My Famous Last Words


Realization visibly dawned on him seconds after I said the words. "Whoa..." he said.
I only sat there for a few more seconds, not really knowing what to do or say. Apparently no one else really did either.
The phone rang, but no one answered it .The voicemail picked up. "
"Umm, hi. It's Brianna. I was just wondering-" it was instantly cut off as Emmett pulled the whole phone stand from the wall and dropped it on the counter.
By now I realized everyone had left except for Mason, me, Carlisle, Esme and Emmett. I stood up and told them I was going for a walk and was gone before anyone could say anything.
I was only a few hundred feet from the house before I heard someone following me. I spun around on the spot to see Emmett slowly walking after me.
He raised his hands in a defensive gesture and said, "Sorry, it would just have been a bad idea to let either of you go off by yourself."
I narrowed my eyes at him and wondered why it would be so bad to let us off on our own. Not like we couldn't take care of ourselves.
When I voiced my question and opinion to Emmett, he laughed a little and replied, "Yeah, you would be able to take care of yourself but not the other people here."
"You lost me."
He smiled and stood next to me. "Well, when someone is recently...changed, they aren't really...normal. Usually just the scent of a human makes them go crazy. When they do, they don't think and immediately just go after the person, which can be a big risk for the others if they're caught. Although, apparently you're a little different."
I nodded, taking in all the new information. "Why am I different?"
"We're not really sure. Mason was the same way." Suddenly he stopped and turned slightly back towards the house. He turned back to me and said, "One sec, I'll be right back." And was gone. I barely had time to realize this before he was back again.
"Whoa! What was that?" I asked.
"You were there and then you were gone! How'd you do that?"
"You can too," he said smiling.
He only nodded in response.
"I wanna try!" I smiled jumping up and down.
"Go ahead. Follow the leader."
I took in a deep breath and threw one leg in front of the other. My mind could barely process how fast I was going, although I could see every single thing around me perfectly. I ran for about five minutes before I had no idea where I was, so I stopped almost immediately, Emmett stopped right next to me.
"I don't know where I am anymore," I informed him.
He laughed and turned around. "Let's go then."

We arrived back home only a few minutes later. I burst through the front door to see Mason still were I had left him.
"Mason! I'm fast! It's awesome! You gotta try it-" I stopped myself when I saw his expression.
"Monster," he kept mumbling over and over again, along with occasionally mumbling Bri's name, or Mom and Dad's.
"Mason? You okay? Say something else!" I sat down next to him only to have him stand up and walk over to the huge window taking up the whole side of the house. I slowly followed him. "What's wrong with him?" I asked Carlisle, who had no idea. I turned back to Mason and shook his shoulders. "Mason! Shut up and talk to me!"
"Stupid," he said, just as quietly as he had before, but at least now I knew he could hear me.
"He's fine. He just called me stupid," I turned back away from him again. "So what made him like that?" I asked.
"Well, Jenna. There's some things you need to know about our history," Carlisle said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Standing on the rooftop
Ready to fall
I think I'm on the edge now
But I could be wrong

-Ready to Fall by Rise Against

Sorry it's so short. I just felt like I should get something out here. Message?