point, Jenna, Aro doesn't want to wait any amount of time for you to go to Italy. Alec is going to accompany you there tomorrow," Carlisle got straight to the point.
"What?" Emmett hissed. "Not a chance."
Carilsle glanced significantly at me. "Not for too long. Maybe a month. Two at most."
"With none of us here?"
"We'll get to visit occasionally," Carlisle reassured. "We'll still talk."
"That's not good enough! Tell him that at least one of us has to go as well!"
I noticed Alec raise an eyebrow.
Carlisle sighed and turned to Alec. "Very well. Emmett and Jenna are going to Italy."
♠ ♠ ♠
I finally got one out! Yaay! Sorry it's taken forever and a day again, I've just been sooo busy with school, cross country, soccer, friends. etc. etc. I'll try to be better in the future :]