My Famous Last Words

You've Already Got A Fan Group

" that may be why Mason's having this reaction," Carlisle finished.
I stared at him, then at Emmett, then out the window. "Wow," was all I could think of to say, but that hardly covered it.
"I guess I'll go find him."

Mason was outside sitting on the grass when I found him. I sat next to him and didn't say anything for a while. "You okay?" I asked.
"No," he replied shortly. "How could I be okay? Didn't they tell you?"
"They told me about their history, and I'm fine with it. They can't help how their history is or was they can't help how they are. We can't help who we are now. There's no sense in moping about it when you don't have any choice, Mason."
We continued to talk for another hour or so, one of the few times we'd done so ever. When we got inside everyone was waiting for us in the living room.
"Something wrong?" I asked.
"Well, we were going to bring it up later, but circumstances have changed, and we have to tell you," Carlisle said. "No one knows you're...alive, and although I had declared you dead before I even changed you, and everyone believed me. But your parents are wondering what actually happened to your bodies, and I think that once they look for them and know they're not anywhere they can find, they'll give up trying to find them. So just in case, we're going to have to move."
"To where?" I asked.
"We have a few places here and there," he smiled.
I looked at everyone else's face, all of whom were looking at me and Mason as well. "I would feel really bad making you guys move because of us," I started but was interrupted.
"We would have had to move soon anyway," Emmett said. "People think it's kind of weird when you don't look any older over the years."
I wasn't completely sure I believed him, but I let it go. "If you say so."

So that's how we ended up in Canada, not very far from Forks, so it was still kind of dark and rainy all the time.
"This is boring as crap," I said one day, finally sick of not ever having anything to do. I was too used to never having enough time in the day for everything, now I have too much.
"So what do you think you should do?" Emmett smiled.
"I don't care! Something!" I replied.
"I've got an idea!" Esme said walking in the room. Sometimes this while vampires-hear-everything thing is kind of annoying.
"I know the feeling, Jenna," Edward smiled at me.
And the mind reading thing{i], I added.
He laughed.
Esme continued as though no one had said anything. "You haven't missed that much, how about you go back to school?"
I almost started laughing, then realized how serious she was being. "You're not joking, are you?"
She shook her head.
"That would be a great idea," Emmett said. "You need an education."
"I'm not sure how to react to that statement, so I'll let it go this once," I said fake glaring at him.
"That's nice."

"Welcome back to school, Jenna. Where all the fun is," Emmett joked.
"About as fun ripping your hair out."
"No, it is fun really."
"You're funny. Really, you are."
"Hi, you must be the Cullens," a lady in a red suit said approaching us.
"Yes, we are," Edward replied. "Pleased to meet you."
She smiled and led us to the main office where she handed each of us our schedules, and told us the routine locations of everything, etc.
"Pretty sneaky how you got our classes to be the same," I said. "Since I'm so stupid you'll be so bored."
He didn't seem to catch my sarcasm. "I was joking! Honest! I didn't mean-"
"Emmett. Shut up," I said covering his mouth with my hand and walking out the door to first period, Math. My favorite way to start out the day.
"You need to learn to be more obvious when you're sarcastic. It can be really hard to tell sometimes."
"Yeah, yeah." I said, looking at the surroundings. The hallways were the standard boring white, as well as the tiled floor Students were standing in front of their and their friends' lockers, talking and watching us, which kind of freaked me out. I've never been one for a lot of attention really. A group of girls, obviously the popular group, giggled as Emmeet and I walked by. "Congrations Emmett, you've already got yourself a group of fan girls."
♠ ♠ ♠
I've got a secret
Please don't repeat it
I took the chemicals
We took to make our chemistry

-Doctor by Cute Is What We Aim For

Sorry it took so long! I'll try to be faster from now on, I've been super busy!