Adie?! How Could You Do This To Me?!

Adie?! How Could You Do This To Me?!, part 1

**Billie Joe's House**
"Adie!" a fimilar voice called. "Adie!!" The voice getting closer...

Billie Joe has been worried about her for weeks. She has been ignoring him for the past few months. Billie Joe had no clue why...until one Saturday night when he had enough and walked into her room to see another guy in bed with her.

** In Adie's Room with Tre, Adie, And Billie Joe**
"Wait Billie Joe! It's not what It looks like."
"Then why are you in bed with..."
"Because she love me more than you Billie Joe!" Tre interupts Billie Joe.
"Adie... Is this true?" Billie Joe asks trying not to cry

Adie sighs as she trys to say the truth to Billie Joe... "Well Billie... sweetie. It's not that I don't love you, it's just that Tre is so much nicer than you." As Adie sighed.

Adie has always loved Billie Joe. Until the one night he forgot about her and got drunk and cheated on her. Now as she thought sitting next to Tre. "Billie Joe deserves this...he CHEATED on me first!" Then as she looked into Billie's eyes. She knew she couldn't be with him anymore..then she looked into Tre's eyes and knew he would be there for him no matter what. "Billie Joe I'm so sorry." Adie said as she took of her wedding ring and handed It to her husband or should I say ex-husband.

As he looked at the ring Adie gave back to him he felt something he never felt before in a long time. Billie Joe felt anger.,pain and most of all heartbroken. As tears rolled down his face he shook his head, "Adie!! How could you do this to me?! What about Joey and Jakob...They need us to be together!"

As Tre laid next to Adie he realized how much he loves her. The way she looked, talked, made people laugh, everything about her. But he didnt even care she was Billie Joe's wife... he had just had the time of his life all night with Adie. The girl he liked maybe even loved since he first saw her. "Billie Joe..." he began "I'm so sorry I never told you about this."