My Famous Last Words

Can You Say Vampire?

I was woken the next morning by loud noises in the next room over, and as soon as I did I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. A few minutes later, Carlisle as Emmett had referred to him came in and smiled when he saw that I was awake. I smiled slightly back, then remembered yesterday's events and nearly cried again, but I didn't let myself. It was embarrassing enough once.
"I'm so sorry, Jenna. There wasn't anything left we could do," he said quietly, sitting down on a chair next to the wall.
I nodded. "It's okay. I know."
He smiled and nodded.
Just then a piercing pain erupted in my head. I bent over and clutched it, trying not to scream. Strong hands pried my hands from my head, and after what seemed like forever I felt myself being lifted, although I had no idea where to. A hand was pressed over my mouth, to prevent from screaming, but I was forcing myself not to anyway.
A time span of seemingly a lifetime went by before I was set down again. A few seconds passed before the burning erupted in my arms, neck, hands, legs, everywhere. I clenched my teeth to stop from screaming, although I barely did.

There was no possible way for me to tell how long had passed when the pain finally started to go away. I realized I could easily hear voices all around me, although they were very quiet. One voice stood out among the others, one I immediately recognized as Mason's.
"Mason," I whispered. The voices immediately stopped.
"Y-yes? I'm here," his voice sounded much closer this time.
I slowly opened my eyes only to see a ceiling. I slowly sat up, taking in my surroundings. It seemed like the entire Cullen family was here, their gazes following my every move. Mason was only a few feet from me.
"Am I dead? You died. I'm dead-" I said.
"You're not dead, Jenna. You're alive," Mason interrupted.
I stared at him for a minute before standing and throwing my arms around Mason, who hugged me back. I realized the Cullens behind him all stepped forward simultaneously. I slowly released Mason and looked at them, confused.
"Did I do something?" I asked.
"More like you didn't do something," I heard Edward say.
"You lost me," I said.
"Maybe we should go downstairs and talk," Carlisle suggested quietly, already starting out the door.
I followed everyone else downstairs and sat down on the couch next to Mason, where Esme motioned for us and waited for someone to start talking.
"Well, Mason, Jenna. Surely you've noticed something about all of us that's different from other people, correct?" Carlisle started.
I nodded.
He listed the differences, most that I was aware of, and others that I wasn't, although I probably would have been had I been more observant. "Have you been taught much mythology?" He asked.
"Umm, a little about Greek and Roman, although I never really paid attention," I said with an embarrassed smile at the end.
He smiled kindly. "It's okay, Greek and Roman really were myths. Do you think you know what we all are?"
I started to shake my head but he stopped me.
"Just think, both of you. I'm sure you'll come up with it."
I thought about everything he had said and gasped. "Me too?"
Carlisle nodded.
I looked down at myself and lifted an arm. I still felt mostly the same.
"I'm still not getting it," Mason said.
"Dude. Retard. Vampire," I said.
♠ ♠ ♠
attention, attention
may i have all your eyes and ears
to the front of the room if only
if only for one second

-attention by the academy is...

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