‹ Prequel: Paparazzi Pandemonium

Hiding Heartache

Chapter One


To say the I’ve hit a rough patch in my life would be a huge understatement. For the past few months I have done nothing but live in fear. I see his face everywhere I go. I’m constantly checking over my shoulder to make sure he’s not following me. I wake up five times in the middle of the night, just to check and make sure all the doors and windows in the apartment are still locked. Everywhere I go I’m reminded of him. Of what happened. Emmett I’m sick of living in fear. I had to leave New York. The only bad part about that is that I have to leave you.

When Mom died. Everyone went into shock. No one knew what to do with me, no one except you. You were the only one that could get me to eat, the only one I would talk to for a long time. When every other twenty-two year old guy was out partying and meeting girls, you were staying in, raising you’re ten year old half sister. You are seriously the most amazing brother a girl could ask for, and I will never forget everything you’ve done for me. But as much as it kills me to leave you I think this is what is best for us. You can start live you life, and I can start to live mine without constantly being afraid.

I don’t deserve a brother as caring as you. And you don’t deserve a sister like me. You deserve a sister who is stronger than I am. You deserve a sister who doesn’t dwell on the past. You deserve a sister you won’t leave while you’re at work, one who won’t leave without any waring. You deserve one who won’t leave at all.

Aunt Kate and Uncle Dan we’re shocked when I called and asked to move in with them, but agreed to welcome me with open arms. I told them not to mention it to you. I tol[]d them I would give you time to adjust to this idea before I left, but I lied. I knew that if I told you in person you would convince me to stay, and I couldn’t risk it. Emmett I had to leave. Please don’t get mad and Kate and Dan, they thought you knew...(and do you mind if we keep it that way? I don’t want them to hate me off the bat.)

Anyways, I should be well on my way to good old Dallas Texas. My flight should land about an hour after you read this (presuming you come in at the usual time) so I’ll call you in about two, after I get to my new abode. Please don’t be mad Emmett. It hurts to picture you’re face as you’re reading this. I don’t even want to imagine what it’s gonna be like to not see you everyday. But know that I’m not doing this to hurt you. I’m doing this to help me. I hope you understand.



“Regan McCarty?” I heard the man ask. He was a chubby man, his black hair was peppered with gray and was slicked back with a whole lot of gel. He was wearing a black sports jacket with matching slacks, his white collared shirt was tucked into his pants. He was wearing a black belt and tie to complete the look, making me feel under dressed in my purple Juicy Couture sweats and my tan Ugg boots.

“That’s Me” I said in my happiest voice, a fake smile plastered on my face. I’d become good at that lately. Faking happiness.

“My name is Paul, I’m going to be your driver today.” He said “Please, let me take your bags.”

“Thank you” I replied, handing him the duffel and the rolling suit case I got out of baggage claim and followed him to the car.

“Your Aunt and Uncle wanted me to apologize again for not being able to pick you up.” He said after opening the door the black Escalade for me, putting my bags in the trunk and hopping in the drivers seat. “But they’ll be at the house when we get there.”

“Sounds good.” I answered, leaning my head against the glass of the window as we pulled out of the airport. Everything about this place looked familiar. Emmett and I had come here for Christmas every year until I was fifteen, and even though I hadn’t been back sense it all looked the same. I took my cell phone out of my oversized purse and turned it back on for the first time sense I left New York.

9 Missed Calls
Home (4)
Emmett Cell (5)

I shuttered when I saw all the call’s from Emmett, his was freaking out. Not that I could blame him, I shouldn’t have left him with so little warning. He has done nothing but provide and care for me and this is how I repay him. After putting my cell phone back in my bag I looked out the window again. As we got closer, I took in all of the familiar landmarks. The community center, the shopping center, the park where Emmett broke his arm, everything looked exactly the same until we pulled into the neighborhood.

“Oh not again” I heard Paul mumble under his looked out the window and saw the four teenage girls trying to hope the fence into the neighborhood.

“Again? This is normal?” I asked confused.

“Well, it use to be a lot worse before they upped the security.” He replied nonchalantly before looking out the window again to see to see the same girls crying as they we’re being pulled away from the fence by two security guards. He typed the entrance code into the key-pad. “Ever sense these boys moved in the place has been insane. The... Bonus Boys I think they’re called, some Disney band, but ever sense these teenage girls are going insane, crying, screaming. It’s a madhouse I tell you.”

“The Bonus Boys? Never heard of them.” I sighed as we pulled into the neighborhood and took in my new soundings.

I noticed a pretty blonde girl who looked to be about sixteen being chased around the yard a boy who looked to be about the same age. He had a mop of dark brown curls on her head, he wrapped his arms around the giggling blondes waist and twirled her around in a circle before setting her down so that she was facing him. They both smiled widely before he leaned down. He looked like he was about to kiss her when three kids, one a girl, about three or four, and two boys who could be no older than eight came out and started shooting water guns at them. As the drive continued I didn’t notice anything of interest. A man mowing the yard, a woman walking a dog. Nothing out of the norm.

It was after we pulled into Aunt Kate and Uncle Dan’s drive way that I saw him. He was by the mailbox of the house next door. His brown hair was choppy and disheveled, like he had just woken up with a bad case of bed head. He had on a pair of glasses with black rims onto of his deep brown eyes that were boring back into mine. He was wearing a white v-neck t-shirt that showed off his muscular arms and gray sweat pants. When my eyes reached his face again, I noticed he was still starting at me, a crooked smile spread across his face and for the first time in a long time I felt a real smile grow on my face as well. He hesitated for a moment, and stepped forward, as if he were trying to approach me when I heard my aunt calling me from the front door of her home.

“REGAN!” She yelled “MY BABY GIRL IS ALL GROW UP, YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!” It didn’t even take a second for her to come down and pull me into a monster hug. “I can not believe how stunning you are!” She continued as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house, Uncle Dan following with my things. I turned around one last time to find that the boy had left. I don’t know what it was but something about him looked oddly familiar.
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yeah i was kind of worried that the first chapter might confuse people so i'll try to explain it. Regan use to live with her brother Emmett, but she ran away to move in with her aunt and uncle. something happened that made her want to leave NYC but you won't find out what that is until later. Her aunt and uncle live in the same neighborhood as the Jonas Brothers and the couple she see outside is Annie and Nick. And the boy she sees next door is Joe. I wanted to make this story 50% Joe and 50% Nick. Hope That Helped!

UGHH I know this chapter is a horrible way to set up a series but the others will be better I promise. I had a really good chapter written for this and my computer died before I got to save it! Sp anyways the rest of the chapters WILL be longer and WILL be better!