My Famous Last Words

No Problem

"Jenna? Jenna, can you hear me? Can you talk?" A voice asked.
I groaned.
"Great! That's good, you don't need to do anything. Does anything hurt?" The voice asked again.
"Ma head an' my arm," I slurred.
"Okay, we got everything then. Are you tired? Hungry?"
"Uh uh," I replied no, still not opening my eyes.
"Jeff, leave her alone, she's hardly conscious," another voice said further away but coming closer.
Jeff must have gone, because the new doctor quietly said, "Jenna? Would you mind opening your eyes for me?"
I opened them a little, but shut them tight immediately, the room was freakishly bright. I tried to open them again slowly this time, and managed to keep them open.
"Great. Can you look side to side for me?"
I looked to the right, then the left and froze. "I-is that...Mason?" I whispered the last part.
He sighed. "Yes, he is. I'm very sorry, but we don't know if he'll make it or not."
I stared at him, tears welling up in my eyes. "A-and Bri?"
"She's fine, she's actually sitting outside right now if you'd like to see her?" He motioned to the hallway behind him, although I didn't look. I didn't want to look anywhere near in the direction of the bed holding Mason.
I nodded and he stepped outside and was replaced with Bri, who looked possibly as scared as I felt. I wonder if my fear was as obvious as hers. I Immediately tried to look braver, although I secretly knew it would be a futile effort.
"Where are Mom and Dad?" I asked.
"They came by earlier, I think they're out finding something to eat, Doctor Cullen nearly had to pull them out of the hospital. If Mom could, she'd be handcuffed to both your and Mason's bed.
That sounded like my mom.
"And Will?"
"Asleep on the chair outside. He's been awake for the past day hoping you would wake up."
We continued to talk in the most civil manner I could remember in the past six years until my parents came back for a few hours, then the doctor from earlier came in and informed them visiting hours were over. Believe me, my mom took up to the last second she had, too.
For the first time I realized my mom had brought my bookbag filled with my iPod, cell phone, my favorite books, and a drawing pad.

I drew for a little over an hour until I heard the most annoying beeping sound. I looked around and forgot to stop myself from looking over at Mason. The monitor next to him was changing so quickly I couldn't read what it was saying. My eyes widened and I repeatedly pressed the nurse call button. The nicer doctor from earlier ran in and was followed by other nurses, who blocked my view of Mason. I barely noticed Emmett and Jasper walk in the room and stand against the back wall.
I sat up quickly, not caring whether my head could kill me or not, and attempted to stand, trying to get closer to Mason. I was stopped from falling by Emmett, although I didn't let my thoughts stray from Mason. I struggled against his grip but he was too strong and pulled me to his spot next to Jasper, where I cried until the beeping stopped and everyone stepped away from the bed, resigned.
Seeing them give up made me cry harder. "Don't stop! What are you doing? Help him!" I screamed at them, but they ignored me and left the room, now only Emmett, Jasper and the doctor were left with me, all staring either at Mason or at me.
"Emmett get her out of here," the doctor said.
Apparently there was some hidden meaning in the words, although Emmett did pull me out of the room, but not quickly enough for me to not see he lean over Mason and Jasper shut the door after us, an anxious expression on his face.
"Stop. Stop. Shh. Quiet. He'll be okay, Carlisle's going to help him, he'll be fine," Emmett whispered, although I was still too preoccupied believing Mason was dead to listen.
He sat me down in a chair in the hallway, a few doors down from my room and let me cry. I was more or less done crying when I felt something rush by, although I couldn't see anything. Great, I'm going insane now I thought.
"What was that?" I asked.
"What was what?"
"Something just went by. Just now. You didn't feel that?"
He shook his head slowly, his expression now anxious as well.
I decided to drop the subject, I was beat, it had been a long day. We had barely made it back to my room before I was asleep. "Thanks Emmett," I whispered before I fell asleep.
"No problem," he replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
We'll be together forever
And that's a promise, promise
Can't live a second without you
Got to be honest, honest

- I Love You To Death by Family Force 5

:O Whoa! Readers went from 37 at Chapter 4 to 58 on Chapter 5! Wowzers, thanks you!