My Famous Last Words


At lunch I wasn't feeling very hungry, so I went straight to the cafeteria. I had told Alex and Sam about the offer to sit with the Cullens at lunch, and they said I should, although I wasn't going to unless Alice or Bella brought it up. I had enough experience to know that.
I hadn't even realized I was walking by the same table Alice was sitting at, or even that I had come close enough that she could grab my arm and pull hard enough to send me to what should be the ground, but instead I found myself inches above the floor with Emmett's strong arms holding me up. I blushed and immediately straightened myself up and thanked him quietly before sliding onto an empty seat next to Alice.
"You could have just gotten my attention, I would have sat with you," I informed her, fake glaring.
She only returned my glare with a smile. "I know."
The others returned to talking, none of them touching their food in front of them. I asked Alice about it, but she seemed to not want to talk about it, replying only with an "I guess no one's really hungry today."
"Out of a group of five, no one's hungry?" I questioned again.
"Guess not."
I realized each of them were glancing at me occasionally, as though I could possibly make them uncomfortable. I take a blow to my already low self esteem level every time I look at them.

Lunch was quite possibly the most awkward one I had ever sat through, and I was way too glad when it was over. As soon as the bell rang I jumped up, throwing my bag over my shoulder and marched off to art.
When I arrived I was mortified to realize the only seat left was in front of Emmett. Where do I get my luck from? I gotta remember to thank them later, I thought, pulling out the chair and sitting down.
"Okay, so the assignment is to draw the person sitting opposite you. You have the rest of class today to finish it, it doesn't have to be perfect, I just want to see what you guys can do. Go!" The eccentric art teacher said quite theatrically.
The whole time we were drawing, Emmett barely looked at me, which was definitely the way I would rather it be. Better than having him glaring at me the whole time, like he was doing the one time I caught him looking at me. By the end of class, I had almost finished, and I immediately deemed it terrible. I comforted myself knowing that pretty much no matter who drew a picture of him, it wouldn't do him justice, though. He let his drawing book fall to the table and I was astonished to see his drawing might as well have been a picture of me it was so accurate.
The teacher told us to put our names on them and pass them up, and I did so while doing my best not to let Emmett see. I knew he had though when I passed it up, he corners of his mouth turned up, then he forced himself to frown again.
This guy sure is some bipolar freak, I thought, grabbing my book bag again after the bell rang and meeting up with Alex and Sam outside. I guess they'd memorized my schedule. Kind of creepy, but whatever.

After school I waited for Mason and Bri at the car, and as soon as he showed up I claimed my chance to drive. He didn't even argue, which immediately made m suspicious. He always wanted to drive. I decided to ignore the voice in the back of my head telling me something was wrong, and pulled out of the parking lot as soon as Bri shut her door.
At a rd light, I put in a Lostprophets CD, and was singing along as I pressed the gas after the light turned green.
"Oh my- Jenna!" Bri screamed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Standing on the rooftop
Everybody scream your heart out
This is all we got now
Everybody scream your heart out

-Rooftops (A Liberation Broadcast) by Losprophets

yay short chapters! please comment, i love reading what you guys have to say!