My Famous Last Words

Well That's Not Good

I laughed until I saw her expression, one of completely seriousness, then I looked at her, shocked, until I remembered how much I trip on things and broke my gaze.
The fact that apparently Emmett had been watching me the whole class made me feel kind of...excited, scared and...well a lot of different emotions. I decided to shake the feeling off, I get all excited way too easily sometimes.
Alex gave me directions to my next class, English, before walking off with Sam in the other direction.
Thankfully Emmett wasn't in my English class, I think I would have freaked out had he been, although apparently his sister...Alice was, with Edward. I only knew their names from paying attention during role call, something I rarely did. But occasionally knowing everyone's name helps. Unfortunately, Mason was in my class too, and what's just the icing on the cake is that Mr. Robson made us sit in alphabetical order. Go him.
"So how's the first day goin', little sis?" He asked, ruffling my hair.
I glared at him and fixed it before asking, "Fine. I thought you said we weren't going to talk to each other this morning, though?"
He shrugged and replied, "I decided Bri was the one I would really have to worry about."
"Mr. and Ms. Meyers, please refrain from talking during class, lest you enjoy detention," Mr. Robson said, smacking his ruler against our conjoined desk. I had a teacher like him in 7th grade, who always carried his ruler around with him as though he would die without it. Funny how I always had a headache after his class.
The rest of English and my 3rd period gym, which I was dismayed to find that I had with Emmett as well, and his other brother Jasper. At least I was lucky enough to know that on the first day of gym you never actually did anything, aside from listening to the coach telling you what you were going to do that quarter in the class.
The rest of the day passed without any special event, excluding the realization Emmett was in my art class as well, I was beginning to think I was being stalked. After I thought about it, I realized I had a class with at least one of his brothers or sisters. Kind of scary.
I met up with Mason and Bri at the end of the day at the car, being the last one. I literally had to pull Bri out of the front passenger seat, a continual argument between us, and Mason pulled out of the space, only to be immediately stopped by a huge Jeep. Mason immediately launched into a cussing spree, it didn't help that the windows of the Jeep were too dark to tell who was in it. I rolled my eyes.
"Mason! Shut up! You freaking out over it isn't going to make them move! You can't really be that eager to be home. I already have homework," I grumbled.
By some stroke of luck, my yelling at him seemed to actually make him shut up, something that rarely happens, and he played his iPod instead. We pulled out of the parking lot ten minutes later only because Mason had backed up and found another way out of the parking lot, much to his annoyance, and pulled onto the short stretch of highway to our house.
"Take the wheel, will you?" Mason asked.
I didn't feel like using the energy to ask why, and reached over and steered until I realized smoke was coming from the hood. Mason was too busy shrugging out of his oversized jacket to notice.
"Umm, Mason? We've got a problem."
"There's smoke coming from the hood," I told him.
He froze with both his arms still in his jacket and stared in horror out the windshield. "Shit." He slammed on brakes and jumped out, with me and Bri following closely.
"What happened?" I asked.
"I don't know!" He yelled and continued to try to find something, occasionally touching something.
"You know, I'm not all smart about cars at all, but I know you're supposed to wait to touch anything in the hood until after everything's cooled down," Bri said.
"For once she's right," I agreed.
He huffed and crossed his arms, probably just humoring us.
I grabbed my iPod and sat on the ground with my back against the front left tire, until I realized another car was pulling up behind ours. I looked closer to realize the car was the same from the parking lot. The huge, green Jeep.
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Sorry it's taken so long to get this out. I would really appreciate comments and such :]