My Famous Last Words


Honesty's not your best quality, so admit you lied, or hit the lies and call it a night- Farewell played from the speakers before Bri came in and nearly broke the CD player from hitting it so hard.
"Come on, what's his name's here," she said before turning and going downstairs.
I put down the rest of my CDs and followed her downstairs after putting on a nicer pair of jeans, a clean shirt and my Converse.
"Hey," Derek said when I reached the last step.
"Now that we've waited forever for the fattie to get down here, let's go!" Bri said walking outside first.
I rolled my eyes and followed everyone else out closing the door behind me.
We arrived at a beach where there were lots of people surfing and just walking around. Derek led us to the edge of a forest, which I thought was kind of strange that it was so close to the beach, but what do I know, I've only been to a beach once or twice before.
"To our right," Derek motioned. "You'll see the forest. To the left, you'll see the beach. That's about all there is here."
"Sounds great," Will said sarcastically.
"It's way better than it sounds," Derek reassured us. "Unless you like cliff-diving, which I'd be surprised if you did."

The rest of the day was more or less uneventful, unless you consider me and Bri arguing frequently interesting.
The next two months passed by really fast, I had become great friends with Derek, and his other friends Ethan and Ryan. We went pretty much everywhere together, although sometimes I would have to be left out for some 'guy night' or something. I never really got a good story out of them.

The first day of school had arrived, and I was way less than thrilled about it. I was sitting in the passenger seat with Mason driving and Bri in the seat behind the driver's. I had officially forbidden for her to ever sit behind me in the car about a year ago. Long story.
I watched all the people as we drove by, most of them watching us back. I guess they aren't used to new kids being around. Mason parked our old Kia Sportage in what seemed like the furthest parking space from the school. Great. I get to walk through the whole student body all before school even starts, I thought sarcastically.
And wouldn't you know it? That's exactly what happened. At least Bri seemed to be enjoying the attention, although I was doing my best to ignore her. I readjusted my backpack and studied everyone around me.
"You'd think they've never seen people before," Mason said quietly in my ear. I laughed and didn't realize someone was standing in front of me until it was too late.
"I'm so sorry!" I automatically said after running into something that did not feel like a normal person. Great, I just embarrassed myself before school by saying sorry to a wall.
"It's fine. I'm good at getting in the way of people lately," someone replied.
I looked up and immediately blushed. I had run straight into a guy who looked maybe around my age, except way better looking. I backed up from him a little and realized I had dropped my bookbag. Way to look like a retard, Meyers. Just as I started to bend down to get it, it was already being held out to me by someone else. I looked at them, and realized they were also freakishly good looking. I thanked him and took it from him before saying bye and catching up with Mason.
"Hey what's your name?" The first guy called.
"Jenna," I replied.
I smile again and turn back to Mason, who seemed to be trying to decide how he should feel right about now. "You can't decide if you should make fun of me for running into him or mad at him for some unknown reason, aren't you?"
He glanced at me and didn't answer and decided to simply find his locker instead of answering me.
Point one of today.
I almost had everything organized in my locker before I realized Mason was already walking off. "Aren't you gonna wait for me?" I called.
He stopped and turned around. "Jenna. This is my last year of high school. There's no way I'm going to be known as your brother," he whispered the last part.
I rolled my eyes and shrugged. "Whatever. So does that give me permission to tell everyone all your embarrassing secrets and then wonder why you get mad at me because you claimed we're not related?"
My question had clearly confused him so I smiled sarcastically, shut my locker and pushed past him to first period. Good thing this school is small because I was completely guessing where I was supposed to go next.
I looked at my schedule again. Biology, Building 2. I saw it and started walking. I was almost immediately joined by a boy taller than me, although that wasn't much of a surprise. I was shorter than most people. He had shaggy brown hair and light green eyes.
"Hey, I'm Alex. Where you going?"
"Jenna. Biology."
"Oh everyone knows who you are here, are you kidding? No one new ever comes here," he replied happily walking along beside me.
"Umm, not that I don't appreciate or anything, but why are you being so friendly? Usually, the new kid doesn't get to talk to anybody or anything," I asked.
"Oh that, well, I dunno, I'm just kind of like that I guess."
By now we had arrived at the door to Biology, and Alex held the door open for me, which surprised me. Back home no guy would ever hold the door for anyone unless they were trying to suck up to the teacher. I thanked him quietly and found a seat towards the back and Alex sat beside me. Just before the bell rang, the door opened and the seat on the other side of the walkway from me was filled by Emmett. No one else seemed to notice him though, so I almost figured I just imagined him coming in.
The whole class droned on forever, and as soon as the final bell rang I was already throwing my bookbag over my shoulder while everyone else was still realizing the ball had rung. Save for Emmett, who was already gone. Alex caught up with me again, I could already tell he was the kind of person that couldn't take a hint well, and we were soon joined by another girl, who introduced herself as Sam.
"Hey, I was just wondering. What's up with the Cullens? I sort of literally ran into Emmett this morning, and they seem...different," I commented.
"Oh, they're just really solitary," Alex replied.
"And hot," Sam added making both of us smile.
I nodded in agreement.
"He was looking at you the whole class, you know."